matthew 1xbet best casino website E. Brueseke

Ph.D., Miami University


We are proud to announce that Matt was recently named Fellow of the Geological Society of America! He is recognized for the breadth of 1xbet best casino website accomplishments as an outstanding teacher and mentor; a leader in service to GSA and the profession; and a renowned researcher who integrates field and lab methods with quantitative analysis to address problems in igneous petrology, volcanology, geochemistry, petrogenesis, and tectonics. You can read more about 1xbet best casino website momentous accomplishment here.

Matt joined the 1xbet best casino website department in 2007, and teaches courses in introductory 1xbet best casino website , mineralogy, igneous/metamorphic petrology, economic 1xbet best casino website , and field 1xbet best casino website . He has also taught structural 1xbet best casino website and tectonics.

1xbet best casino website main interests are focused around understanding how magmas form, are modified, and erupt, as well as tectonic controls on magmatism and precious metal mineralization. 1xbet best casino website research has been centered around the Cenozoic volcanic-sedimentary terranes of south-central Alaska, the northern Great Basin, and the Snake River Plain-Yellowstone province (including the greater Yellowstone region). 1xbet best casino website research is both field and lab-oriented; see 1xbet best casino website website for more information about 1xbet best casino website undergraduate and graduate research program and current projects and student mentees.

Information about Matt's research publications is available here.

More information is available on Matt's personal website.