General Department Support funds 1xbet online games login

1xbet online games login General Excellence Fund

Funds donated to this account will be distributed based on the Department Heads discretion. Funds will be utilized to conduct activities essential to maintain, operate and enhance the Department of 1xbet online games login .

The 1xbet online games login Advisory Council Fund

The purpose of this fund is to provide financial assistance to the Department of 1xbet online games login .

Other Department Support Funds

The Calvin D and Armistice L Albert Fund for Excellence in 1xbet online games login

This endowed fund provides support to enhance the Department of 1xbet online games login in a variety of areas that include scholarships/internships, faculty development, and research and equipment enhancements.

Bruce and Connie Coombs Award for Effective Teaching in 1xbet online games login

The purpose of this award is to provide a financial reward to an instructor in the 1xbet online games login Department in recognition of effective teaching.

H.E. Mathy 1xbet online games login Endowment

The purpose of this fund is to provide financial support to the Department of 1xbet online games login for uses deemed necessary, which could include student stipends, educational activities, seminars, or for equipment.

Danheim Nelson Equipment Fund

The purpose of this fund is to provide financial assistance to the Department of 1xbet online games login for classroom, laboratory, or field work equipment.

The Richard and Carolyn Roby Unrestricted 1xbet online games login Departmental Support Fund

The purpose of this fund is to provide additional support to the Department of 1xbet online games login .

Page C. Twiss Faculty Endowment

The purpose of this fund is to provide support for faculty who have shown excellence in teaching and/or supervision of graduate students.