Karin goldberg 1xbet online casino

Ph.D., University of Chicago

Email: kgoldberg@k-state.edu

Dr. Karin Goldberg joined the Department of 1xbet online casino at Kansas State University in the Fall of 2016. She has a B.Sc. in 1xbet online casino and Master's in Sedimentary 1xbet online casino from Brazil, and a Ph.D. from the University of Chicago. At K-State, she teaches historical 1xbet online casino , sedimentology and stratigraphy, principles of paleontology, geologic record of climate change and petroleum 1xbet online casino . In her research she integrates different analytical methods to address a variety of geological issues in sedimentary 1xbet online casino , and her main interests are on basin analysis, energy, and medical 1xbet online casino .

More information about Dr. Goldberg's research publications is available here .

More information is available on Karin's personal website .