Miranda schremmer 1xbet online sports betting

miranda schremmer

115 Eisenhower Hall

Program Administrator

  • Assistant to the Dean of the 1xbet online sports betting School
    - Duties include scheduling appointments and meetings
  • Coordinates scholarships and awards for 1xbet online sports betting students and faculty
    - Distinguished 1xbet online sports betting Faculty Award
    - Donoghue Scholarship
    - Ervin W. Segebrecht Honorarium
    - Sarachek Predoctoral Honors Fellowship in Molecular Biology
    - University Distinguished Professors 1xbet online sports betting Student Award
    - MAGS Distinguished Thesis Award
    - CGS Distinguished Dissertation Award
  • Coordinates 1xbet online sports betting School commencement
  • Manages daily operations for the 1xbet online sports betting School

Miranda is from St. Mary’s, KS and has been at Kansas State University since completing her Bachelor’s degree in 2012. She spent nine years in the College of Veterinary Medicine before moving to the 1xbet online sports betting School. In her free time, Miranda enjoys spending time with her two sons, husband, and three dogs. Miranda also enjoys watching her sons play sports, gardening, and is an amateur cake decorator.