1xbet sports betting School Bulletin

march 1xbet sports betting 7, 2023

Table of contents

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Faculty and Staff



1xbet sports betting Student Success

Opportunities for 1xbet sports betting Students

Funding and Awards for 1xbet sports betting Students

Upcoming Events and Deadlines

Faculty and Staff

Over 60 1xbet sports betting students will present their research in posters (March 8) and talks (March 9) at the annual K-State 1xbet sports betting Research, Arts, and Discovery Forum. All K-State, faculty, staff, and students are invited to attend the presentations to learn about the diverse and important work being conducted by 1xbet sports betting students from across the university.Visit the K-GRAD webpage for a schedule of presentations.

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The 1xbet sports betting Council Academic Affairs (GCAA) committee has revised the 1xbet sports betting faculty nomination form to provide greater clarity to the nomination process. Minor changes to the form clarify the two approval tracks for regular membership and the paths toward special membership (e.g., associate, and clinical). GCAA also added two new supplementary pages that identify the key information that must be present to ensure a prompt decision by the GCAA committee. This revision does not change the 1xbet sports betting faculty criteria for membership outlined in the 1xbet sports betting Handbook – it makes the Handbook information easier to digest.

The new form has replaced the previous form on the 1xbet sports betting School website. If you have questions about the nomination process, please contact Timon Smock (gradinfo@ksu.edu) or Dr. Michael Young (michaelyoung@ksu.edu) in the 1xbet sports betting School.

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The 1xbet sports betting School has produced a new guidebook containing checklists and tips for developing proposals involving 1xbet sports betting programs and courses. The guidebook includes checklists for new courses and programs (including accelerated programs) as well as for revisions to and discontinuation of existing curricula and courses. The guidebook also includes the preferred format (in the form of templates and examples) for attachments that will ensure more consistent formatting of 1xbet sports betting catalog entries and assessment plans.

Given that many of the people submitting proposals do so only occasionally, use of this guidebook will ensure that a proposal is less likely to be returned after Grad Council review due to foreseeable shortcomings. To participate in further discussion on the topic of launching and revising programs, be sure to attend the March 22nd 1xbet sports betting School Know How in Eisenhower 121 at 11:30 am, “Ensuring Smooth Approval of New Programs by the 1xbet sports betting Council.”

The guidebook is currently available in the Course and Curriculum folder in the Microsoft Teams Grad-Resources folder. If you need access to the Grad-Resources folder (accessed through Microsoft Teams or through your browser at https://ksuemailprod.sharepoint.com/sites/Grad-Resources), please contact Timon Smock at gradinfo@ksu.edu. For any questions about developing an effective program proposal, please contact Dr. Michael Young, 1xbet sports betting School Faculty Associate, at michaelyoung@ksu.edu.

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The 1xbet sports betting Student Council (GSC) will host the annual 1xbet sports betting Student Awards and Recognition Reception on April 27 at 5:00pm in the Alumni Center Banquet Room. This event serves to recognize accomplishments and contributions of K-State 1xbet sports betting students and 1xbet sports betting faculty from across the university. Among the recognitions to be presented, each academic college is invited to recognize a select number of 1xbet sports betting students and one 1xbet sports betting faculty member who has made significant contributions to 1xbet sports betting education.

      • The recognition reception will also include presentation of the inaugural 1xbet sports betting Faculty Mentor Award. The award will recognize three 1xbet sports betting faculty members who have excelled in supporting 1xbet sports betting student success as indicated by 1) nominations from 1xbet sports betting students and 2) their students' participation in research presentation events (Research and the State, Three Minute Thesis, and the K-State 1xbet sports betting Research, Arts, and Discovery Forum). Each awardee will receive an honorarium.

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The nomination process for the Commerce Bank and WT Kemper Foundation Distinguished 1xbet online casino Faculty Award is now open. The deadline for nominations is May 1, 2023.

This prestigious award honors current members of the 1xbet sports betting faculty who are recognized nationally and internationally for their outstanding scholarly achievements and for their contributions to 1xbet sports betting education at Kansas State University.  

Additional information, application instructions, and the nomination portal are available on the Commerce Bank and WT Kemper.

