1xbet online sports betting School Bulletin

November 15, 2022

Table of contents

Click on a category name to view that section, or click on a headline to read the full announcement.

Faculty and Staff


Program Coordinators

1xbet online sports betting Student Success

Opportunities for 1xbet online sports betting Students

Funding for 1xbet online sports betting Students

Upcoming Events and Deadlines

Faculty and Staff

November 16, 11:30am – 1pm, zoom only

Interdisciplinary research brings other perspectivity to research efforts, and the possibility of collaboration with colleagues in other fields is exciting. Nevertheless, it takes no small effort to develop interdisciplinary research. With this in mind, we would like to invite the 1xbet online sports betting faculty for the Know How titled, "Interdisciplinary Research: What barriers exist and how to overcome them," to be presented by Professor Stephen G. Perz and Professor Caterina Scoglio.

Dr. Perz is the Department Head of Sociology and Criminology & Law at the University of Florida. Dr. Scoglio is LeRoy and Aileen Paslay professor of Computer Engineering at Kansas State University.

The session is organized and led by Dr. Marcellus Caldas, 1xbet online sports betting Faculty Associate.

Location: Zoom (https://ksu.zoom.us/j/99919430807 Passcode: GRAD.

For information about this event, please contact Bailee at blirwin@ksu.edu or Miranda at mquint@ksu.edu

Please RSVP to this event by the end of the day on November 15, 2022.

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The 1xbet online sports betting School will host the annual 3MT competition in February. We encourage you to invite all 1xbet online sports betting students conducting research to participate. There is also a mini-competition for the colleges.

College recognition: The Dean of the college that has the most presenters will serve as a judge in the final competition!

Faculty recognition (new initiative): Faculty who have a high number of students participating in the 3MT and GSC research forums (Research and the State in the fall and K-State GRAD Forum in the spring) will be recognized with a new 1xbet online sports betting Faculty Mentor Award . The purpose of the award is to recognize faculty who engage 1xbet online sports betting students in K-State research presentation events.

Questions regarding the 3MT competition may be directed to Dr. Megan Miller at mmmiller@ksu.edu.

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The 1xbet online sports betting School is in the process of collecting hooding information from all terminal degree candidates. Each candidate has been sent a RSVP survey which includes a section to add their hooding faculty information. We encouraged each candidate to reach out to their major/co major professors prior to filling out the RSVP survey. If your doctoral student is planning on attending the commencement, please talk with your student about the form to ensure that your name has been submitted.

The 1xbet online sports betting School will reach out to the faculty who have been identified as hooders as soon as the RSVP survey closes, November 18, to confirm their participation. Please reach out to Miranda Schremmer (mquint@ksu.edu) if you have any questions.

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Special seating arrangements have been made for non-hooding faculty. The seating arrangements give faculty superior visibility during the ceremony. Faculty seating will be in the same area as the spring 2022 ceremony. Help us anticipate the number of non-hooding faculty in attendance by completing this online registration form by Monday, December 5. Please reach out to Miranda Schremmer (mquint@ksu.edu) if you have any questions.

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During the November 1xbet online sports betting Council meeting, it was discussed whether to list all dissertation committee members on a student’s dissertation title sheet. The 1xbet online sports betting Council Student Affairs committee conducted a benchmark analysis of peer institutions and found that most institutions list the entire dissertation committee. At K-State, currently, only the major professor is listed. The consensus from the 1xbet online sports betting Council meeting was to list all members. We will begin implementing this recommendation starting in Spring.

