1xbet sports betting School Bulletin

August 22, 2023

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Welcome to the Fall 2023 Semester!

Faculty and Staff



1xbet sports betting Student Success

Opportunities for 1xbet sports betting Students

Funding and Awards for 1xbet sports betting Students

Upcoming Events and Deadlines

Welcome to the Fall 2023 Semester!

The 1xbet sports betting School welcomes you to a new school year. If you are new faculty, the bulletin is your main source of new or upcoming information in the 1xbet sports betting School. We wish you a great Fall 2023 semester and to finish 2023 successfully!

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Faculty and Staff

Fall enrollment numbers:

    • 2049 completed applications
    • 1195 admitted 1xbet sports betting students
    • 700 grad students enrolled out of which 135 are international students

We appreciate each 1xbet sports betting program’s support with following the international 1xbet sports betting students’ hiring process and with encouraging students to arrive on time!

International students’ data (from all campuses) who checked in with Grad School on time has increased from last year. This year we have (as of today):

    • 129 international 1xbet sports betting students checked in with the 1xbet sports betting School (this includes Olathe, distance programs and KSU continued master’s to PhD students).
    • 78 had no social security number but arrived on time by August 11.
    • 14 had a social security number.
    • 10 had no social security number and they checked in late after the August 11 arrival date

For detailed admission information for your college and academic program, please visit the 1xbet sports betting Admission Funnel on the Office of Data, Assessment, and Institutional Research website.

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The 1xbet sports betting School invites you to join us on September 20th for our Know How session on Recruitment and Retention. In this session we will cover the initiatives launched in the past two years, the outcomes of these initiatives and engage in a conversation about the impact that 1xbet sports betting constituents have seen with faculty and students.

This Know How will be held from 11:30am – 1:00pm in Eisenhower 121 and via Zoom.
RSVP your attendance by September 18th.

For more information about this event, please contact Miranda Schremmer at mquint@ksu.edu.

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We have made several enhancements and organizational changes to the 1xbet sports betting School website that we hope our constituents (prospective students, current students, faculty, and staff) will find to be more engaging and easier to navigate.

    • Changes have primarily been made to our Your succeand to the admissions 1section of our website. The Admissions section has been streamlined with three main sections for prospective (exploring) students, applicants, and incoming students.
    • We have also made and continue to make some changes to the Student Success and Financial Support sections.
    • Please check your website for updates: Some of the pages in our site have moved to new locations. While we have created redirects (i.e., the old links will automatically redirect to the new links), we encourage you to review your department or program pages that include links to the 1xbet sports betting School site, and update the links in your site.

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On Wednesday, April 26, an e-mail went out to department heads and 1xbet sports betting program directors from the 1xbet sports betting School asking to review a list of 1xbet sports betting faculty with expired memberships. The intent was to identify any faculty on the list that require a new nomination for associate 1xbet sports betting faculty membership and to provide an emergency approval for those teaching in the next semester.

We want to thank you for your positive response to this request and the promptness with which you identified these faculty members. Departments confirmed the statuses of 127 members out of the 234 identified, and 8 members were granted an extension to their 1xbet sports betting Faculty Associate status through Fall 2023 in order to teach 1xbet sports betting courses and/or serve on supervisory committees.

Some departments still need to review the list. As a reminder, to receive an expedited emergency status, please complete the spreadsheet (accessible via the web, here) for the fall 2023 term. The emergency status is only active through the Fall 2023 semester and thus will not cover Spring 2024 courses or committees.

For any questions about membership status, please contact Timon Smock in the 1xbet sports betting School at gradinfo@ksu.edu.

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On August 21, the 1xbet sports betting School distributed an e-newsletter to over 24,000 K-State 1xbet sports betting School alumni. We distribute a newsletter 1-3 times a year to keep alumni informed about initiatives and successes in the 1xbet sports betting School and among our 1xbet sports betting students and 1xbet sports betting faculty. Read the Fall 2023 newsletter.

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September 18 New 1xbet sports betting Faculty Orientation
September 20 Know How Session: Recruitment & Retention
September 28 New 1xbet sports betting Faculty Orientation
October 4 Department Head Meeting
October 18 1xbet sports betting School Strategic Plan Brainstorm Session
November 15 Know How Session: Avoid Headaches, Grievances, & Issues
December 5 End of Semester Celebration

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For those who will receive a GTA, GRA, or GA appointment, be sure to upload the Assistantship Form in CollegeNET when making the program recommendation. Please also upload a copy of the assistantship offer letter, if completed, at that time.

