history 1xbet online sports betting


First 1xbet online sports betting student enrolled


Martha A. White awarded first 1xbet online sports betting degree. All degrees awarded prior to 1886 were honorary and informally based on substantial and significant works.


Standing committee on 1xbet online sports betting work established consisting of seven members:

  • 1 from Home Economics
  • 1 from Veterinary Medicine
  • 2 from Division of Agriculture
  • 1 from English
  • 2 General Science


Master of Science established


First application received for post-1xbet online sports betting work from an individual with a degree outside of Kansas State Agricultural College.


Fairchild Hall (home of the 1xbet online sports betting School until March 2017) constructed for the library and agricultural sciences.


Council of Deans handled all 1xbet online sports betting work; passed along applications to each dean who then set up course work for the student in his/her division.


Assistantships offered in 12 departments (required .5 laboratory research and .5 study, only offered to those with two years of residency).


Standing Committee renamed 1xbet online sports betting Council; consisting of seven members, members were appointed by President William M. Jardine.


Fairchild Hall substantially remodeled upon removal of library to Hale building.


Division of 1xbet online sports betting Study established; Dr. James Ackert named Dean.


Doctor of Philosophy authorized by Kansas Board of Regents in Chemistry, Milling Industry, Bacteriology, and Entomology.


First PhD awarded to Hugh Stanley Carroll in Chemistry; Dissertation titled: “Studies in the Methylation of Lactose”


Division of 1xbet online sports betting Study renamed 1xbet online sports betting School


Oral exam dates for doctoral degrees first posted publicly in 1954 on bulletin boards in Fairchild Hall.


Master of Arts established; Mrs. Sanum Shantikumar, from New Delhi, India awarded first MA in Philosophy.


Interdisciplinary study begins with 1xbet online sports betting work at Kansas State University.

First K-State/Ft. Leavenworth Cooperative Degree Program (Political Science)


SUROP formed for undergraduates from under-represented groups to gain experience in the research process.


First 1xbet online sports betting certificate awarded (Women’s Studies)


First on-post 1xbet online sports betting program (Adult and Continuing Education) offered at Ft. Leavenworth

First online master’s degree students matriculated (Master of Agribusiness)


First doctoral degree program memorandum of agreement signed between K-State and Ft. Leavenworth


Virginia Moxley and Sue Maes bring Master’s degree in Financial Planning to K-State through new distance program: Great Plains IDEA

First Sarachek Predoctoral Honors Fellowship awarded.


Implementation of the online application for 1xbet online sports betting admission


Doctoral students begin submitting dissertations electronically through K-Rex, followed by Master's students in 2007


National Science Foundation awards K-State .7 million grant to establish Evidence-Based Inquiry into the Distant, Remote or Past (K-12 education program).

National Science Foundation awards K-State to fund the 1xbet online sports betting Assistance in Areas of National Need (GAANN) for three years.

National Science Foundation awards K-State to fund the Integrative 1xbet online sports betting Education and Research Training program (IGERT) for three years.


National Science Foundation awards .8 million grant to establish INSIGHT (Infusing System Design and Sensor Technology in Education) K-12 program.

The KSURF (Kansas State University Research Foundation)Doctoral Research Scholarship established.


First 1xbet online sports betting course offering given at K-State Olathe.

First professional master’s degree offered at K-State Salina.