For additional questions, please contact Timon Smock, Office Specialist III, at tmsmock@ksu.edu

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Brenda Nowakowski has joined the 1xbet online sports betting School as a Degree Analyst! Brenda is from Manhattan and in her free time enjoys reading and hiking. She will be a degree analyst for the following departments:

College of Agriculture

College of Architecture, Planning and Design

College of Business Administration

Carl R. Ice College of Engineering

Masters of Technology

Masters of Public Administration

Masters of Public Health

Masters of Fine Art

Brenda’s email address is: blnow@ksu.edu

Kyli Cass is the degree analyst for the following departments:

College of Education

College of Health and Human Sciences

Kyli’s email address is: kecass@ksu.edu

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Dr. Yoonseong Park, Professor of Entomology, and 2022-2023 recipient of the Distinguished 1xbet online sports betting Faculty Award will give a public presentation on his work at 1:30 p.m. Wednesday, November, 30, in the Town Hall at the Leadership Studies Building.

The title of his presentation is, “Molecular Galaxy of Insect Neuropeptides.” All are welcome to attend. Light refreshments will be served.

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The 1xbet online sports betting School has partnered with the Teaching and Learning Center to invite the 1xbet online sports betting Faculty Community to participate in a series of professional development panels.

The purpose of these panels will be to discuss how to get started (and stay productive) in research, scholarly and creative activities, and design (RSCAD) at K-State; how to resolve conflict; and how to navigate department/college/university politics.

“The Highs and Lows of the Faculty Life: Lessons from Experience”

Date: Friday, January 13th, 2023

Time: 9:00 am – 12:30 pm

Location: TBA

Additional information will be provided before the end of semester, along with the registration information.

For questions about this Professional Development initiative, contact Dr. Marcellus Caldas, 1xbet online sports betting Faculty Associate in the 1xbet online sports betting School (caldasma@ksu.edu) and/or Dr. Don Saucier, Faculty Associate Director, Teaching & Learning Center (saucier@ksu.edu)

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Nov. 16

November 1xbet online sports betting School Know How, 11:30am – 1:00pm, Eisenhower 121

Topic: Interdisciplinary Research: What barriers exist and how to overcome them

Recruitment webinar series: First steps in pursuing 1xbet online sports betting education, 6:00pm, Zoom

Nov. 30

Distinguished 1xbet online sports betting Faculty Presentation: Dr. Yoonseong Park

Time & Location: 1:30 pm, Leadership Studies 114

Dec. 5

Registration deadline for Non-Hooding Faculty to attend commencement

Jan. 13

1xbet online sports betting Faculty Professional Development Panels, 9:00am – 12:30pm

Location: TBA

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The 1xbet online sports betting School’s webinar series began on Wednesday, November 2 at 6 pm, titled “Why K-State for 1xbet online sports betting Education.” We had 263 registered. The over 120 attendees were from the United States and other countries (i.e. Nigeria, India). All registered students received the recorded webinar.

The next 1xbet online sports betting School Webinar is this Wednesday, November 16 at 6 pm CST. Title: “First Steps to Pursuing 1xbet online sports betting Education.” So far, we have over 180 registrations.

Information about forthcoming webinars can be found on the 1xbet online sports betting School’s Admission page:


All webinars are recorded. They will be shared with the GPDs and interested 1xbet online sports betting faculty in a new Teams folder that we are in the process of creating. The folder will be titled 1xbet online sports betting Recruitment Resources. GPDs will receive an email with the information about the folder once it is created.

The 1xbet online sports betting School has hosted several successful Open House sessions for KSU undergraduate students to drop by and ask questions. We have three remaining Open House days for the Fall: Thursday, November 17, 2022, at noon

Wednesday, November 30, 2022, at 3:00 pm

Thursday, December 1, 2022, at noon. All 1xbet online sports betting School Open House sessions are in Eisenhower Hall, 121.

If you have undergraduate students who are curious about 1xbet online sports betting education, please send them to these sessions.

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Thank you to the 55 1xbet online sports betting Program Directors and Department Heads who answered the recruitment survey sent out by the 1xbet online sports betting School. The information you provided has been useful and informative. Based on what you told us, we will:

  • create listening sessions with GPDs to understand your recruitment challenges
  • create a Grad Recruitment Resource Teams folder to share recruitment materials we create, and for you to tell us what events you organize. This will help us coordinate efforts.

