1xbet online sports betting School Bulletin

April 30, 2024

Table of contents

Click on a category name to view that section or click on a headline to read the full announcement.

Articles of interest

Faculty and Staff



1xbet online sports betting Student Success

Opportunities for 1xbet online sports betting Students

Funding and awards for 1xbet online sports betting students

Upcoming Events and Deadlines

Articles of interest

Transforming doctoral education for the future of work

Explore this article on the need for reshaping doctoral education to equip students with skills for success in a rapidly changing job market. Read the article in “Inside Higher Ed.”

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Faculty and Staff

The 1xbet online sports betting Student and Faculty Celebration was a success

The end-of-the year celebration for 1xbet online sports betting students and 1xbet online sports betting faculty was a success! On April 28, over 400 1xbet online sports betting students, faculty, leaders and administrators, and guests, filled the College of Business Building atrium to enjoy great food and the opportunity to network with students and faculty from outside their home academic unit. All academic colleges were represented by attendees and were recognized with badge ribbons for each college. Additionally, 1xbet online sports betting students who received awards this academic year were recognized with an “award recipient” ribbon and were featured on a slideshow playing throughout the event. This year’s event was a combination of the previously held President’s Reception for 1xbet online sports betting Students and the GSC Awards and Recognition Reception. We invite you to view a collection of photos from the event.

The celebration was coordinated by the 1xbet online sports betting School and 1xbet online sports betting Student Council in partnership and with generous sponsorship from the President Linton’s Office.

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1xbet online sports betting Faculty Mentor Award recognition

Last academic year, we created the 1xbet online sports betting Faculty Mentor Award. The number of nominations and nominees has increased this year. Fifty-seven 1xbet online sports betting students nominated 47 1xbet online sports betting faculty members for this recognition. All nominees supported 1xbet online sports betting student participation in this year’s research forums (Research and the State, 3MT, K-GRAD) and received a congratulations note from the 1xbet online sports betting School.

This year’s recipients of the 1xbet online sports betting Faculty Mentor Award are:

    • Dr. Susmita Rishi, Landscape Architecture, Regional and Community Planning
    • Dr. Ajay Sharda, Biological and Agricultural Engineering

Honorable Mentions were awarded to:

    • Dr. Chelsea Spencer, Applied Human Sciences
    • Dr. Behzad Ghanbarian, Geology
    • Dr. Manreet Bhullar, Horticulture and Natural Resources

These faculty were recognized at the 1xbet online sports betting Student and Faculty Recognition Celebration where all faculty were recognized and acknowledged for their contribution to student success.

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Non-Hooding Faculty Commencement Participation

Faculty are invited to participate in the commencement ceremony on May 10, 2024 at 1pm. As it is customary, we reserve seats in section 6. Please fill out the Qualtrics survey to indicate your participation in the commencement ceremony. More information is available on the commencement website. For any questions about the ceremony, please contact Miranda Schremmer, mquint@ksu.edu.

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Hooding Faculty Commencement Participation

The 1xbet online sports betting School is finishing up collecting hooding information from all terminal degree candidates. Once the terminal degree candidate selects their hooding professor, the hooding professor will get a confirmation email from Qualtrics (candidates should have confirmed with you prior to filling out the survey). The deadline for collecting these responses is May 1st. The 1xbet online sports betting School will follow up with all hooding professors after the May 1st deadline. Questions about this process should be directed to Miranda Schremmer, mquint@ksu.edu.

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Deadline Approaching: Commerce Bank and WT Kemper Foundation Distinguished 1xbet online sports betting Faculty (DGF) Award

The 1xbet online sports betting School is accepting nominations for the 2024-2025 Commerce Bank Distinguished 1xbet online sports betting Faculty Award (DGF).

The DGF award honors current 1xbet online sports betting faculty members recognized nationally and internationally for their outstanding scholarly achievements and contributions to 1xbet online sports betting education at the university. Award recipients receive an honorarium, are recognized during the fall 1xbet online sports betting School commencement ceremony and during a public lecture to the campus community.

The deadline to submit nominations for the DGF award is May 1. Nomination instructions are available on the Commerce Ban.

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Penn State’s Center for the Study of Higher Education (CSHE) Leadership Academies

Penn State’s Center for the Study of Higher Education (CSHE) is hosting two summer leadership academies: the Academy for Anti-Racist Leadership (June 3-6, 2024) and the Academic Leadership Academy (June 10-13, 2024). Both will take place virtually (via Zoom and Canvas) from 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm eastern time, on Monday through Thursday of their respective weeks.

CSHE’s leadership academies are designed for leaders such as deans, associate deans, department chairs, associate provosts, and program directors in a variety of roles who want to be strategic and thoughtful in leading transformational change at their institutions. Details about these opportunities—and the nomination forms, which are now open—can be found on CSHE’s website at:

Accepted nominees will receive an email with detailed registration instructions. For those accepted, registration forms and payment will be due by May 1, 2024.

Should you have any questions please contact us at leadershipacad@psu.edu. Thank you for your interest—we look forward to reviewing your nominations.

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Communications/Marketing Specialist Position Launched

The 1xbet online sports betting School is seeking a full-time communications and marketing specialist. The communications and marketing specialist provides support to all aspects of 1xbet online sports betting School operations.

Screening of applications begins this week and will continue until the position is filled. You can view the full position description on the K-State Careers website.

