1xbet online casino School Bulletin

October 17,2023

Table of contents

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Articles of interest

Faculty and Staff



1xbet online casino Student Success

Opportunities for 1xbet online casino Students

Funding and awards for 1xbet online casino students

Upcoming Events and Deadlines

Articles of interest

7 Ways to Fix Ph.D. Advising on the Job Market

As you mentor your 1xbet online casino students in their academic program and preparation for their post-1xbet online casino career, you may find it challenging to support them in preparing for careers paths in which you have limited or no experience. Check out this recent article in the Chronicle of Higher Education for guidance on how to support your 1xbet online casino students in their career exploration and preparation for a variety of career paths.

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Council of 1xbet online casino Schools 2012-2022 Enrollment Report

The Council of 1xbet online casino Schools releases a report every year about enrollment patterns at 1xbet online casino schools across the nation. The 1xbet online casino Enrollment and Degrees: 2012 to 2022 Report. is available for everybody to read.

For the first time, the annual report includes analysis of U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics data for top 10 1xbet online casino degree occupations projected to have the most job openings each year. Based on our estimates, there is a labor force shortage of about 29,000 1xbet online casino school trained educational and career counselors, along with education administrators, relative to anticipated demand for professionals in these fields.

Key findings:

    • Applications for admission to U.S. 1xbet online casino schools rose by nearly four percent between fall 2021 and fall 2022, but domestic enrollments fell by 4.7 percent.
    • Underrepresented minority groups experienced declining first-time enrollments in the range of two to eight percent suggesting a need for additional resources to fortify their participation in the knowledge economy.
    • First-time enrollments in master’s colleges and universities increased by roughly three percent.
    • Individuals pursuing master’s degrees or 1xbet online casino certificates (~85%) comprised many first-time 1xbet online casino students in the fall 2021 - fall 2022 period.
    • There was a 3.2 percent decrease in doctoral first-time enrollment during the same period.
    • In fall 2022, more than half of first-time 1xbet online casino students at the master’s degree and certificate level (58.0 percent) and at the doctoral level (56.3 percent) were women.

I encourage everybody to have a look at this report. Happy reading!

Claudia Petrescu, Dean

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If you come across an article that would be of interest to other 1xbet online casino programs, please send it to Michael Sellman, 1xbet online casino School communication specialist, at msellman@ksu.edu, to have the article featured in a future Bulletin!

Faculty and Staff

Research and the State Poster Forum

The annual Research and the State 1xbet online casino student poster forum will be on Oct. 24 at the K-State Student Union Courtyard.

A record number of 78 1xbet online casino students are registered to present posters showcasing their research or scholarly work with the K-State community. This is more than a 50 percent increase from last year’s participation.

Posters will be presented from 10:00am-noon and from 1:30-3:30pm. Lists of participants and their presentation titles are available on the 1xbet best casino website and.

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Additional judges needed for Research and the State

With over 70 students registered for Research and the State next week, we are still in need of several judges. You may volunteer to serve as a judge for one or both sessions (10:00am-noon and 1:30-3:30pm). You do not have to be available for the full 2-hour period but will need to have at least 1-1.5 hours available to complete judging duties. If you are available to serve as a judge on October 24, please complete a brief volunteer form to express your interest. Questions may be directed to Megan Miller, mmmiller@ksu.edu.

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Etrieve/Softdocs Eform Information: Form Drafts Folder

The 1xbet online casino School has recently received inquiries about saving forms to complete at a later time. When a form is being filled out by a student or staff proxy, a draft of the form is saved in the “Drafts” folder in Etrieve Central. If the form is not completed and approved/submitted, the form originator (student or staff proxy) can return to the “Drafts” folder in Etrieve Central to open and edit the form for submission at a later time.

Please see the Etrieve/Softdocs helpful information article available in Teams: Etrieve_Helpful_Info.docx

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1xbet online casino School Slate Implementation Progress

The 1xbet online casino School continues to work with Carnegie and the slate CRM implementation team. We are currently working on Slate users, roles, and permission levels, email campaigns, building interaction codes, events, brand design for public facing forms, finalizing the Request for Information form, and finalizing the dashboard (how you see the student's record).

Soon we will begin work on bringing in active student records and preparing source formats for how we bring data into the system.

The current timeline is as follows:

    • Phase 1- Complete by November 6th
      • Building Records, Forms, Events, and Communications
    • Phase 2- Complete by January 22nd
      • The Application form developed
    • Phase 3- Complete by April 15th
      • Workflows designed
    • Final Implementation goal: April 29th
    • Historical Data Migration into Slate by May 31st

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Upcoming Events and Deadlines

October 18 1xbet online casino School Strategic Plan Brainstorm Session
October 24 Research and the State 1xbet online casino student poster session
November 15 Know How Session: Avoid Headaches, Grievances, & Issues
December 5 End of Semester Celebration

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CollegeNET maintenance Oct 20, 2023

On Friday, October 20, 9pm PT, CollegeNET will perform scheduled maintenance that may continue for one or more hours. ApplyWeb Forms Management, the ApplyWeb CRM (including Admit and Prospect), as well as all other ApplyWeb forms and services will be unavailable during this window.