Nominees will be considered for three consecutive years and materials may be updated annually, if desired. After a one-year hiatus, the individual may be nominated again but a new nomination packet must be submitted.

Please consider nominating a colleague or colleagues for the DGF award! We look forward to getting your nominations by May 1, 2023! 

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Nominations for 1xbet sports betting Council are still needed!

Support from 1xbet sports betting faculty is paramount to the operation of the 1xbet sports betting Council. Service on the Council is an excellent way to make an impact by being a part of the chief legislative and policy-formulating body of the 1xbet sports betting Faculty. Council members handle course and curriculum proposals, manage and revise all policies related to 1xbet sports betting programs, review existing programs, and address student affairs. Members gain a much better understanding of policies and procedures and obtain innovative ideas, both of which benefit their home departments.

Membership entails service on one of the four subcommittees and two meetings per month on a Tuesday or Thursday, at 3:30 pm. To learn more, visit /grad/faculty-resources/1xbet sports betting -council/.

Volunteer today by submitting your name and department to gradinfo@ksu.edu. The nomination deadline is Thursday, March 9; self-nominations are welcome and expected.

Here’s a general timeline of events:

Mon, 20 FEB

Call for Nominations for 1xbet sports betting Faculty to serve on Grad Council (3-year terms) goes out via listserv. Colleges choose their own representatives.

Thu, 09 MAR

Final date for nominations to be sent to gradinfo@ksu.edu.

Tue, 14 MAR

Final date for nominees to accept.

Wed, 15 MAR

Qualtrics survey ballots e-mailed to 1xbet sports betting Faculty for voting.

Fri, 31 MAR

Deadline for return of ballots. Colleges submit names of representatives to 1xbet sports betting School.

Sat, 01 APR

Elections complete.

Academic Area representatives must be from at least two colleges. For the college representative positions, each college will determine its own internal method for identifying a representative. The name of the representative as well as the internal method for selection must be communicated by the Deans of the colleges to the Dean of the 1xbet sports betting School. See the by-laws of the 1xbet sports betting Council for complete election procedures (/grad/1xbet sports betting -handbook/chapter6.html); consult Section B.1 if you are unsure in which Academic Area your department falls.

College representative vacancies:

    • Business Administration, 1
    • Education, 1
    • Engineering, 1

Academic Area representative vacancies:

    • Applied Natural Sciences, 1
    • Arts and Humanities, 2 [NOMINATIONS NEEDED]
    • Basic Natural Sciences, 1 [NOMINATIONS NEEDED]
    • Business and Education, 2
    • Mathematics and Engineering Sciences, 1 [NOMINATIONS NEEDED]
    • Social Sciences, 1

Questions about Council elections can be sent to Timon Smock at tmsmock@ksu.edu.

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The 1xbet sports betting School invites you to join us on March 22nd for our Know How session on ensuring smooth approval of new programs by the 1xbet sports betting Council.

This Know How will be held from 11:30am – 1:00pm in Eisenhower 121 and via Zoom. (Meeting ID: 999 1943 0807)

For more information about this event, please contact Miranda Schremmer at mquint@ksu.edu
Please RSVP to this event by March 21st

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The first week of April, 3-7, is recognized as 1xbet sports betting Student Appreciation Week. Throughout the week, colleges and 1xbet sports betting programs are encouraged to show appreciation for the contributions 1xbet sports betting students make to the university. The 1xbet sports betting School will send an appreciation message to all 1xbet sports betting students, will have a special treat at the monthly Grad Coffee Chat, and will be celebrating grad students throughout the week on social media.

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Mar. 9

Nominations for 1xbet sports betting Council due to gradinfo@ksu.edu

Mar. 13-17

Spring Break

Mar. 22

March 1xbet sports betting School Know How, 11:30am, Eisenhower 121

Apr. 5

1xbet sports betting School Town Hall Meeting, 3:00pm, Leadership Studies 114

Apr. 19

April Know How: Excellence in Innovation

May. 1

Nominations Due: Commerce Bank & WT Kemper Foundation Distinguished 1xbet sports betting Faculty Award

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This semester, the 1xbet sports betting School is inviting K-State undergraduate students and 1xbet sports betting school applicants in the surrounding areas to the 1xbet sports betting School Open House Sessions. Segmenting the population has allowed prospective students to ask questions that are more specific to their goals and allows participating faculty, staff, and students to build rapport. If you would like to participate or have any questions about this semester's open houses, please contact, Sarah Tortella, Director of 1xbet sports betting Recruitment at stortella@ksu.edu.

