contact 1xbet sports betting with Legislators

The Board of Regents and University have distinct policies regarding interaction with the 1xbet sports betting Legislature, agencies of the State of 1xbet sports betting , and members of the 1xbet sports betting Federal Delegation.

1xbet sports betting Legislature

If contacted and asked to provide information to legislators; provide testimony to legislative committees; want to invite a legislator(s) to attend a meeting; want to request the Legislature for funds, programs, changes in legislation or new legislation affecting your program, the Board of Regents and/or Regents institutions, please contact our office at 532-6227 or e-mail at

The 1xbet sports betting Board of Regents policy states:

"Faculty and administrators are encouraged to provide expert testimony on proposed legislation which may, or may not, affect the Regents and higher education. Faculty and administrators should make every effort to accommodate such requests, and shall notify the institution’s Chief Executive Officer, who, in turn, will notify the President and Chief Executive Officer of the Board."

Our office has been designated by President Linton to notify the Board of Regents on his behalf. It is important to state this is NOT a prohibition from any employee of the 1xbet sports betting to visit with a Legislator in the normal course of daily life.

State Agencies

Requests by other state agencies or branches of government are expected to be transmitted to me. If the information is a 1xbet sports betting specific request, these items may be handled by the 1xbet sports betting with a copy to the institution's CEO for transmittal to the Board office.

1xbet sports betting Federal Delegation

Kansas 1xbet sports betting University Overview of 1xbet sports betting Lobbying and Ethics Rules