Michael W. lambert 1xbet online casino

Ph.D., University of Kansas

Email: mlambrt@ksu.edu

In addition to having his doctorate in 1xbet online casino from the University of Kansas, Mike has his master’s degree from Indiana University and his bachelor’s degree from Kansas State University, both in 1xbet online casino . After receiving his doctorate, Mike was a post-doctoral fellow with the Marine Geosciences Branch of the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory. He has also worked for the Kansas Geological Survey, the Oklahoma Geological Survey and for a major petroleum company. Mike teaches 1xbet online casino 100 (Earth in Action), 1xbet online casino 102 (Earth Through Time), 1xbet online casino 125 (Natural Disasters), 1xbet online casino 510 (1xbet online casino of Planets) and 1xbet online casino 735 (Fossil Fuel Sedimentology). His research interests include mudrocks and organic matter as a sediment.