current 1xbet online games login Courses

Fall 2023

GEOL 100 Earth in Action (Credits: 3)

If you ever found a rock and wondered, what it was, or how it was formed or where it came from, this class is perfect for you. This class is a 3-credit hour introductory 1xbet online games login lecture that covers a variety of topics (topics may differ depending on instructor). In this class you will learn about: the scientific method, different spheres of the Earth and their interactions, theory of plate tectonics, basics of earthquake and volcanoes and the science of climate change. Various techniques of active learning and student engagement such as virtual reality field trips (and real field trips for First Year Seminar section) are used.

GEOL 103 (1xbet online games login Laboratory) may be taken with this course to make it an elective with a lab section. It is also offered online through Global Campus. K-State 8 tags Historical Perspectives, Natural & Physical Sciences

GEOL 102 Earth Through Time (Credits: 3)

The purpose of this course is to tell you the story about how the Earth came to be, how the planet and life on it evolved from its formation 4.5 billion years ago to the present, and to discuss the interconnectedness of the physical and biological realms. You will also learn how scientists know all that! By the end of the course, you should be able to (1) understand the internal and external processes in the Earth, (2) have a general notion of the techniques applied to historical 1xbet online games login , and (3) have an overall view of the history of the Earth, understanding the interrelationship between major events and the evolution of life, geologic time; plate tectonics and the evolution of continents, oceans; history of life as revealed in the geologic record; and past climates.

GEOL 103 (1xbet online games login Laboratory) may be taken with this course to make it an elective with a lab section. It is also offered online through Global Campus. K-State 8 tags Historical Perspectives, Natural & Physical Sciences

GEOL 103 1xbet online games login Laboratory (Credits: 1)

This class is a 1 credit hour introductory 1xbet online games login laboratory that meets once a week for 2 hours. In this lab you will learn about basic 1xbet online games login topics in a hands-on active session. The topics include identification of rocks and minerals, geologic maps, topographic maps, streams and groundwater and landforms. During the lab session you will use an augmented-reality sandbox to learn about topographic maps, virtual reality field trips to learn about different landforms, a stream table to learn about evolution of riverbeds over time and many other hands-on activities involving mineral and rock specimens, and different maps.

Prerequisites or co-requisites: GEOL 100, GEOL 102, or GEOL 125. K-State 8 tag 1xbet online games login & Physical Sciences

GEOL 105 Oceanography (Credits:3)

The oceans: their boundaries, contents, and processes.

K-State 8 tag 1xbet online games login & Physical Sciences

GEOL 115 Environmental 1xbet online games login (Credits: 3)

This course is intended to provide you with a scientific overview of 1xbet online games login as it relates to human activities and the interaction between human activity and geological processes. In particular, we will investigate (a) the physical constraints imposed on human activities by the near-surface and surface geological processes that are continually shaping the environment that we live in, (b) the resources that we utilize to sustain our lives on Earth, and (c) global environmental issues such as climate change, geologic hazards, natural resources, and water use.

K-State 8 tags Global Issues & Perspectives, 1xbet online games login & Physical Sciences

GEOL 125 1xbet online games login Disasters (Credits: 3)

This introductory lecture course introduces you to geological phenomena such as earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, tornadoes, hurricanes, and floods, with particular emphasis on their causes, effects, and significance as hazards. By enrolling in this course, you will learn about Earth's processes, gain an appreciation for 1xbet online games login forces that impact our lives in very significant ways, and become a better-informed citizen. This course meets 1xbet online games login and physical science and social science requirements of K-State 8.

1xbet online games login 103 (1xbet online games login Laboratory) may be taken with this course to make it an elective with a lab section. It is also offered online through Global Campus. K-State 8 tags Natural & Physical Sciences, and Social Sciences.

GEOL 360 Quantitative Methods in Geoscience (Credits: 3)

Design geological data sampling, investigate whether or not two geological datasets are significantly different, develop regression-based equations among various quantities, analyze data in Excel and MATLAB, and handle large geological datasets.

Prerequisite: MATH220. K-State 8 tags Empirical & Quantitative Reasoning, 1xbet online games login and Physical Sciences

GEOL 501 Independent Study in 1xbet online games login (Credits: 1-3)

Independent reading; field or 1xbet online games login investigations, or both, of geologic problems.