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Event Coordinator Position Launched

The 1xbet online sports betting School is seeking a part-time event coordinator. The event coordinator is responsible for planning and executing 1xbet online sports betting School events in collaboration with all staff members of the 1xbet online sports betting School.

Screening of applications will begin immediately and continue until the position is filled. You can view the full position description on the K-State Careers website.

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Upcoming Events and Deadlines

May 1 Strategic Planning Brainstorming Session, 11am – 2pm, Flint Hills Room, Student Union
May 1 Deadline: Commerce Bank and WT Kemper Foundation Distinguished 1xbet online sports betting Faculty (DGF) Award
May 10 1xbet online sports betting School Commencement Ceremony, Bramlage Coliseum
1xbet sports betting School events and major dates

Doctoral defenses

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June Slate Showcase: Recruitment

The June Slate Showcase will be held June 11 from 1:00pm- 2:00pm via Zoom. This session will cover how recruitment will be structured. It will also give more information on how assigned recruiters will be structured and that functionality in Slate.

Please RSVP for this session by June 6 at 5 pm.

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Update on application numbers

Applicants to 1xbet online sports betting School show an increase in both domestic and international:

Applications at this point in the cycle (4/25)

Fall 2023 Fall 2024 Difference F24-F23
Applied Admitted Applied Admitted Applied Admitted
Domestic 645 481 747 461
Certificate 13 10 13 11 0 1
Doctoral 199 140 242 163 43 23
Masters 427 326 483 280 56 -46
Non- Degree 6 5 9 7 3 2
International 1,024 409 1,443 492
Certificate 2 1 3 2 1 1
Doctoral 635 212 831 239 196 27
Masters 387 196 609 251 222 55
Non-Degree 0 0
Grand Total 1,669 890 2,190 953

All Applications To Date

Fall 2023(total) Fall 2024 (April 25,2024) Difference F24(4/25/24)-F23 (total)
Applied Admitted Applied Admitted Applied Admitted
Domestic 1,092 889 747 461
Certificate 52 47 13 11 -39 -36
Doctoral 249 186 242 163 -7 -23
Masters 740 607 483 280 -257 -327
Non- Degree 51 49 9 7 -42 -42
International 1,046 431 1,443 492
Certificate 2 1 3 2 1 1
Doctoral 640 217 831 239 191 22
Masters 402 211 609 251 207 40
Non-Degree 2 2 -2 -2
Grand Total 2,138 1,320 2,190 953

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1xbet online sports betting Student Success

The 1xbet online sports betting Dean’s Award for Excellence, Engagement, and Leadership award (new)

This year, we created this new award to recognize 1xbet online sports betting students who are excelling in their 1xbet online sports betting programs through engagement in professional development experiences, leadership experience, and who are role models for other students.

This year’s two award recipients are:

    • Shivaprasad Doddabematti Prakash, PhD student in grain science
    • Hazel Scribner, masters student in entomology

These awardees have been well engaged in research forums events. Both participated in 3MT last year and this year. Shiva was a finalist in both years, and Hazel was a finalist this year. Each received a ,000 scholarship and were recognized at the 1xbet online sports betting Student and Faculty Recognition Celebration where all 1xbet online sports betting students were recognized and acknowledged for their accomplishments this academic year.

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KSIS graduation application spring 2024

Potential spring 2024 graduation applications in KSIS will remain as “under review” until grades post and 1xbet online sports betting School Degree Analysts have reviewed all graduation requirements for each student.

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May 3 deadline to be a summer 2024 1xbet online sports betting without having to enroll in summer

1xbet online sports betting students who missed the deadline to be a Spring 2024 1xbet online sports betting and complete all requirements by May 3, 2024, will be a Summer 2024 1xbet online sports betting and will not be required to enroll in credits for the summer term. View the 1xbet online sports betting School graduation and commencement checklists for details.

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May 7 deadline to return I-NR grades

1xbet online sports betting students who have an incomplete (I) grade from a course taken in the fall 2023 semester must have the incomplete work addressed and the instructor must submit the final course grade by May 7. Any incomplete grades not addressed by May 7 will turn to F grades.

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Opportunities for 1xbet online sports betting Students

Grad Bash to celebrate graduating students

The K-State Alumni Association is holding the 'Grad Bash' Thursday, May 2, from 4-6 pm at the K-State Alumni Center. The “Grad Bash” is a celebration to help graduating students say farewell to their last days as students, and hello to life as K-State alumni. There will be live music, free alumni T-shirts, food, Manhattan Brewing Company beer and prizes. Please visit the Alumni Association website for more information.

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Sigma Xi Science Cafe

1xbet online sports betting students, faculty, and staff are invited to Join Dr. Richard Linton, K-State President, and Dr. David Rosowsky, K-State Vice President for Research, for a Science Cafe on May 4 at 8pm, hosted by K-State’s chapter of Sigma Xi. The topic will be, “An open discussion on the vision for our university and the role of academia.” The Science Cafe will take place in the Leadership Studies Building, McVay Family Town Hall. Please register by May 3 to attend.

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Funding and awards for 1xbet online sports betting students

Deadline Approaching: 1xbet online sports betting Student Awards

The deadline for the following awards is May 1:

Please visit the 1xbet online games login Studen for more information.

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Upcoming Events and Deadlines

May 1 Deadline for 1xbet online sports betting Student Awards
May 3 Deadline to complete graduation requirements to be a summer 1xbet online sports betting without having to enroll in the summer term
May 7 Deadline to return I-NR grades
May 10 1xbet online sports betting School Commencement Ceremony, Bramlage Coliseum

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