1xbet online casino School Bulletin

August 8, 2023

Table of contents

Click on a category name to view that section or click on a headline to read the full announcement.

Faculty and Staff


1xbet online casino Student Success

Opportunities for 1xbet online casino Students

Funding Opportunities for 1xbet online casino Students

Upcoming Events and Deadlines

Faculty and Staff

All 1xbet online casino colleagues and partners (1xbet online casino faculty, staff, grad program coordinators, department heads and leaders) are invited to a strategic planning brainstorming session on October 18, 11-2pm, Cottonwood room, Student Union. Food will be served. Please RSVP by October 1st.

More information about the structure of the brainstorming session will be provided one week prior to the event.

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New 1xbet online casino Faculty Orientation

      • September 18th, 3:00pm – 4:00pm, Zoom

      • September 28th, 10:00am – 11:00am, Zoom

Department Head Meeting

      • October 4, 2:00pm – 4:00pm, Leadership Studies, Room 114

Know How Sessions

      • September 20, 11:30am – 1:00pm, Eisenhower 121/Zoom

        • Topic: Recruitment & Retention Strategies

      • November 15, 11:30am – 1:00pm, Eisenhower 121/Zoom

        • Topic: Avoid Headaches, Grievances, & Issues

1xbet online casino School Strategic Plan Brainstorming Session

      • October 18, 11:00am – 2:00pm, Student Union Cottonwood Room

End of Semester Celebration

      • December 5, 4:00pm – 5:00pm, Location TBD

Check the 1xbet sports betting School events and for updated events and information.

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August 21 First Day of the Semester
September 18 New 1xbet online casino Faculty Orientation
September 20 Know How Session: Recruitment & Retention
September 28 New 1xbet online casino Faculty Orientation
October 4 Department Head Meeting
October 20 1xbet online casino School Strategic Plan Brainstorm Session
November 15 Know How Session: Avoid Headaches, Grievances, & Issues
December 5 End of Semester Celebration

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The 1xbet online casino School would be happy to take part in working with on campus organizations to promote and retain KSU undergraduate students continuing their 1xbet online casino education here. If you are an advisor for a club or group that would like to work with the Graduate School on this initiative as we move into the Fall semester, please reach out to Sarah Tortella at stortella@ksu.edu.

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For those who have been reaching out regarding collaboration, it is much appreciated! The 1xbet online casino School and other 1xbet online casino programs across K-State would like to collaborate on recruitment events for the 2023-2024 academic year. If your program is planning to attend events, please let us know so we can connect programs and collaborate. Please email Sarah Tortella at stortella@ksu.edu.

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The 1xbet online casino School has been participating in several recruitment events this week and last week to recruit military and military connected students to our 12 1xbet online casino programs that we are partnering with Fort Leavenworth to deliver at the Fort. For information about K-State's presence at Fort Leavenworth check out the veteran 1xbet onli page.

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1xbet online casino Student Success

The “1xbet online games login School forms” form, with all signatures from the supervisory committee, must be received by the 1xbet online casino School at least 10 business days prior to the final examination. First the student submits the form, and then it is routed to the committee members for their signature. Therefore, the student needs to submit the form more than 10 business days before the final exam to allow time for the form to route to committee members.

Summer graduation deadline: All degree requirements much be complete by August 11.
View the summer graduation checklist for full details.

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The week of August 14, the 1xbet online casino School and other units will host welcome and orientation activities for 1xbet online casino students.

    • Beginning August 14 – New International Student Orientation (organized by ISSS)
    • August 16 – 1xbet online casino School Welcome Session (organized by the 1xbet online casino School)
      • 9:00-10:30am, Zoom offering
      • 2:00-4:00pm, in-person offering (location to be determined)
    • August 17 – Orientation for 1xbet online casino Teaching Assistants, 8:00am-12:00pm (organized by the Teaching and Learning Center)

Visit the 1xbet online casino Stu section of our website for more information. Questions may be directed to Dr. Megan Miller (mmmiller@ksu.edu, 532-6191).