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The weekly report issued on the resources site lists applications currently awaiting a program recommendation. You may add comments or other information to the file on the Teams site. The reports are updated weekly.

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The Career Center, Preprofessional Advising Center, and the 1xbet sports betting School invite all 1xbet sports betting Programs to participate in the Professional and 1xbet sports betting School Fair on October 11, 2023, at the K-State Student Union from 12 PM to 4 PM. For more information, please contact the Career Center or visit the K-State.

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The 1xbet sports betting School is now accepting nominations to support up to five Donoghue Scholarships for incoming 1xbet sports betting students beginning a master’s or doctoral program in Spring 2024.

This scholarship program was initiated by Timothy Donoghue, former 1xbet sports betting School dean, as a way to recruit top candidates throughout the United States to attend K-State’s 1xbet sports betting programs by offering 1xbet sports betting assistantship packages that are highly competitive.

Application deadline: October 1, 2023

For more information on eligibility, funding guidelines and to submit your application please visit the Timothy.

Please direct questions about the Timothy Donoghue scholarship to Miranda Schremmer at donoghuescholarship@ksu.edu or to the 1xbet sports betting School at or 785-532-6191.

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The Admissions and Recruitment website has been updated to make it easier for prospective students to navigate it. The Attend a Webinar page has webinar and In-Person Recruitment Plans for Fall semester. It would be appreciated if you could direct prospective students to these events. In addition to the webinars and off-campus recruitment events, we will have a table in Union and in campus building to promote 1xbet sports betting programs. The schedule of these events will be forthcoming.

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1xbet sports betting Student Success

On August 16, the 1xbet sports betting School enjoyed welcoming and engaging with many new 1xbet sports betting students! Approximately 125 1xbet sports betting students attended our in-person welcome session on and over 70 joined us for a Zoom offering. A recording of the session is available on the 1xbet online casino Student Welcome and Orienta Questions about the 1xbet sports betting School’s orientation activities should be directed to Dr. Megan Miller at mmmiller@ksu.edu.

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In the last month, the 1xbet sports betting School launched a new initiative to facilitate 1xbet sports betting student enrollment for the fall semester. Weekly reports of continuing 1xbet sports betting students who were enrolled in the fall, did not 1xbet sports betting , and have not yet enrolled for the fall semester are available in Grad Resources. We communicated directly with these students in July, encouraging them to enroll prior to the start of the semester, and we sent a reminder to those still not enrolled on August 16.

    • Weekly summary of continuing 1xbet sports betting students not enrolled for fall:
      • July 25: over 560 Manhattan and Olathe campus continuing 1xbet sports betting students were not yet enrolled for the fall semester.
      • July 31: 459 not enrolled
      • August 7: 364 not enrolled
      • August 14: 280 not enrolled
      • August 21: 202 not enrolled

1xbet sports betting program directors are encouraged to review the August 21 report in Grad Resources to identify students in your program who have not enrolled and connect with them to make a plan for their continued degree progress. Note: the report does not update automatically, so students will still be included if they enrolled since the most recent report was produced.

Questions about this initiative may be directed to Dr. Miller at mmmiller@ksu.edu.

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In the spring and summer 2023 semesters, many “Approval to Schedule Final Examination” forms arrived after the final examination had been completed. This form must arrive at the 1xbet sports betting School for processing at least ten business days prior to the scheduled final examination. This means that students need to work with their supervisory committee’s several weeks before the exam date to submit the form to ensure it has enough time to route to all committee members for signature and arrive to the 1xbet sports betting School on time.

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Last week, information about new payment options was shared in Kansas state. Faculty and staff are encouraged to share this information with students who may need it. Questions about billing and payments should be directed to the Campus Treasury , 532-6317, cashiers@ksu.edu.

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Opportunities for 1xbet sports betting Students

All new and continuing 1xbet sports betting students have many opportunities to learn about resources, support services, and opportunities for involvement at Week of Welcome activities happening at the Manhattan campus this week.