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The Spring 1xbet sports betting School Informational Webinars have been successful in answering applicants’ questions about pursuing 1xbet sports betting education at K-State. We have hosted two webinars this semester, each of which have had more than 150 registered and more than 50 in attendance. The purpose of these webinars is to encourage applicants to commit to K-State for the Fall 2023 semester if admitted.

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If your program is participating in a recruitment event please communicate with the 1xbet sports betting School. We would be happy to share information on social media, attend or share booth space or connect you with other programs on campus who may be interested in attending or sharing space. Please contact, Sarah Tortella, Director of 1xbet sports betting Recruitment at stortella@ksu.edu.

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Dr. Karen Goos, Vice Provost for Enrollment Management, her team and the 1xbet sports betting School began the planning process for adopting Slate for 1xbet sports betting recruitment and admissions. Information of Slate’s adoption and implementation timeline and processes will be provided after the Spring break by Dean Petrescu.

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1xbet sports betting Student Success

Please complete approvals to schedule final examination form ten business days prior to final examination to ensure it arrives in the 1xbet sports betting School in time for processing. Questions regarding final examination forms can be directed to Angie Pfizenmaier, akt@ksu.edu Lead Degree Analyst.

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Opportunities for 1xbet sports betting Students

Please share the following information with your 1xbet sports betting students

All grad students are invited to the monthly Grad Coffee Chats to connect with leadership from the 1xbet sports betting School and the GSC. Today’s chat will be held from noon-1pm in 118 Eisenhower Hall. Coffee chats foster community building and provide 1xbet sports betting students a space to share their experiences, ask questions, and engage in discussion to support a positive 1xbet sports betting student experience. In-person attendance is encouraged (we'll have coffee!). A Zoom link will be provided upon registration to allow distance students and others to join us if unable to attend in-person.

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To lead change requires us to see new possibilities. Coaching is a strategy for continual learning and courageous action. Participants will develop a coach-like stance and learn how to ask powerful questions to support their own and others’ learning and development, and make progress on personal and professional challenges. This workshop will be held March 7, 3-4pm via Zoom. Learn more and register for Zoom link. 

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Build your professional knowledge and advance your skills with the BioKansas spring webinar series. K-State is a member institution of BioKansas, and K-State students may attend these events for FREE on a first come, first served basis. The next webinar, “Building Professional Skills for Diverse Career Paths,” will be held March 14, 10-11am. Contact BioKansas for a discount code. Learn more and register. 

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Build your professional knowledge and advance your skills with the BioKansas spring webinar series. K-State is a member institution of BioKansas, and K-State students may attend these events for FREE on a first come, first served basis. The next webinar, “Building Professional Skills for Diverse Career Paths,” will be held March 14, 10-11am. Contact BioKansas for a discount code. Learn more and register. 

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Build your professional knowledge and advance your skills with the BioKansas spring webinar series. K-State is a member institution of BioKansas, and K-State students may attend these events for FREE on a first come, first served basis. The next webinar, “Building Professional Skills for Diverse Career Paths,” will be held March 14, 10-11am. Contact BioKansas for a discount code. Learn more and register. 

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Funding for 1xbet sports betting Students

All K-State students are encouraged to apply for scholarships in the K-State Scholarship Network (KSN). Scholarship opportunities are available for incoming and continuing students. All scholarship awards in the KSN are made for the fall semester. To be considered for scholarships, 1xbet sports betting students should complete the KSN application by March 15.

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The deadline to submit applications for the Alvin and RosaLee Sarachek Predoctoral Honors 1xbet online ga has been extended to Thursday, March 16th. We strongly encourage doctoral students in their last year to self-nominate or be nominated by a faculty member.

The Sarachek Honors Fellowship provides an award of ,600 to assist the recipient’s transition to the next stage of their career. In addition to the fellowship, up the three Sarachek Scientific Travel Awards of 1,000 each will be awarded.

The Sarachek Honors Fellowship is intended to recognize exceptional achievement in scholastics and research. Students must show evidence of effective communication of research results through publications in leading journals and presentations at national and international meetings.

