Submit 1xbet online casino ETDR to K-REx

The K-State Research Exchange (K-REx) is the digital repository where 1xbet online casino manuscript will be stored and made available to other researchers. The actual submission process takes only a few minutes, but it requires some preparation.

Review the steps below or watch the ETDR 1xbet online casino video to guide 1xbet online casino through the submission process.

Get Ready

  1. Have a PDF version of 1xbet online casino ETDR and any supplemental files you want to submit handy.
  2. Open the Word or PDF version of 1xbet online casino ETDR so you can copy/paste information into K-REx.
  3. Have 1xbet online casino keywords and key phrases selected (1 minimum, 6 maximum). See Guidelines for selecting 1xbet onl for more information.

Log In

  1. Go to the K-REx homepage ( and in the left menu under My Account, click Login.
  2. Enter 1xbet online casino K-State eID and password not 1xbet online casino entire e-mail address. Click the Sign in button.
  3. In the left menu under My Account, click Submissions and then Start a New 1xbet online casino .
  4. On the Select a Collection screen, pull down the menu and click K-State Electronic Theses, Dissertations, and Reports: 2004-.

If 1xbet online casino have problems logging in, contact the IT Service Desk: 1xbet online spo or Start a Live Chat.

Information About 1xbet online casino ETDR

  1. On the Describe Item section, enter or select the information listed below.
  2. If the pull-down menus for degree name, department, or major professor do not contain the selection you need, select the "Not Listed" option which appears at the top of each list and continue with 1xbet online casino submission. The correct information will be added to 1xbet online casino submission when it is reviewed by the Library.

Keywords and Abstract

  1. On the next screen, enter the following information and then click Next:
    • Subject Keywords and Phrases: (1-6). Enter a keyword, then click Add. Repeat this process for each keyword. See the Guidelines for selecting 1xbet online casino.
    • Abstract: Copy and paste 1xbet online casino abstract into the Abstract box. Do not include the world "Abstract".
    • Sponsors: (Optional) If an agency provided funding for 1xbet online casino research, enter the name of the agency in the Sponsors box. Give the full name of the agency (no acronyms or abbreviations).

Upload File(s)

Upload a Single File and then click Next:

    • On the Upload File(s) screen, click Choose File to locate the PDF file for 1xbet online casino ETDR on 1xbet online casino computer.
    • Leave the File Description box blank.

Upload Multiple Files and then click Next:

    • On the Upload File(s) page, click Choose File button to locate the first file to upload.
    • In the File Description box, enter a brief description of the file. If the file is the PDF of 1xbet online casino ETDR, enter "Dissertation," "Thesis," or "Report," as appropriate. If the file is a video recording, enter a brief description of the topic, for example, "Video of lab technique."
    • Click the Add another file button.
    • Repeat these steps until all 1xbet online casino files are uploaded.

Review 1xbet online casino

  1. On the Review 1xbet online casino page, review the information and file(s) 1xbet online casino 've submitted. Click one of the Correct one of these buttons to edit any of the information or to select a different file.
  2. If 1xbet online casino click any of the Correct one of these buttons, 1xbet online casino will be taken back to the submission form to make revisions.
  3. If all the information is correct, click Next.

Distribution License and 1xbet online casino

  1. At the bottom of the page, click I grant the License checkbox. This gives K-State permission to distribute 1xbet online casino ETDR, but does not affect 1xbet online casino copyright.
  2. Click Complete 1xbet online casino .
  3. 1xbet online casino should now see the 1xbet online casino Complete page. Be sure to Logout on the left side of the page.

Graduate School Review

  1. 1xbet online casino submission will now be reviewed by the Graduate School. Within 1-2 days, you should receive an email notice from "" on the status of 1xbet online casino submission.
  2. If 1xbet online casino submission is approved, you will receive an email with the subject line "K-REx: Submission Approved and Archived." You can then go on to the Submitting your etdr 1xbet sports betting.
  3. If 1xbet online casino submission is not approved, you will receive an email with the subject line "K-REx: Submission Rejected." This message will describe the revisions you need to make to 1xbet online casino ETDR. You will need to make the revisions, save 1xbet online casino file as a PDF, and submit the revised PDF file.

Revise and Resubmit

  1. When you are ready to submit 1xbet online casino revised PDF, click the link in the email you received from the Graduate School. Alternatively, you can go directly to the K-REx homepage and Login.
  2. When you sign in, you will see 1xbet online casino ETDR listed in the Unfinished Submissions section. Click the title of 1xbet online casino ETDR and then click Resume.
  3. K-REx retains all previous information you entered about 1xbet online casino ETDR. Click Next at the bottom of each screen until 1xbet online casino see the Upload File(s) screen.
  4. Toward the bottom of the page, 1xbet online casino will see an entry for the file 1xbet online casino uploaded originally. Click the square checkbox just to the left of the filename, then click Remove selected files to remove the previous PDF.
  5. Click Choose File and locate the revised file on 1xbet online casino computer. If you had entered text in the File Description box previously, re-enter that text. Click Next.

Within 1-2 days, you will receive an email from the Graduate School. If 1xbet online casino submission is approved, you can go on to the Submitting your etdr 1xbet sports betting. If 1xbet online casino submission is rejected, 1xbet online casino will need to repeat steps 1 through 5 above.

3. Have 1xbet online casino keywords and key phrases selected (1 minimum, 6 maximum). See Guidelines for selecting 1xbet onl.