1xbet online sports betting School Bulletin

May 14, 2024

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Welcome to Summer

Faculty and Staff



1xbet online sports betting Student Success

Upcoming Events and Deadlines

Welcome to Summer 2024!

The 1xbet online sports betting School would like to wish everyone a wonderful summer! We hope your 2023-2024 academic year was great and we look forward to the next!

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Faculty and Staff

1xbet online sports betting Handbook changes for 2024-2025

The 1xbet online sports betting Council made a number of changes to the 1xbet online sports betting Handbook during the 2023-2024 academic year. The detailed changes are available on the Grad Resources web page (for those who have access). The significant changes are summarized here.

    1. Removed redundancies where any items in Chapters 1 through 5 of the Handbook were listed in more than one section or duplicated material in the University Handbook.
    2. Clarification of student admission categories: degree seeking, special (accelerated), credential seeking (certificates), and visiting (non-degree seeking). Chapter 1.C.
    3. Allowing optional culminating experiences and a single member of a supervisory committee for students pursuing the coursework option for a Master’s degree. Chapter 2.
    4. Clarification of probation procedures, Chapter 2.F, revalidation procedures for courses more than 7 years old, Chapter 2.J4, and accelerated program requirements, Chapter 2.K3.
    5. Clarification of the 1xbet online sports betting faculty status policy and procedures including the explicit distinction of the two tracks to membership (Dean vs. 1xbet online sports betting Council approvals), and the effect of retirement. Chapter 5.
    6. Placing a 5-year time limit on 1xbet online sports betting faculty status for faculty from other institutions, Chapter 5.D1, and extending the term for associate membership from 3 to 5 years, Chapter 5.D5.
    7. Specifying 1xbet online sports betting faculty membership procedures for professionals from outside academia as supervisory committee members. Chapter 5.D9.

For further information, please contact Timon Smock, gradinfo@ksu.edu.

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1xbet online sports betting Milestones Dashboard update

Access to the 1xbet online sports betting Milestones Dashboard was impacted by the IT breach earlier this year. The dashboard currently is not accessible. The Office of Data, Assessment and Institutional Research, or DAIR, is working on restoring dashboard access. We are unable to provide a date or timeframe when access will be restored. We will notify department heads and 1xbet online sports betting program directors when the dashboard is accessible again.

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Upcoming Events and Deadlines

1xbet sports betting School events and major dates

Doctoral defenses

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June Slate Showcase: Recruitment

The June Slate Showcase will be held June 11 from 1:00pm- 2:00pm via Zoom. This session will cover how recruitment will be structured. It will also give more information on how assigned recruiters will be structured and that functionality in Slate.

Please RSVP for this session by June 6 at 5 pm.

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Slate CRM Implementation for 1xbet online sports betting School - Update

    • We held our last meeting with Carnegie for this portion of the implementation on April 29th. Moving forward will be supported by our CRM team.
    • We had our first meeting to begin the historical data migration. We will bring in 5 years worth of data from Salesforce, CollegeNet, and KSIS into Slate.
    • We loaded 23,491 records into Slate from Salesforce.
    • Our final faculty task force meeting was last week. A representative from each college has been testing the application review process to provide feedback. Thank you to everyone who served on that task force.

The current timeline is as follows:

    • Phase 1- Completed
      • Building Records, Forms, Events, and Communications
    • Phase 2- Completed
      • The Application form developed
    • Phase 3- Completed
      • Workflows designed
    • Recruitment Launch: Salesforce date has been migrated
    • Final Implementation meeting with Carnegie: Complete
    • Application Launch: June 2024
    • Historical Data Migration into Slate by May 31st

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Fall 2024 international admissions update

Here is a current report on international 1xbet online sports betting admissions for the Fall 2024 semester.

Degree Applied Admitted Committed
Doctoral 846 248 138
Masters 606 275 202

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1xbet online sports betting Student Success

Spring 2024 commencement summary

The 1xbet online sports betting School graduated 733 students this past Friday at Bramlage Coliseum. Of those 733 graduates, there were 516 in attendance! These are the statistics for the graduating class:

    • 637 master's and 96 doctoral
    • 27 master’s students self-report as active-duty service members or veterans.
    • 5 doctoral students self-report as active-duty service members or veterans.
    • 55% identify as females and 45% identify as males
    • 46% are from Kansas
    • 54% are from other places
    • 91 are international students
    • The youngest master’s student is 21 and the oldest is 67
    • The youngest doctoral student is 25 and the oldest is 58
    • The 1xbet online sports betting students who travelled the furthest to pursue 1xbet online sports betting studies at K-State are from: Sri Lanka (9,175 miles), and India (8,291 miles)
    • 35 students from the first cohort graduating from the Physician Assistant Program at K-State!

We will continue to work to make commencement a great experience for everyone involved. If you have feedback for us, please send it to Miranda Schremmer, mquint@ksu.edu.

The 1xbet online sports betting School would like to thank all of those that participated in making this a successful event for our graduates. We had a record number of 175 hooding and non-hooding faculty members participate!

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Getting Started sessions for incoming 1xbet online sports betting students

In June, the 1xbet online sports betting School will host a series of “Getting Started” Zoom sessions to support incoming students with their onboarding at K-State and with the start of their 1xbet online sports betting career. The 1xbet online sports betting School will be sending Information about these sessions directly to 1xbet online sports betting students admitted for the summer and fall 2024 semesters. We appreciate help from 1xbet online sports betting programs with sharing this information with students. All sessions will be recorded and made available for students who are unable to attend live.

Session topics and times:

    • June 3 – Enrollment, Billing, and Making Payments, 10:00am
    • June 5 – Making Your Move to the U.S., 9:00am
    • June 11 – Preparing for Your Assistantship, 1:00pm
    • June 17 – Making Your Move to the U.S., 9:00am

Welcome session for all new 1xbet online sports betting students, August 14

Please also save the date for the 1xbet online sports betting School’s welcome session for new 1xbet online sports betting students on August 14.

    • Virtual offering: 9:00 – 10:30am
    • In-person offering, 2:00-4:00pm, location to be determined

Visit the 1xbet online casino Student section of our website for more information. Questions may be directed to Dr. Megan Miller (mmmiller@ksu.edu, 532-6191).

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Upcoming Events and Deadlines

June 1 Deadline to apply for GSC travel award for events that begin anytime in August

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