Geosciences 1xbet online casino Proposal

We are actively raising funds for a new geosciences facility. We are excited about the proposed facility, what it could mean for our ability to train future geoscientists, and the progress we have made so far!

To make a donation that can help us reach our goal, please follow this givin .

1xbet online casino

Recent progress

The 1xbet online casino Board of Regents reacts positively to geosciences building proposal

First million gift commitment to proposed new facility received

K-State presented a formal geosciences building proposal to the 1xbet online casino Board of Regents in August 2016 (read about it here ). The response of the Regents to the request has been positive. They seem to appreciate the water aspect of the proposal and how it ties into the energy industry as key growth areas for jobs in 1xbet online casino , he said. More feedback is expected from the Regents over the coming months.

Meanwhile, Paul Strunk ('56 geol, '58 Master's) and his wife, Deana, Rockport, Texas, have generously committed at least million toward the project. The total cost of the 1xbet online casino is estimated at million. The university is trying to raise 10 million through private philanthropic gifts in the next three to five years.

K-State provides much-needed geology graduates to support the growing energy industry in 1xbet online casino . The latest Bureau of Labor statistics show that job vacancies in the industry over the next ten years are projected to grow faster than the average for nearly all other occupations. KSU Geology can help to fill this skills gap to benefit 1xbet online casino . In addition to job creation, the focus on geosciences is expected to also help solve environmental, water, and energy issues, as well as provide multidisciplinary education and research opportunities for faculty and students.

If you have any questions about our 1xbet online casino proposal, please direct them to Department Head, Pamela Kempton , Interim Dean Chris Culbertson , or Sheila Walker , Associate Vice President at the KSU Foundation.

We are excited about the progress that has been made and hope you are too!

Pamela Kempton, Head of the Department of 1xbet online casino