GEOL 502 Mineralogy (Credits: 3)

Crystallography; 1xbet online games login and chemical properties of minerals; emphasis on mineral identification through laboratory analysis

Prerequisites: GEOL 100 and GEOL 103; CHM 110 and CHM 111 or CHM 210. K-State 8 tags Empirical & Quantitative Reasoning, 1xbet online games login & Physical Sciences

GEOL 520 Geomorphology (Credits: 3)

Classroom, 1xbet online games login , and field studies of landforms and surficial deposits, with an emphasis on earth-surface processes. Classroom lectures and discussions; 1xbet online games login exercises; and field investigations.

Prerequisite: GEOL 100 or GEOL 121. K-State 8 tag 1xbet online games login & Physical Sciences

GEOL 530 Structural 1xbet online games login (Credits: 3)

Mechanics of the earth’s crust; origin and interrelation of structures of the earth.

Prerequisite: GEOL 503. K-State 8 tags Empirical & Quantitative Reasoning, 1xbet online games login & Physical Sciences

GEOL 560 Field Methods (Credits: 3)

Introduction to methods used to collect geologic data in the field. Emphasis is placed on map-reading, rock description, use of aerial photographs, and construction of geologic maps and cross sections.

Prerequisite: GEOL 503. K-State 8 tags Empirical & Quantitative Reasoning, 1xbet online games login & Physical Sciences

GEOL 581 Principles of Paleontology (Credits: 3)

1xbet online games login will introduce you to the diverse ways in which data from the fossil record can be applied to address geological and paleontological questions. It will provide basic knowledge of the morphology and geologic range of common fossil groups and give you a sense of the breadth of information obtainable from the fossil record. We will discuss how paleontological data may provide information not only about the evolutionary history and characteristics of past life on Earth, but also about the past environments those organisms inhabited.

Prerequisite: GEOL 102. K-State 8 tags Empirical & Quantitative Reasoning, 1xbet online games login & Physical Sciences

GEOL 599 Senior Thesis (Credits: 1-3)

Directed research and preparation of a senior thesis.

GEOL 640 Introduction to Geophysics (Credits: 3)

Introduction to geophysics, its uses in studies of the earth’s interior, its utility of illuminating subsurface geological features, and its applications in fields such as groundwater studies and the development of energy resources.

Prerequisites: MATH 220, PHYS 113, or PHYS 213, or instructor consent

GEOL 711 Water Resources Geochemistry (Credits: 3)

Geochemistry of ground and surface waters; emphasis on mineralogical, biochemical, and hydrologic controls on inorganic and organic interactions in 1xbet online games login waters.

Prerequisites: GEOL 611, GEOL 605, or AGRON 605

GEOL 730 Petroleum 1xbet online games login (Credits: 3)

This course summarizes the fundamentals of 1xbet online games login that need to be understood and integrated to manage petroleum reservoirs and other fluid resources. It will address the origin and distribution of conventional and non-conventional petroleum resources, the petroleum system, source rocks, traps and seals, reservoir rock properties, as well as exploration and development methods. While petroleum is still a major part of our energy demands, the techniques taught in this course are applicable to a variety of renewable resources such as groundwater and geothermal energy, and those will also be examined. We will discuss topics pertinent to the energy industry, including hydrocarbon prices and geopolitics, production of shale gas and the energy transition.

Prerequisites: GEOL 530 and GEOL 630

GEOL 760 Geochemical and Biogeochemical Modeling (Credits: 3)

Use of geochemical modeling to examine geochemical and biogeochemical processes in aqueous environments.

Prerequisites: CHM 110 and CHM 111. Recommended prerequisite: GEOL 605. K-State 8 tags Empirical & Quantitative Reasoning, 1xbet online games login & Physical Sciences

GEOL 790 Problems in 1xbet online games login (Credits: 1-3)

Work is offered in mineralogy, paleobiology, paleoecology, stratigraphy, structural 1xbet online games login , igneous, metamorphic, and sedimentary petrology, geomorphology, planetary 1xbet online games login , hydrogeology, geochemistry, and isotope 1xbet online games login .

GEOL 810 Isotope 1xbet online games login (Credits: 3)

Principles, techniques, and applications of 1xbet online games login radioactive isotopes to geochronology; application of isotopes to problems of petrogenesis.

Prerequisite: GEOL 608 or consent of instructor

GEOL 898 Master’s Report Research (Credits: 1-2)

Research or practice of 1xbet online games login summarized in a scholarly report.

GEOL 899 Master’s Theses Research (Credits: 1-2)

Research in 1xbet online games login culminating in a master’s thesis.