If you have not taken the survey, but would like to take it, here is the link: https://kstate.yul1.qualtrics.com/jfe/preview/previewId/c912c3ef-f218-4ca3-89fd-c75e02936945/SV_7aKjId0MxbGBV42?Q_CHL=preview&Q_SurveyVersionID=current

For direct questions in regards to recruitment, please contact Sarah Tortella, Director of 1xbet online sports betting Recruitment, at stortella@ksu.edu.

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Program Coordinators

The Midwestern Association of 1xbet online sports betting Schools is seeking nominations for the Award for Excellence and Innovation in 1xbet online sports betting Education. Each institution is allowed to make one nomination.

The 1xbet online sports betting School is asking academic program to self-nominate for this Award for Excellence and Innovation in 1xbet online sports betting Education by December 1, 2022.

Purpose of the Award

The purpose of the award is to encourage, recognize, and reward excellence and innovation in 1xbet online sports betting education at either the 1xbet online sports betting school or program level. Applications may relate to any facet of 1xbet online sports betting education, including outreach, recruitment through selection and admission, retention, instruction, and degree attainment such as:

➢ Recruiting, retaining, and ensuring the success of underrepresented minorities, underserved populations, or international students

➢ Development of programs, policies, and processes in response to extenuating situations such as the COVID-19 pandemic

➢ Programs, policies, and processes that support using technology to promote instructional best practices and/or increase educational access

➢ Initiatives or programs that promote 1xbet online sports betting student mental and physical health and wellness

➢ Innovative and creative pathways to student success

➢ Creation of professional development opportunities to broaden the skill sets of 1xbet online sports betting students

➢ Programmatic efforts to improve student retention and completion

➢ Innovative technology to communicate with and attract prospective applicants in new and

effective ways

➢ Other significant efforts to promote excellence and innovation in 1xbet online sports betting education

Full information about this award can be found at: http://mags-net.org/excellence-and-innovation-in-1xbet online sports betting -education-award/. Do NOT complete the nomination form found on the MAGS site.

The 1xbet online sports betting School developed the following process to identify one program nomination to submit for this Award:

  1. academic units self-nominate by December 1, 2022
  2. the self-nomination process is done through a Qualtrics survey (link provided below)
  3. the nominations will be reviewed by a Grad Council and/or 1xbet online sports betting School taskforce
  4. the KSU Grad School nomination will be submitted to MAGS by December 20, 2022
  5. if chosen as a finalist for this Award, the academic program representative may attend the MAGS conference (March 29—31, Chicago)

Please complete the Qualtrics form describing your innovative work by December 1st.

For direct questions, please contact Dr. Michael Young, 1xbet online sports betting Faculty Associate, at michaelyoung@ksu.edu.

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1xbet online sports betting Student Success

Bryan Raymundo, master's student in Fine Arts, and Benjamin Jones, doctoral candidate in Human Ecology and specializing in Couple and Family Therapy are the recipients for the 2022-2023 1xbet online sports betting Student Council (GSC) Award for 1xbet online sports betting Student Teaching Excellence!

The GSC Award for 1xbet online sports betting Student Teaching Excellence recognizes 1xbet online sports betting students who have excelled in classroom teaching. The awards promote the important contributions 1xbet online sports betting students make to the scholarship of the university. Raymundo and Jones will represent the university for the Midwestern Association of 1xbet online sports betting Schools, or MAGS, Excellence in Teaching Award, with a winner selected at both the master's and the doctoral levels.

Both Raymundo and Jones will receive a 0 scholarship and their names and departments are engraved on a perpetual plaque displayed in their departments until the next awards are given.

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If students missed the deadline to 1xbet online sports betting in Fall 2022, but complete all the degree requirements by December 2, 2022, they will 1xbet online sports betting in Spring 2023 without having to enroll in the Spring semester. For more information, please direct students to the Graduation and commencement webpage.

