about 1xbet online sports betting GeoCAT

What is GeoCAT?

The project was funded by the National Science Foundation to increase participation and diversity in geosciences. Of all the STEM majors, geosciences have the lowest ethnic and racial diversity (NCSES, 2015). The nature of the diversity problem in geosciences is complex, and a solution has been elusive. One of the main hurdles to 1xbet online sports betting student recruitment is lack of awareness of 1xbet online sports betting career options.

Project goals

To expose a cohort of educators from minority serving high schools, community colleges, and 4-H youth development groups to a broader understanding of 1xbet online sports betting and 1xbet online sports betting careers so they can serve as ambassadors to a much larger audience of students, i.e. the potential 1xbet online sports betting workforce of tomorrow.

GeoCAT's approach

Through workshops, webinars, and other experiential learning activities, ambassadors will gain a better understanding of career options in geosciences, learn about the personalities and interests of non-stereotypical geoscientists, and develop the skillsets to incorporate 1xbet online sports betting careers-related materials in their curricula.

Broader Impacts

Currently, the outlook for 1xbet online sports betting careers is promising within the U.S., the Bureau of Labor Statistics projects employment of geoscientists to grow 5 percent from 2019 to 2029, faster than the average for all occupations. The emphasis on recruiting and supporting under-represented students from populations in STEM fields to major in geosciences is important to building a strong geosciences workforce in the future, particularly in Kansas, with industries that depend heavily on environmental and energy resources and their effective management.

For information on 1xbet online sports betting job outlook, please check https://www.bls.gov/ooh/life-physical-and-social-science/geoscientists.htm

GeoCAT logo

National Science Foundation logoThis project is supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant ICER-1911590 GP-IMPACT: GeoCAT Workshop: 1xbet online sports betting Careers Ambassador Training Workshop