Graduate School 1xbet online casino

Fall 2020 1xbet online casino Ceremonies

Due to a rapid, uncontrolled increase in positive COVID-19 cases in our campus communities and throughout the state, Kansas State University is canceling commencement activities scheduled for Nov. 20-22. This includes ceremonies scheduled for the Manhattan and Salina campuses. The university 1xbet online casino hold a virtual recognition in December with details to be announced.

1xbet online casino for Graduates and Graduate Faculty

1xbet online casino for Guests

All ceremonies at Bramlage are open to the public and do not require a ticket. Lobby doors at Bramlage open at noon. We ask that all guests be seated no later than 12:45 p.m. to assure a smooth start of the ceremony. Guests should enter the coliseum’s northwest or northeast doors and proceed directly to the seating area. The ceremony 1xbet online casino last approximately 90 minutes.


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