For additional questions, please contact Angie Pfizenmaier, Lead Degree Analyst, at akt@ksu.edu

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Opportunities for 1xbet online sports betting Students

Please share the following information with your 1xbet online sports betting students

Applications are being accepted for the Spring 2023 cohort of the Grad Edge: 1xbet online sports betting Development Program. This program provides K-State 1xbet online sports betting students an opportunity to develop leadership skills to make positive change in their work, studies, and student organizations. Participants attend four required workshops and have the option to attend three additional workshops. They also participate in three peer coaching team sessions throughout the semester. There is no cost to students to participate. The application deadline is November 28, 2022.

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The 1xbet online sports betting School will host the annual 3MT competition in February 2023. We encourage all 1xbet online sports betting students who are conducting research to participate. The Deadline for students to register is December 12, 2022.

The 3MT will benefit students by: enhancing their communication and presentation skills, build interdisciplinary connections, promote their research, develop an elevator pitch (useful for networking), and compete for awards.

We also ask you to encourage your students to attend and informational session to learn more about 3MT and how to be successful for the following dates:

Questions regarding the 3MT competition may be directed to Dr. Megan Miller at mmmiller@ksu.edu.

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K-State Libraries organizes every Monday from 1:30pm – 2:30pm, The Library and Your Research, a free workshop series co-sponsored by the 1xbet online sports betting Student Council that helps 1xbet online sports betting students enhance and professionalize their scholarly pursuits. Forthcoming sessions:

After Graduation: Accessing Research on the Job, Nov. 28, 2022, register here

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The Teaching and Learning Center (TLC) has organized another Professional Development Series. This is a great opportunity for 1xbet online sports betting students who are interested in earning a TLC Professional Development certificate, or in becoming a TLC Fellow over the course of this academic year. Application guidelines can be found on the Teaching and Learning Center website.

The “Welcome to the Jungle: A feedback session with K-State IT's director of academic technology” session is on November 16th at noon, Zoom Link here

The “You Should Be Writing” session is on November 30th at noon, Zoom Link here

For more information and the Fall 2022 Professional Development Series, please visit the website.

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December 2, 2022, will be the final 1xbet online sports betting student writing group of the Fall 2022 semester. The 1xbet online sports betting School, Department of English, and Writing Center invite 1xbet online sports betting students who are looking for a dedicated time and space to make progress on their writing projects. The writing group will be from 10:00am – noon and held in the Writing Center, located in 122D English/Counseling Services. Students who plan to attend are asked to register in advance in OrgCentral. Light snacks and refreshments will be provided.

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Funding for 1xbet online sports betting Students

The 1xbet online sports betting School is now accepting applications for the 1xbet online casino , Humanities, and Social Sciences Small to support research expenses for master's and doctoral students in eligible disciplines.

  • Grants up to ,000 will support direct research costs such as travel to an archive, data collection, or exhibition and performance expenses for 1xbet online sports betting students conducting original research in the arts, humanities, and social sciences.
  • Applicants must provide a one-page summary of their research project; a detailed, itemized budget; one-page CV; and a cover letter with signature from the major professor/faculty member supervising the research.
  • Applicants who have a well-defined research plan (including a detailed project budget) that has been approved by their major professor/faculty supervising the research will be most competitive.
  • Students who were previously allocated a Small Research Grant are not eligible for funding a second time.
  • The application deadline is November 17, 2022.
  • Funds will be available after January 15, 2023.

Additional information, application instructions, and access to the online application form are available on 1xbet online casino , Humanities, and Social Sciences Small webpage. Please direct questions to Dr. Megan Miller (mmmiller@ksu.edu), 1xbet online sports betting Student Success Coordinator.

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The American Association of University Women (AAUW) has been one of the largest funders of women’s 1xbet online sports betting education. For the upcoming 2023–24 cycle, award amounts have increased for most programs! An AAUW fellowship or grant may now provide up to ,000! There are six opportunities for scholarly work, including American Fellowships, Career Development Grants, International Fellowships, International Project Grants, Research Publication Grants, and Selected Professions Fellowships. Depending on the opportunity, deadlines run from November 1 through December 1. Learn more about these funding opportunities.