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The Teaching and Learning Center (TLC) offers a professional development series for faculty, staff, and 1xbet sports betting students every Wednesday at noon via Zoom. The TLC is invested in maximizing the excellence of the teaching and learning mission at Kansas State University. The professional development series will provide experiences, information, resources, and networking to help faculty, staff, and 1xbet sports betting students improve their craft in teaching, mentoring, and advising in many ways. The first event is this Wednesday, August 23, and will focus on “Sustainable Excellence in Teaching.” Professional Developme.

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Can literature reviews be fun? With AI tools such as Elicit and Research Rabbit, the answer is yes - provided that you use them appropriately and recognize their weaknesses. In this workshop hosted by K-State Libraries, you will learn to quickly and easily augment traditional discovery methods by visualizing relationships among articles, finding articles based on similarity, and summarizing and extracting information of interest. In addition to new skills, you will emerge with knowledge of strategies for finding additional AI-powered discovery engines. Learn about artificial intelligence tools that can help you with literature review. The workshop will be held August 23 at 2:00pm via Zoom. Learn more and register to attend.

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Funding and Awards for 1xbet sports betting Students

The Student Access Center has two openings for 12-month 1xbet sports betting assistants. The Student Access Center (SAC) serves the campus community by partnering with students, faculty, and staff to create accessible environments and provide academic and housing accommodations. The 1xbet sports betting assistant positions serve as a Program Assistant to arrange and provide academic accommodations and services for students with disabilities. Disabilities may include (but are not limited to) mobility, visual and hearing, medical conditions, learning disabilities, attention deficit disorder, psychological disabilities, autism spectrum disorder, and traumatic brain injuries. 1xbet sports betting assistants will have an opportunity to learn about the role of the Americans with Disabilities Act and Rehabilitation Act and how offices like the SAC serve students. Applicants should email accesscenter@ksu.edu for more information.

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Departments are invited to nominate outstanding 1xbet sports betting student teachers for the GSC Award for 1xbet sports betting Student Teaching Excellence. This award recognizes one master’s student and one doctoral student who have excelled in teaching. Each award recipient receives a 0 scholarship from the 1xbet sports betting Student Council and serves as K-State’s nominee for the Midwestern Association of 1xbet sports betting Schools (MAGS) Excellence in Teaching Award. MAGS award winners receive a 0 honorarium and are recognized at the MAGS annual meeting in the Spring.

    • September 29 is the deadline for departments to submit nominations. Each department may nominate one master’s student and one doctoral student. Departmental nominations will be reviewed by respective colleges to determine nominees to advance to the final selection process.
    • Note: While a teaching-in-action video is not required for the GSC teaching award, a video is required for the MAGS Excellence in Teaching Award. 1xbet sports betting students who have strong engagement with students that could be well demonstrated by video may be especially competitive for this award.
    • Visit the award GSC and Mfor additional information and nomination instructions.

Questions about the award may be directed to Dr. Megan Miller, Assistant Director of Student Success, at mmmiller@ksu.edu, 532-6191.

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This ,000 competitive, merit-based award recognizes academic excellence and achievement by women in doctoral-level programs. The award provides partial support for study and research. Learn more.

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Upcoming Events and Deadlines

August 23

TLC professional development event, “Sustainable Excellence in Teaching”, noon, Zoom

August 23

K-State Libraries Free AI Tools for Literature Review, 2:00pm, Zoom

August 30

TLC Teaching Chat, noon, Zoom

August 30

NSF 1xbet sports betting Research Fellowship Information session, 3:30pm, Zoom

September 1

GSC travel award application deadline for events that begin in November

September 5

Putting Together a Competitive NSF GRFP Application, 4:00pm, Zoom

September 8

Putting Together a Competitive NSF GRFP Application, noon, 247 Leadership Studies

September 11

Deadline for students to drop standard courses for 100% refund

September 12

Coffee with the Dean: Tips and tricks for your program of study and supervisory committee, noon, 121 Eisenhower Hall

September 15

NSF 1xbet sports betting Research Fellowship Writing Workshop, 12:30-2:00pm, 247 Leadership Studies and Zoom

September 18

Deadline for students to drop standard courses for 50% refund

September 19-21

All-University Career Fair

September 21

Identifying 1xbet sports betting Research Fellowship Opportunities, 3:30pm, Zoom

September 25

Deadline for students to drop standard courses, no refund and no “W” on transcript

September 29

Deadline for departments to nominate grad students for GSC Award for 1xbet sports betting Student Teaching Excellence

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