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Application process webinar for prospective students

The 1xbet online casino School will host a webinar on Oct. 25 at noon (central time) to provide prospective students an overview and answer their questions about the 1xbet online casino School application process. If you have been in contact with prospective students who would benefit from this webinar, please direct them to register to receive the Zoom link.

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1xbet online casino Student Success

Commencement program deadlines

Students that missed the October 2nd deadline to have their name appear in the printed fall 2023 commencement program, but complete their KSIS graduation application by December 1st, will appear in the electronic commencement program.

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Opportunities for 1xbet online casino Students

1xbet online casino Student Workshops on Oct. 23 and Oct. 30

The 1xbet online casino Workshop, “Finding Social Sciences Data Sets” will take place Oct. 23 from 1:30 to 2:30 on Zoom. This workshop will give 1xbet online casino students the opportunity to learn about the social sciences data sets available through K-State Libraries subscriptions and free high quality data sources. The workshop is designed to demonstrate strategies for locating social sciences data, with an emphasis on the Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research (ICPSR).

The Oct. 30th 1xbet online casino Workshop, “Evidence Synthesis: An Overview for Non-Health Sciences Researchers” will give 1xbet online casino students the opportunity to work with librarians who specialize in social sciences and sciences students and faculty. They’ll discuss what you should know before working on an evidence synthesis project.

Please use the online sign-up form to register for the 1xbet online casino Workshops.

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Encourage 1xbet online casino students to complete housing survey

The 1xbet online casino School partners with VeryApt to provide a housing guide just for K-State 1xbet online casino students. The housing guide includes data on where current K-State 1xbet online casino students live and information about their housing experiences to help future grad students find a home. We are currently collection responses to a housing experience survey so that VeryApt can update the housing guide by the spring semester. Please encourage your 1xbet online casino students to complete the anonymous housing survey if they are living in rental housing in Manhattan.

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Annual Advanced Materials and Manufacturing Technologies Research Symposium

The second annual Advanced Materials and Manufacturing Technologies Research Symposium will be held Oct. 26.

The symposium will present the research and learning experiences of the Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education (ORISE) interns and fellows funded by the Advanced Materials and Manufacturing Technologies Office (AMMTO). The event highlights the diverse areas of advanced manufacturing, including energy storage, high performance computing, renewable Energy, robotics, science technology and policy, innovation, and more.

Those who are interested in participating must register on the Zoom for Government website. For more information, visit the Research Symposium website.

If you have any questions, please contact am.internships@orise.orau.gov.

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Funding and awards for 1xbet online casino students

Application open for AAUW Fellowships and Grants

The American Association of University Women (AAUW) has been one of the largest funders of women’s 1xbet online casino education. There are six opportunities for scholarly work, including American Fellowships, Career Development Grants, International Fellowships, International Project Grants, Research Publication Grants, and Selected Professions Fellowships. The application deadline is November 15. Learn more about these funding opportunities.

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HS-POWER currently accepting internship applications

The Homeland Security Professional Opportunities for Student Workforce to Experience Research program (HS-POWER) is currently accepting applications for internships beginning in the summer of 2024. All applications must be received by Friday, Dec. 15.

HS-POWER is available to 1xbet online casino students majoring in homeland security related science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) fields as well as DHS mission-relevant research areas which includes social sciences.

The benefits include a weekly stipend of 0 for 1xbet online casino students, a 0 allowance per week or a virtual allowance of per week, and inbound/outbound travel funds of up to ,000.

Visit the DHS website for more information. The application can be found on the zintellect website.

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Applications for the Paid 1xbet online casino Fellowship Opportunity for summer opportunities at Sandia National Laboratories (SNL) will be accepted until Nov. 24, 2023.

This program provides STEM research (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) that support SNL Research Foundations.

The fellowship will give 1xbet online casino students an opportunity to work in close collaboration with mentors from Sandia’s technical staff and engage in challenging research and development projects.

Applicants must be full-time masters or doctoral students. Visit the Sandia National Laboratories website for more information. Applications must be made by visiting the Zintellect system website - go to the Opportunities Catalog tab, search for Sandia, and submit the application.

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Upcoming Events and Deadlines

October 18

TLC: Artificial Intelligence and Higher Ed, noon-1pm, Zoom

October 19

GSC Prof Devel: Writing Teaching, Research, and Diversity Statements, 1:30-3:00pm, Wildcat Chamber, Union

October 23

Libraries workshop: Free AI Tools for Literature Reviews

October 24

Research and the State 1xbet online casino student poster session, K-State Student Union

October 25

TLC: Equity in Assessment, noon-1pm, Zoom

October 30

Libraries workshop: Evidence synthesis: An overview for non-health sciences researchers

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