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December 1, 2022 is the application deadline for 1xbet online sports betting students to be considered for a GSC travel award for conferences or other professional activities that have a start date anytime in February. NOTE: 1xbet online sports betting students who plan to give a presentation at a conference but are not informed if their presentation submission has been accepted prior to the GSC travel award application deadline, are still expected to apply for the travel award by the deadline. In the application, they should indicate that they plan to give a presentation. If allocated a travel award, the award will be contingent upon the student providing verification that their presentation was accepted for the conference.

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The Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences Fellowship recognizes students with exceptional teaching and/or research achievements who seek additional experience in interdisciplinary teaching and research mentoring. Fellows will receive an award of ,500 for mentoring research by a multidisciplinary team of senior undergraduates. Recipients are also eligible to apply for an additional 0 NRES Travel Award during the academic year in which the fellowship is awarded. Doctoral students in any discipline conducting research in the general domains of natural resource management, environmental sciences, human-environment interactions or sustainability science are eligible to apply. The application deadline for spring 2023 fellows is Nov. 29. Interested students should visit the NRES website for detailed application instructions and to review additional NRES fellow requirements.

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Innovation in Buildings (IBUILD) 1xbet online sports betting Research Fellows receive research and educational support to conduct innovative research at their home institution in an area with demonstrated relevance to building energy efficiency. In addition to funding high quality research, the fellowship will provide professional development, mentoring, networking, and internship opportunities. You will receive a competitive stipend of ,000, an allowance to offset the costs of health insurance up to ,000, research travel and materials up to ,000, and limited tuition allowance up to ,000. Application deadline: December 2, 2022. Learn more about the fellowship, eligibility, and application.

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The 1xbet online sports betting School is accepting nominations for Timothy R. Donoghue 1xbet sports betting Scholarship. The nomination deadline is January 31, 2023.

Funding information: Master's students are awarded a ,000 scholarship and doctoral students are awarded a ,000 scholarship for one academic year. The scholarship may be renewed for a second year.

Nomination guidelines and procedures:

  • Nominees must be beginning a K-State 1xbet online sports betting program in Fall 2023 and be offered an assistantship.
  • Nominees may be U.S. citizens, permanent residents, or international students.
  • Limited funding is available to supportup to 20 doctoral and up to 10 masters admitted for Fall 2023.
  • Each 1xbet online sports betting program may submitfour
  • Nominations are due January 31, 2023. Selected students will be notified by February 17.

Timothy R. about the scholarship and access the nominations survey.

Questions about the Donoghue Scholarship may be directed to Miranda Schremmer at donoghuescholarship@ksu.edu or 785-532-6191.

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Nov. 16

Recruitment webinar series: First steps to pursuing 1xbet online sports betting education

Nov. 17

Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences Small Grant Deadline

Nov. 18

Deadline to submit 1xbet online sports betting certificate completion form (for 1xbet online sports betting students completing a 1xbet online sports betting certificate)

Nov. 28

Application deadline for 2023 1xbet online sports betting Student Leadership Development Program

Nov. 29

Application deadline for The Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences 1xbet online sports betting Fellowship

Dec. 1

Nominations deadline for Award for Excellence and Innovation in 1xbet online sports betting Education

Deadline to apply for GSC travel award for professional events that begin anytime in February

Dec. 2

Deadline to 1xbet online sports betting in Spring 2023, without enrolling for the semester

Application deadline for IBUILD 1xbet online sports betting Research Fellowship

Final 1xbet online sports betting Student Writing Group, 10:00am – noon

Location, 122D English and Counseling Services

Dec. 7

Recruitment webinar series: The Application Process

Dec. 12

Deadline for students to register for 3MT

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