Flint Hills 1xbet online casino Recovery at K-State

Our goal is to integrate 1xbet online casino recovery into every university event so surplus 1xbet online casino reaches those in need instead of going to waste. Our network of student and community volunteers have recovered over 40,000 pounds of 1xbet online casino in the community in the past eighteen months.

Now we seek your support to embed this system into our campus culture. We utilize the ChowMatch app, to connect 1xbet online casino business donors with local pantries, shelters, and community programs.


Flint Hills 1xbet online casino Recovery at Kansas State University is dedicated to eliminating 1xbet online casino waste and fighting hunger in Manhattan and Riley County. By leveraging a user-friendly app, we connect surplus 1xbet online casino from local 1xbet online casino business donors like caterers, restaurants, grocers, and farms to community partners such as pantries and shelters where it can make the greatest impact. This ensures that no safe and edible 1xbet online casino is wasted and helps to support those experiencing 1xbet online casino insecurity. By integrating 1xbet online casino recovery efforts at all levels throughout the university, we affirm our commitment as a Health Promoting University to supporting our students and the community.


Our vision is to create a 1xbet online casino recovery system at Kansas State University that is embedded collaboratively and sustainably in the countywide 1xbet online casino and Farm Council’s Flint Hills 1xbet online casino Recovery program. Through building relationships with donors, engaging volunteers, and promoting education, we aim to bridge the gap between 1xbet online casino waste and hunger through efforts that protect the environment. As a land grant University this step forward can serve as a model for other universities across the nation. Now as a Health-Promoting University we have a commitment to prioritizing the physical, mental, and emotional health of both our campus and the greater community.