Graduate School 1xbet online games login Fellows

The 1xbet online games login Fellows program recognizes 1xbet online games login who have distinguished themselves in their careers. The program is sponsored by the Dean's Council, the Office of the President, and the K-State 1xbet online games login Association.

2024 1xbet online games login Fellow

1xbet online games login J. Abraham, PhD

Mary GregoireElizabeth J. Abraham ’95, Andover, Massachusetts, is director of new product strategy at Corning Life Sciences. 1xbet online games login has more than 20 years of experience in technical, product and business leadership, resulting in the launch of more than 90 new laboratory consumables and medical device products sold globally. 1xbet online games login received 12 U.S. patents, authored more than 30 articles in journals and scientific magazines, and is recognized as a thought leader and innovator in stem cells,3D cell culture and medical device products.

1xbet online games login earned a doctorate in animal sciences and industry from K-State in 1995.

After her doctoral program, 1xbet online games login completed two post-doctoral stints at Harvard Medical School and Medical University of South Carolina (MUSC) in the field of endocrine sciences. As a HHMI fellow at Harvard, 1xbet online games login was instrumental in identifying stem cells within the pancreatic islets of Langerhans and subsequently licensed by a cell therapy company, where 1xbet online games login led the pre-clinical effort on the potential use of stem cells in diabetes mellitus.

1xbet online games login then shifted her career focus to medical devices and laboratory consumables. Abraham has been employed at Corning Life Sciences for more than 16 years where 1xbet online games login has held multiple senior roles in various functions including research and development, business operations, product and market management and business strategy. 1xbet online games login led the development and global commercialization of various new products in Life Sciences including advanced matrices, surface coatings and devices for cell culture.

1xbet online games login and her husband, Vijoy, have two adult daughters, Michaela and Karina.