1xbet online casino Course and Curriculum

New 1xbet online casino Program proposals take approximately 9 months to complete the shared governance approval process. They must be submitted to the 1xbet online casino Council by September 10 to be launched the following Fall semester. The full approval process must be completed by the last meeting of the Board of Regents for the new program to be entered into the new academic year’s 1xbet online casino Catalog.

To have programs launched in the Spring semester of the next calendar year, they must be submitted to the 1xbet online casino School before January 10.

New 1xbet online casino Course proposals can be submitted any time during the academic year. However, it takes at least 2 months for approval by the 1xbet online casino Council. More time is required for Faculty Senate approval and Registrar’s processing.

1xbet online casino Program Change proposals can be submitted any time during the academic year. However, it takes at least 2 months for them to be approved by the 1xbet online casino Council. The full approval process must be completed by the last meeting of the Faculty Senate for the modified program to be entered into the new academic year’s 1xbet online casino Catalog.

Important Note: Any type of 1xbet online casino curriculum proposal must be submitted to the 1xbet online casino Council by September 10 to successfully navigate the entire shared governance process and be launched the following academic year.

For a complete description of the curriculum approval process, see the Registrar’s website:

Mapping of the Approval Process with Timeline

AY 24-25 Approval Timeline (pdf)

Sample Approval Timeline for a New 1xbet online casino Program

For a new course/program to be available in Fall 2025:


If all information
is available

(Includes some

If proposal requires
additional work

Submit Proposal

Prior to Sep 10, 2024

Prior to Sep 10, 2024

Prior to Sep 10, 2024


Sep. 17, 2024

Oct. 15, 2024

Nov. 19, 2024


Sep. 19, 2024

Oct. 17, 2024

Nov. 12, 2024

1xbet online casino Council

Oct. 1, 2024

Nov. 5, 2024

Dec. 3, 2024


Oct. 15, 2024

Nov. 19, 2024

Dec. 17, 2024

FS Exec.

Oct. 29, 2024

Nov. 26, 2024

Jan. 28, 2025

Faculty Senate

Nov. 12, 2024

Dec. 10, 2024

Feb. 11, 2025


Nov. 26, 2024

Jan. 10, 2025

Mar. 11, 2025

CCAO Read 1

Dec. 26, 2024

Feb. 10, 2025

Apr. 11, 2025

CCAO Read 2

Jan. 26, 2025

Mar. 10, 2025

May 11, 2025

Council of Pres

Feb. 2, 2025

March 17, 2025

May 18, 2025


March Meeting

June Meeting

June Meeting

In Catalog

Fall 2025

Fall 2025

Fall 2025

*New programs are reviewed by ARC and AAC simultaneously and will proceed to 1xbet online casino Council when approved by both. They do not need to proceed sequentially.

For a new course/program to be available in Spring 2026:


If all information
is available

(Includes some

If proposal requires
additional work

Submit Proposal

Prior to Jan 10, 2025

Prior to Jan 10, 2025

Prior to Jan 10, 2025


Jan 21, 2025

Feb 18, 2025

Mar 25, 2025


Feb. 20, 2025

Feb. 20, 2025

Mar. 27, 2025

1xbet online casino Council

Mar. 4, 2025

Mar. 4, 2025

Apr. 1, 2025


Apr. 15, 2025

Apr. 15, 2025

Apr. 15, 2025

FS Exec.

Apr. 29, 2025

Apr. 29, 2025

Apr. 29, 2026

Faculty Senate

May 13, 2025

May 13, 2025

May 13, 2026


Jun. 1, 2025

Jun. 1, 2025

Jun. 1, 2025

CCAO Read 1

Aug 1, 2025

Aug 1, 2025

Aug 1, 2025

CCAO Read 2

Sep. 1, 2025

Sep. 1, 2025

Sep. 1, 2025

Council of Pres

Oct. 1, 2025

Oct. 1, 2025

Oct. 1, 2025


December Meeting

December Meeting

December Meeting

In Catalog

Spring 2026

Spring 2026

Spring 2026

*New programs are reviewed by ARC and AAC simultaneously and will proceed to 1xbet online casino Council when approved by both. They do not need to proceed sequentially.

AY 24-25 Approval Timeline (pdf)