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In the last bulletin, we shared information about the 1xbet online casino School’s initiative to facilitate 1xbet online casino student continued enrollment for the upcoming semester. Weekly reports of continuing grad students not yet enrolled for the fall semester and additional information related to this initiative are available in Grad Resources.

    • Weekly summary of continuing 1xbet online casino students not enrolled for fall:
      • July 25: over 560 Manhattan and Olathe campus continuing 1xbet online casino students were not yet enrolled for the fall semester.
      • July 31: 462 students not enrolled
      • August 7: 369 students still are not enrolled.

Questions about this report may be directed to Dr. Miller, at mmmiller@ksu.edu.

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Opportunities for 1xbet online casino Students

The Kansas Science Communication Initiative is hosting a fall webinar series beginning on August 14 at 10:00am with a session led by Dr. Jamie Loizzo from the University of Florida! In this webinar, participants will learn how to apply simple instructional design techniques and cost-effective mobile hardware and software to design and implement science engagement programs for youth and adult audiences. Register to attend.

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Wichita State University is hosting a Maternal and Child Health Equity Conference on August 25. The registration is for faculty and for students. The conference brings together researchers and practitioners from across the state of Kansas from a variety of disciplines and geographic locations to work toward proven solutions to improve maternal and child health outcomes in our state by casting a wide net on the social determinants of health.

Learn more and register.

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Funding Opportunities for 1xbet online casino Students

As shared in the last bulletin, applications are now being accepted for the NSF 1xbet online casino Research Fellowship Program (GRFP). This is an excellent funding opportunity for full-time, research-based master’s and doctoral students in over 200 areas of study (see appendix of the program solicitation for a list of eligible areas of study)

Informational sessions to learn more about eligibility and how to apply:

    • Virtual office hours with divisions at the National Science Foundation
    • Sessions hosted by K-State (visit 2023-2024 events 1xbet sports page for more information)
      • Aug 30, 3:30pm, Zoom - Introductory NSF GRFP session
      • Application prep sessions for students applying this year (Sept 5, 8, and 15)

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The 1xbet online casino School is now accepting applications for the 1xbet online casino , Humanities, and Social Sciences Smallthat provides funding to support 1xbet online casino student research in eligible disciplines.

      • Grants will be up to ,000 for direct research costs
      • Applicants who have a well-defined research plan that has been approved by their major professor/faculty supervising the research will be most competitive.
      • Priority application deadline: October 1, 2023. Application review will begin October 2, and applications will continue to be accepted until funds are exhausted.

Questions about the AHSS Small Grant may be directed to Dr. Miller at mmmiller@ksu.edu.

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This is a collaborative initiative to improve diversity and inclusion at the three largest research universities in the Chicago area (Northwestern University, University of Illinois Chicago, and the University of Chicago) and is open to all advanced PhD students and postdocs in STEM. Selected candidates will be invited to participate in a 2-day virtual event (October 19-20, 2023). Participants will also be matched with faculty at each institution for virtual informational interviews (October 19-November 3, 2023).

Application deadline: September 11. Learn more about the program.

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Upcoming Events and Deadlines

August 14

ISSS orientation for new international students

August 14

Sci comm webinar: Leverage Instructional Design + Mobile Technology for Science Engagement, 10:00am

August 16

1xbet online casino School Welcome Session for New 1xbet online casino Students

  • 9:00-10:00am – Zoom offering
  • 2:00-4:00pm – in-person offering, 1088 College of Business Building

August 17

Orientation for new 1xbet online casino Teaching Assistants, 8:00am-12:00pm (organized by TLC)

August 30

NSF 1xbet online casino Research Fellowship Information session, 3:30pm, Zoom

Sept 1

GSC travel award application deadline for events that begin in November

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