1xbet best casino website School Newsletter

september 1xbet best casino website 8, 2022

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Welcome to Fall 2022 Semester!

Faculty and Staff


1xbet best casino website Student Success

Opportunities for 1xbet best casino website Students

Upcoming Events and Deadlines

Faculty and Staff

The product of a federally-funded grant, the Scientific Communication Advances Research Excellence (SCOARE) Workshop is designed to equip 1xbet best casino website faculty mentors with the tools they need to help their advisees develop better scientific communication skills – writing journal articles, presenting at scientific conferences, and engaging in unstructured lab conversations. The workshop provides concrete tools to help.

The SCOARE Workshop is currently being offered in a virtual format as two (2) online, 3-hour sessions. There are three upcoming virtual SCOARE workshops. Registration is available here.

The complete workshop consists of 2 separate sessions; attendance at both workshop sessions is required.

    • Option 1: Tuesday,November 1 and* Thursday, November 3, 2022; 9AM – 12PM Central (10AM-1PM Eastern / 8AM-11AM Mountain / 7AM-10AM Pacific)
    • Option 2: Monday,November 14 and* Wednesday, November 16, 2022; 1PM – 4PM Central (2PM-5PM Eastern / 12PM-3PM Mountain / 11AM-2PM Pacific)
    • Option 3: Tuesday,December 6 and* Thursday, December 8, 2022; 10AM – 1PM Central (11AM-2PM Eastern / 9AM-12PM Mountain / 8AM-11AM Pacific)

For questions, please contact Dr. Michael Young at michaelyoung@ksu.edu

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1xbet best casino website Faculty nominations and requests for non-1xbet best casino website faculty to teach 1xbet best casino website courses that are submitted by the 10th of the month will be reviewed by the 1xbet best casino website Council Academic Affairs Committee during that month’s meeting. Nominations approved by the Academic Affairs Committee will be reviewed by the 1xbet best casino website Council on the first Tuesday of the following month. Nominations received after the 10th of the month will be reviewed by the Academic Affairs Committee in the following month.

Information on 1xbet best casino website faculty nominations can be found at the following link: 1xbet sports betting Faculty Nomination Procedures.

Nominations and questions about the nomination process and timeline should be sent to Timon Smock at gradinfo@ksu.edu.

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The 1xbet best casino website School is launching a new initiative to build a stronger relationship with the department heads to better support 1xbet best casino website programs and the work of the 1xbet best casino website program coordinators. This meeting will be held on September 13th from 1:30-2:30pm in Leadership Studies, Room 114. Please RSVP by Monday, September 12th.

For information about this event, please contact Bailee Irwin at blirwin@ksu.edu or Miranda Schremmer at mquint@ksu.edu

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The 1xbet best casino website School invites you to join us on September 21st for a refresher on the 1xbet best casino website School’s policies and procedures. In this session we will go over policy changes to the 1xbet best casino website Handbook. The Brown Bag will be held September 21st in 121 Eisenhower Hall and via Zoom (https://ksu.zoom.us/j/99919430807, Passcode: BrownBag).

For information about this event, please contact Bailee at blirwin@ksu.edu or Miranda Schremmer at mquint@ksu.edu

Please RSVP to this event by September 20th.

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The 1xbet best casino website School invites you to join us on October 19th for an Orientation for New Department Heads and new 1xbet best casino website Program Directors. The Brown Bag will be held in 121 Eisenhower Hall and via Zoom (https://ksu.zoom.us/j/99919430807, Passcode: Brown Bag).

For information about this event, please contact Bailee at blirwin@ksu.edu or Miranda at mquint@ksu.edu

Please RSVP to this event by October 18th.

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The 1xbet best casino website Student Council is encouraging 1xbet best casino website Faculty and staff to volunteer as judges for the Research and the State held on October 27, 2022 in the Union Courtyard.

1xbet best casino website students participating in Research and the State are competing for selection to represent K-State at the Capitol 1xbet best casino website Research Summit, where they will have the opportunity to share their work with state legislators. The students will need to be able to effectively communicate their research to the general public. To provide an evaluation of poster presentations from this perspective, some judges will be assigned to evaluate posters in an area of research very different from their own research/scholarly background.

The volunteer form is available here. Judges will be contacted in mid- to late-October with notification of their judging assignment.

For judging related questions, please contact the 1xbet best casino website Student Council at egsc@ksu.edu.

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Bailee Irwin has joined the 1xbet best casino website School as the 1xbet best casino website School’s Communication and Marketing Specialist. Bailee is from Oswego, Kansas and obtained her bachelor’s in communication with an emphasis in Integrated Marketing in 2019. In her free time, she loves reading and working out. We are excited to have her as part of the 1xbet best casino website School. Her contact information is, Phone: 785-532-6161, Email: blirwin@ksu.edu

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Sept. 13

1xbet best casino website Department Head Meeting, 1:30-2:30pm, Leadership Studies 114

Sept. 21

Brown Bag: 11:30am-1:00pm, Eisenhower 121

Topic: Policies & Procedures

Sept. 28 1xbet best casino website Faculty Orientation, 10:00am-11:30am, Zoom
Sept. 29 1xbet best casino website Faculty Orientation, 3:30pm-5:00pm
Oct. 3 Associate Dean's Meeting, 2:00pm-3:00pm, Eisenhower 121
Oct. 19

Brown Bag: 11:30am-1:00pm, Eisenhower 121

Topic: Orientation for new Department Heads and new 1xbet best casino website Program Directors

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The standard 1xbet best casino website School deadline for international applications for Spring was August 1. For International applicants currently living in the US with no plans to travel outside of the US, please submit program recommendations by October 1. For all other International applications, the deadline for programs to submit admission recommendations to the 1xbet best casino website School is September 1. Please submit program recommendations as soon as possible.

