Supplemental 1xbet best casino website for ETDRs

This page presents general guidelines for including supplemental 1xbet best casino website with your ETDR and for submitting these 1xbet best casino website to the K-State Research Exchange (K-REx). In addition to these guidelines, be sure to discuss the format and content of supplemental 1xbet best casino website with your major professor, preferably early in your ETDR research and writing.

What are supplemental 1xbet best casino website ?

For most theses, dissertations, and reports, the primary intellectual content of your work should be represented in the text of your manuscript. This manuscript must be submitted in Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF). While many types of digital objects, such as still images, sound 1xbet best casino website , and movies can be embedded with PDF 1xbet best casino website , there may be cases where this digital content needs to be presented as a separate object. In such cases, this "supplemental" information can be submitted as a separate file(s) in addition to your PDF file. Your PDF file and any supplemental 1xbet best casino website are stored in K-REx and can be accessed via the World Wide Web.

When to create supplemental 1xbet best casino website

There are no clear cut rules on when it is appropriate to create and submit supplemental 1xbet best casino website along with your PDF file. However, a few guidelines may help you in determining the best way to present your research.

  • Small, discrete 1xbet best casino website are best incorporated into your PDF file. Obvious examples include charts, graphs, tables, and figures. These may not be separate 1xbet best casino website at all, but data contained in your original word processing document.

  • Image 1xbet best casino website can also be easily incorporated into a PDF file. If you have only a few images, it's probably best to insert them in 1xbet best casino website original word processing document. The images will be retained when you convert 1xbet best casino website document to PDF.

  • Other digital formats, such as sound 1xbet best casino website and movies, can be inserted into PDF documents. If you have only a few, small 1xbet best casino website , it may be best to insert them into your PDF file. The additional 1xbet best casino website will make your PDF file larger, and it will take longer to download. On the plus side, readers will be able to view or listen to your 1xbet best casino website simply by clicking a link within the text of your PDF.
  • If 1xbet best casino website work has a significant non-text component, then it's probably best to submit this component as a supplemental file. It may help to think in terms of how you want someone reading 1xbet best casino website work to interact with the multimedia component. Is it something they will view or listen to briefly, then return to reading the text of 1xbet best casino website PDF? Or, is it a lengthy component that will be used separate from 1xbet best casino website manuscript text?

If you think a supplemental file may be appropriate for 1xbet best casino website ETDR, be sure to discuss this option with 1xbet best casino website major professor.

How 1xbet best casino website are stored in K-REx

The PDF of your manuscript and any supplemental 1xbet best casino website are stored as "bundle" within the K-State Research Exchange. Depending on the type and number of supplemental 1xbet best casino website , it may not be possible to create a hyperlink from your PDF to your supplemental 1xbet best casino website . Supplemental 1xbet best casino website are not viewed/played directly from the K-REx server. Rather, users must download the file and then open it using appropriate software running on their computer.

Recommended file formats for K-State ETDRs

There are no restrictions on file formats that can be submitted with 1xbet best casino website ETDR; any format file can be submitted and retrieved. In selecting a format for 1xbet best casino website supplemental file(s), however, it is best to choose a format that is platform- and vendor-independent, stable, and widely supported. The end-user must have the appropriate software on their computer in order to open and use 1xbet best casino website file. If the format you have chosen is not widely supported in the future, it is likely a user will not be able to open 1xbet best casino website file(s).

The following formats are recommended for supplemental 1xbet best casino website :

MIME type Description Extensions
application/pdf Adobe PDF pdf
text/csv Comma Separated Value csv
text/xml XML xml
text/plain Text txt, asc
text/html HTML htm, html
image/jpeg JPEG jpeg, jpg
image/gif GIF gif
image/png Portable Network Graphic png
image/tiff TIFF tiff, tif
audio/x-wav WAV wav
audio/mp3 MPEG-1 audio layer 3 mp3
video/mpeg MPEG mpeg, mpg, mpe
video/quicktime Video Quicktime mov, qt
audio/x-mpeg MPEG Audio mpa, abs, mpega
application/sgml SGML sgm, sgml
audio/x-pn-realaudio RealAudio ra, ram

Excel and PowerPoint are popular file formats, and it is possible for 1xbet best casino website in these formats to be submitted along with the text of your ETDR. However, it's best to convert Excel and PowerPoint 1xbet best casino website to PDF before submitting them. Alternatively, Excel 1xbet best casino website can be save as a comma-separated value file (.csv).

PDF documents play all video and sound 1xbet best casino website that are compatible with Apple Quick Time, Flash Player, Windows Built-In Player, RealOne, and Windows Media Player. Viewers of the PDF document must have the necessary hardware and software.

Examples of ETDRs with supplemental 1xbet best casino website

To give you an idea of the range of possibilities, here are recent ETDRs submitted by K-State students that contain supplemental 1xbet best casino website :

Abdullah Al-Shehri
The Development of Reusable Online Learning Resources for Instructional Design Students Based on the Principles of Learning Objects.
Contains a Flash program of reusable online learning resources.
Toni Jo Bryant
Development of a Food Safety Education Program on CD/ROM for 4th, 5th, and 6th Grade Children.
Contains a tutorial developed in Authorware. The tutorial consists of over 200 individual 1xbet best casino website .
Howard Camp
Measurements of the Time Evolution of Coherent Excitation
Contains animations of physics experiments. When these 1xbet best casino website are downloaded and installed on the reader's computer, they can be accessed by clicking on links within the PDF file.
Matthew Sturich
The Poetic Image: An Exploration of Memory and Making in Architecture and Film.
Includes a Quicktime movie.


What if I n if you have questions or want to discuss the possibility of including supplemental 1xbet best casino website with your ETDR.