featured 1xbet online games login Alumni

1xbet online games login school alumni have pursued diverse careers and are making important contributions in higher education, industry, and government. Here are a few stories of 1xbet online games login School alumni and their post-1xbet online games login journey.

Alumni in academia: 1xbet online games login grads who teach at 1xbet online games login

PictureMore than 1,800 K-State graduates work at the university, including those who serve as instructors. Many of these instructors earned 1xbet online games login degrees from K-State. The purple pride that inspired them as students still inspires them today, and their experiences as learners in the classroom shape them as they now shape the next generation of K-Staters.

Read 1xbet online games login Dr. Lonnie Hobbs Jr, master's (2019) and PhD (2023) 1xbet online games login in agricultural economics, and Dr. Ashley Rhodes, master's in animal science (2004) and PhD in curriculum and instruction (2013), who are now faculty at 1xbet online games login .

Read full story on Alumni Association blog

Faith, family and following a dream: How this 1xbet online games login couple is making an impact on the next generation of students

PictureIn the midst of pursuing careers, raising their own children, volunteering with St. John’s Missionary Baptist Church, and serving as chaplains at Kansas Wesleyan University, Drs. Brandon and Ralita Cheeks carved out time to pursue master’s degrees, and in May 2024 they both graduated with doctorates from 1xbet online games login . The journey might not have been easy, but looking back, they agree it has definitely been worth it.

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Alumni reflect on value of leadership experience during 1xbet online games login education

Societal changes create a growing need for advanced degree holders in our workforce, which is reflected in increasing numbers of K-State 1xbet online games login students. Today, over 4,100 1xbet online games login students account for 21% of K-State students. The value of a 1xbet online games login education extends beyond gaining specialized knowledge in a discipline. Involvement opportunities help 1xbet online games login students build competencies that prepare them for diverse careers. Read about a few alumni who benefited from leadership roles on the 1xbet online games login Student Council (GSC):

  • Dr. Tucker Jones ’21, who earned a master’s 1xbet online games login in psychology and a Ph.D., served as GSC president-elect and president
  • Dr. Narmadha Meenu Mohankumar ’22, who 1xbet online games login a Ph.D. in statistics, served as GSC treasurer and fundraising committee chair
  • Courtney Martin ’12, who earned a master’s degree in counseling and student development, was a 1xbet online games login student senator and served on the Student Insurance Advisory Committee.
Read full story on Alumni Association blog

Vista Suarez Fletcher

PhD in Human Ecology with a specialization in Institutional 1xbet online games login , 2000

PictureFletcher completed bachelor’s and master’s degrees in dietetics and nutrition at Florida State University. Although she was excited about graduating and being done with school, a professor encouraged 1xbet online games login to look at getting a Ph.D. Originally, she wanted to find a program close to Florida, but K-State popped up on 1xbet online games login radar. She eventually earned a doctor of philosophy in human ecology with a specialization in institutional management from K-State. While she might have been a long way from home, coming to K-State gave 1xbet online games login a sense of confidence that continues to drive 1xbet online games login career.

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Dr. Char Maine 1xbet online games login

EdD in 1xbet online games login leadership, 2021


Dr. CharMaine Hines, a K-State alum, transitioned from a successful career in Michigan to pursue a Doctor of Education, focusing on community college leadership. 1xbet online games login dedication culminated in a prestigious dissertation award and 1xbet online games login current role as vice chancellor at Wayne County Community College District, where she continues to influence higher education policy and practice.

Kristen 1xbet online games login

MS in Horticulture and Natural Resources, 2020


At a young age, many kids do not know what they want to be when they get older. However, K-State master’s alumna Kristen Sikorsky (Horticulture and Natural Resources, 2020) knew the career path she wanted to pursue at eight years old. Combining 1xbet online games login passion for public service with 1xbet online games login love for science and the outdoors sparked 1xbet online games login dream of becoming a biologist for the federal government.

Dr. Kelsey McDonough

PhD in biological and agricultural engineering, 2018


Dr. Kelsey McDonough, who earned 1xbet online games login PhD in biological and agricultural engineering from K-State in 2018, has always been drawn towards developing innovative challenges.

She firmly believes that pursuing 1xbet online games login doctoral degree led to 1xbet online games login successful career today. McDonough currently works as a Senior Flood Engineer for FloodMapp – a technology company specializing in rapid flood forecasting and inundation mapping to provide greater warning time and awareness.