Appendix C: 1xbet online casino Student Reinstatement Procedure

An individual who has been denied continued enrollment may petition for reinstatement to the K-State 1xbet online casino School and readmission to the same program or admission to a different program. Petitions are heard by a committee of the 1xbet online casino Council and a decision is rendered by the Dean of the 1xbet online casino School.

A. Guidelines for Reinstatement

  1. The petitioner must contact the 1xbet online casino Program Director of the program to which she/he wishes to be reinstated or admitted.
  2. The petitioner must obtain the support of the 1xbet online casino program to which she/he wishes to be reinstated or admitted.
  3. The petitioner must write a letter to the Dean of the 1xbet online casino School petitioning for reinstatement.
  4. The supporting 1xbet online casino program must send a letter to the Dean of the 1xbet online casino School indicating their willingness to support the individual’s petition for reinstatement to K-State 1xbet online casino School specifying any conditions.
  5. Upon receipt of the letters indicated above, the Associate Dean of the 1xbet online casino School will appoint a committee and schedule a hearing with the petitioner and program representative. The Associate Dean of the 1xbet online casino School will appoint, from the membership of the 1xbet online casino Council, three committee members, including one 1xbet online casino student. A member of the 1xbet online casino School staff will be selected as secretary (without vote).

B. Hearing

  1. Prior to participation of the petitioner and program representative, the hearing will be called to order by the Associate Dean of the 1xbet online casino School who chairs the committee (without vote). The role of the committee will be presented and discussed.
  2. The petitioner will then be asked to participate in the hearing. The petitioner will have the option of having a program representative present during the hearing.
  3. The chair will request the petitioner to present an overview of his/her request.
  4. The committee may question the petitioner to obtain information needed to help in determining the decision to support or not support the reinstatement request.
  5. The petitioner will be given an opportunity to summarize his/her request. The petitioner then will be dismissed from the hearing.
  6. The chair will invite the program representative, if not already present, to join the hearing.
  7. The committee will ask the program representative questions regarding the program's support for the petition. The program representative will then be dismissed from the hearing.
  8. The committee will deliberate and a motion will be made and approved either to support the petition with or without specific conditions, or not to support the petition.
  9. The chair will submit the committee's recommendation to the Dean of the 1xbet online casino School who will make the final decision.
  10. A decision letter will be sent to the petitioner with copies to members of the committee, department head, 1xbet online casino program director and program representative.
  11. The petitioner's letter, letter of support from the 1xbet online casino program, recommendation of the committee to the Dean of the 1xbet online casino School, and the response from the Dean of the 1xbet online casino School shall be placed in a file by the hearing committee chair. This file shall be retained in the 1xbet online casino School for at least three years following the conclusion of the reinstatement hearing. Each party may, at its own expense, copy the record or any part thereof at a place and time to be determined by the Dean of the 1xbet online casino School.

C. Enforcement of the 1xbet online casino School's Decision

The Dean of the 1xbet online casino School has the authority and responsibility to enforce the decision.