Please see International students 1xbet sports bettin for information regarding international student admission.

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The 1xbet best casino website School has helped check-in over 100 international 1xbet best casino website students for the Fall semester. Programs that have applications with no decision for Fall 2022, please record a program recommendation in College Net, or work with the applicant to defer admission.

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Students offered a GTA are required by KBOR (Kansas Board of Regents) to show proof of English Proficiency, with no exceptions. Kansas Board of Regents (KBOR) requires at least a minimum score on the following: 22 on the TOEFL IBT, 7.0 on the IELTS speaking portion or 50 on the SPEAK (SPEAK is offered through the English Language Program).

If a student who will be a GTA was admitted without test scores because they completed a US degree within the last two years and/or does not currently have an English proficiency test score, they must take the SPEAK test portion of the test. Students can take the SPEAK test through the English Language Program.

For information, questions or for support with international admissions, please contact Teresa at baughman@ksu.edu

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1xbet best casino website Student Success

September 12, 2022 is the last day to drop a course for a 100% refund. This deadline applies only to regular 16-week courses. Please remind students about this and other drop/withdrawal deadlines that are listed on the academic calendar for details, or refer them to the KSIS help guide to find drop/withdrawal deadlines for their courses.

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The Fall 2022 graduation and commencement checklist has been updated. Please direct your students to Graduation and commencement 1xbet onlin to ensure they complete all requirements by the posted deadlines. Important dates:

    • October 7, 2022 is the deadline for students to complete the KSIS graduation application form for their name to be included in the commencement program booklet. If they miss this deadline but meet other deadlines, they may still 1xbet best casino website and participate in Fall commencement, but their name will not appear in the program booklet.
    • November 11, 2022 is the deadline to complete all requirements for Fall 2022 graduation, but students and faculty need to plan early in the semester to allow time for scheduling final exams, submitting forms to the 1xbet best casino website School, and making final revisions to ETDRs.

For all dates and deadlines, please refer to the Graduation and commencement 1xbet onlin

For information about student success contact Dr. Megan Miller at mmmiller@ksu.edu

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Opportunities for 1xbet best casino website Students

Research and the State is a multi-disciplinary research forum that encourages 1xbet best casino website students to focus on effectively communicating their work to diverse audiences. Ten presenters will be selected to represent K-State at the annual Capitol 1xbet best casino website Research Summit, where they will present their posters to state legislators and the public.

Registrations for Research and the State is now open and will close September 30.

Please encourage you students to participate in this event. More information and registration is available on the Research and the State webpage.

Please direct questions to Dr. Megan Miller at mmmiller@ksu.edu

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1xbet best casino website students are invited to join this Grad Coffee Chat to engage with fellow 1xbet best casino website students and with 1xbet best casino website School leadership to build community and learn about resources to support their success.

K-State Libraries Academic Services department head Laura Bonella will share information about finding and using library resources, citation management tools, 1xbet best casino website spaces in Hale, and working with your librarian. In-person attendance is encouraged (we'll have coffee!). A Zoom link is provided upon registration to allow distance students and others to join if unable to attend in-person. Sept. 14, noon-1pm.

Please encourage your students to participate in this event. More information and registration is available in OrgCentral.

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This Fall, the 1xbet best casino website School, Department of English, and the Writing Center are partnering to offer “Grad Wildcats Write,” a series of events to support 1xbet best casino website students in taking charge of their writing skills and habits. Information and registration is available on the GSC Professional Development webpage and in OrgCentral.

    • Sept 13 – 1xbet best casino website -Level Writing Workshop, 2:00-3:00pm
    • Sept 29 – Writing Group, 1:30-3:30pm

For more information or questions, please contact the Dr. Megan Miller at mmmiller@ksu.edu

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  • 1xbet best casino website fellowship sessions offered in partnership with ORD and Nationally Competitive Scholarships

The 1xbet best casino website School, Office of Research Development (ORD), and Office of Nationally Competitive Scholarships are partnering to offer two informational sessions for 1xbet best casino website students to learn about 1xbet best casino website fellowship opportunities. Information and registration is available on the GSC Professional Development webpage and in OrgCentral.

      • Sept 8 – NSF 1xbet best casino website Research Fellowship Program Information Session, 3:30-5:00pm, Zoom
      • Sept 29 – Identifying 1xbet best casino website Research Fellowship Opportunities, 3:30-5:00pm, Zoom

For more information or questions, please contact Dr. Megan Miller at mmmiller@ksu.edu.

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Upcoming Events and Deadlines

Sept 8

NSF 1xbet best casino website Research Fellowship Program Information Session, 3:30-5:00pm, Zoom

Sept 12

Chicagoland Postdoc Recruitment Initiative Application Due

Sept 13

1xbet best casino website -Level Writing Workshop, 2:00-3:00pm

Sept 14 Grad Coffee Chats Kick-Off with K-State Libraries, 121 Eisenhower Hall
Sept 29

Writing Group, 1:30-3:30pm

Identifying 1xbet best casino website Research Fellowship Opportunities, 3:30-5:00pm, Zoom

Sept 30

Research and the State registration deadline

Oct 7

Deadline to complete KSIS graduation application for name to appear in commencement program

Nov 11

Deadline to complete all degree requirements, submit signed exam and ETDR ballots, and submit ETDR

Nov 18

Deadline to submit 1xbet best casino website certificate completion

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