In order to be eligible, a student must have completed preliminary exams, been admitted to candidacy, and their research must rely significantly on one or more contemporary molecular biological techniques.

Additional information, application instructions, and the application portal are available on the Alvin and RosaLee Sarachek .

Questions about this fellowship award can be directed to Miranda Schremmer, mquint@ksu.edu

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The Student Access Center is seeking two 1xbet sports betting Assistants with a start date of June 11 or August 14, depending on candidate availability. These positions serve as a Program Assistant to arrange and provide academic accommodations and services for students with disabilities. Disabilities may include (but are not limited to) mobility, visual and hearing, medical conditions, learning disabilities, attention deficit disorder, psychological disabilities, autism spectrum disorder, and traumatic brain injuries. 1xbet sports betting Assistants will have an opportunity to learn about the role of the Americans with Disabilities Act and Rehabilitation Act and how offices like ours serve students. Application deadline: April 17. Applicants should email accesscenter@ksu.edu for more information.  

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The 1xbet sports betting School is accepting nominations for the MAGS/ProQuest Distinguished Thesis Award and the CGS/ProQuest Distinguished Dissertation Award. These awards serve to recognize theses and dissertations representing original work that makes an unusually significant contribution to the student’s field of study. For each award, a 1xbet sports betting program may nominate one student in each of this year’s award categories: 1) Biological/Life Sciences and, 2) Humanities and Fine Arts. Nominees must have an effective date of degree awarded in the period of July 1, 2021, through June 30, 2023. Nomination deadline: May 1, 2023.

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The 1xbet sports betting School is accepting applications for the University Distinguished Professors Excellence in Doctoral Studies 1xbet. The deadline for applications is May 1, 2023.

The University Distinguished Professors Excellence in Doctoral Studies Award recognizes exceptional achievement in doctoral studies. Applicants must demonstrate excellence in scholarship through publications and other accomplishments appropriate for their academic field.

1xbet sports betting Students can be nominated by K-State faculty or can self-nominate.

Eligible 1xbet sports betting students must be admitted to candidacy at the time of application and must be enrolled in the Fall 2023 semester. The award is available to eligible students who meet the above criteria in any K-State college, department, or academic program.

Additional information, application instructions, and the application portal are available on the University Distinguished Pr. Application deadline: May 1, 2023.

Questions about this fellowship award can be directed to Miranda Schremmer, udp@ksu.edu.

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Upcoming Events and Deadlines

Mar. 7

Grad Coffee Chat, noon-1pm, 118 Eisenhower Hall

Leading Change Workshop – Leveraging Coaching Skills in Your Leadership Practice, 3-4pm, Zoom

Mar. 8

TLC seminar: Teaching Without Prepackaged Course Materials: Open Educational Resources and Open Pedagogy, noon-1:00pm, Zoom

K-State GRAD Forum poster presentations, Union Courtyard

Mar. 9

K-State GRAD Forum oral presentations, K-State Student Union

Mar. 15

Presidential 1xbet sports betting Teaching Assistant Award nominations due

Mar. 16

Sarachek Predoctoral Honors Fellowship Applications Due

Mar. 20

Library Workshop: Evidence Synthesis: An Overview for Non-Health Sciences Researchers, 1:30-2:30pm, Zoom

Mar. 22

TLC Seminar: Empathy and Supporting Students, noon-1:00pm, Zoom

Mar. 23

Leading Change Workshop – Creating Space: Leadership Practices to Make Progress in Complex and Adaptive Systems, 3-4pm, Zoom

Mar. 27

Library Workshop: Getting the Most Out of Google Scholar and Scopus, 1:30-2:30pm, Zoom

Mar. 29

TLC Teaching Chat, noon-1:00pm, Zoom

Mar. 31

ETDR Template Training Session, 1:00-2:30pm, Zoom

April. 3-7

1xbet sports betting Student Appreciation Week

April. 27

1xbet sports betting Student Awards and Recognition Reception, 5:00pm, Alumni Center banquet room

May. 1

University Distinguished Professors Excellence in Doctoral Studies Award Applications Due

Distinguished Thesis and Distinguished Dissertation Awards Due

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