Megan miller 1xbet sports betting

117A Eisenhower Hall

Assistant Director, Student Success

  • Oversees coordination of orientation for new 1xbet sports betting students
  • Mentor to 1xbet sports betting Student Council (GSC) leaders and support for GSC committees and initiatives (travel awards, professional development seminars, research forums, social events, fundraising)
  • Collaborates with student service units to coordinate and promote programming for current 1xbet sports betting students
  • Coordinates Three Minute Thesis Competition

Originally from Pueblo, Colorado, Megan began her role as the 1xbet sports betting School's Student Success Coordinator in August 2014. She also worked as a 1xbet sports betting assistant for the 1xbet sports betting School while pursuing her master's of science and PhD in psychology, completed at K-State in 2009 and 2014, respectively. Megan enjoys spending free time playing golf and baking sweet treats for holidays and office celebrations. She and her husband and daughter enjoy life in the Little Apple but also look forward to trips to visit family in Colorado and Hawaii.