eric 1xbet best casino website Brandom

Visiting Assistant Professor
Associate Managing Editor, Kansas 1xbet best casino website : A Journal of the Central Plains
Office: Calvin 203

Eric BrandomI teach modern Western Civilization and World 1xbet best casino website surveys, as well as topics courses in Caribbean, European, and Ancient Roman 1xbet best casino website .

My research is in modern European intellectual 1xbet best casino website , particularly the 1xbet best casino website of political and social thought. I received my PhD from Duke University in 2012, along with a certificate in European Studies. My book project, titled Autonomy and Violence: Georges Sorel and the Problem of Liberalism, looks especially to France around 1900 to ask how older traditions of liberal and socialist thought met or failed to meet the challenges of a newly liberal and democratic polity. Sorel lead me to an interest in labor 1xbet best casino website , the 1xbet best casino website of social thought, and in a subsidiary way the histories of science and philosophy. Other research and teaching interests include the Black Atlantic, literary theory, the Enlightenment, and, of course, the search for the perfect donut.

Selected publications

Georges Sorel’s “Study on Vico”: Translation, Edition, and Introduction (co-authored with Tommaso Giordani) Radboud Studies in the Humanities, Brill. 2019.

“‘Le mot du poète, le mot primitif’: Aimé Césaire and Vico’s Civic Humanism,” in Ghaffar ed. 1xbet best casino website , Imperialism, Critique: New Essays in World Literature. Routledge, 2018.

“Violence in Translation: Georges Sorel, Liberalism, and Totalitarianism from Weimar to Woodstock.” 1xbet best casino website of Political Thought, 38:4, 2017. 733-763.

“Georges Sorel’s Diremption: Hegel, Marxism, and Anti-Dialectics.” 1xbet best casino website of European Ideas, 42:7, 2016, 937-50.

“Liberalism and Rationalism at the Revue de métaphysique et de morale, 1902-1903.” French Historical Studies. 39:4, 2016. 749-780.

“L’institution et l’esthétique: Sorel, Vico, & Croce.” Mil-neuf-cent: Revue d’histoire intellectuelle. no 32, 2014. 125-147.

Courses taught

  • HIST 102 – Western Civilization: The Modern Era
  • HIST 112 – World 1xbet best casino website since 1450
  • HIST 301 - Games & 1xbet best casino website
  • HIST 533 – Pirates, Plantations, and Empire: Caribbean 1xbet best casino website 1450-1950
  • HIST 566/CLSCS 502 – 1xbet best casino website of Ancient Rome
  • HIST 572 – 19th Century Europe
  • HIST 573 - 20th Century Europe