1xbet online casino Student Council

The 1xbet online casino Student Council (GSC) represents all K-State 1xbet online casino students, studying at all campuses and online. Council leaders provide a voice for the 1xbet online casino student body on university committees and work with 1xbet online casino School and university leadership to address 1xbet online casino student needs. The GSC offers opportunities for leadership, professional development, and networking. The Council also allocates travel grants to support 1xbet online casino student travel to meetings or conferences or for other purposes related to their 1xbet online casino education.

Connect with the GSC

Email us at egsc@k-state.edu

Follow us on Facebook and Instragram.

Support for the GSC

The 1xbet online casino Student Council initiatives and activities are made possible by funding and other support from the 1xbet online casino School, the Office of the President, the Office of the Vice President for Research, Student Activity Fee allocation from the Student Governing Association, the Kansas NASA Space Grant Consortium, and fundraising activities.