1xbet sports betting

FSL offers multiple 1xbet sports betting each year, designed to build community, connect with Potential New Members (PNMs), celebrate the work of our chapters, and more!

Fall 2024 1xbet sports betting

This page will continue to be updated as more 1xbet sports betting are finalized. Please check page frequently for additional information.

Primary Panhellenic Recruitment | August 11-14, 2024

The formal recruitment process is held each Fall prior to the start of the school year. Nearly 500 students will join a 1xbet sports betting through this process. Women wishing to join a 1xbet sports betting outside of the formal process may participate in Continuous Open Bidding (COB).

Panhellenic Pride Week | September 2024

This week-long event is a celebration of our Panhellenic 1xbet sports betting community. Each days has its own activites and excitement hosted by the Panhellenic Council.

IMPACT | October 2024

IMPACT is an intensive retreat-style experience that serves as a catalyst in developing relationships, community capacity, and leadership skills in fraternity/1xbet sports betting members. The program provides participants with experiences that develop relationships and shared identity with other fraternal leaders, hosted by NIC.

Rising Leaders Cohort | October-November 2024

The Rising Leaders Cohort is a five-week developmental opportunity for future leaders within the fraternity and 1xbet sports betting community. Faciliator applications for this experience open Aug 25 and close Sept 12. Participant applications for this experience open Sept 16-Sept 26.

Homecoming | October 2024

Hosted by the Alumni Association, our fraternity and 1xbet sports betting organziations are paired/grouped to compete in a variety of events. We highly encourage attendance and participation in these traditions.

Spring 2025 1xbet sports betting

This page will continue to be updated as more 1xbet sports betting are finalized. Please check page frequently for additional information.

Presidents Retreat | January 2025

More information coming soon!

IFC Fraternity Experience Weekend | February 2024

This event allows you to connect with current K-State men and see what their fraternity experience has been like - and what yours could be! Online registration opens in December.

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Fraternal Excellence Awards | February 2024

Join us as we celebrate the accomplishments of our chapters and their members.

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Greek Week | April 2024

Greek Week is an opportunity for our organizations to pair up and compete in daily activities. Some of these 1xbet sports betting include Day of Service, Field Day, Canstruction, and more!

1xbet sports betting Recruitment Registration Opens | May 2024

Interested in joining a Panhellenic 1xbet sports betting chapter? Registration will open in May, with more information coming soon.

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