glossary 1xbet best casino website of Terms



A grading option only for elective 1xbet best casino website . If an A grade is earned, it is recorded. If a B, C or D grade is earned, a Pass grade is recorded. An F grade is recorded as Fail.

Academic Achievement Center (AAC)

An office that provides a variety of resources to help 1xbet best casino website succeed.
Academic Calendar Calendar of events that includes dates of breaks and final exam weeks.

Academic Coach

A professional who assists 1xbet best casino website in creating an individual plan for academic success.

Academic Dismissal

1xbet best casino website who do not meet the required grade point average are dismissed from the university. They must wait at least two semesters before being considered for reinstatement.

Academic Warning (Warning)

1xbet best casino website who do not meet a required grade point average are placed on academic warning. Academic warning may precede dismissal.

Academic Year

The academic year consists of three semesters: fall, spring and summer. K-State's academic year, which begins in August, includes 16-week fall and spring semesters and a shorter summer semester.


Recognition that a university or program meets national or regional standards.


A claim or assertion that someone has done something illegal or wrong, typically one made without proof.

Assistant Community Coordinators (ACC)

Graduate 1xbet best casino website who live in the residence halls and assist with day-to-day operations.


An exam that is a college admission requirement for many universities. The test measures 1xbet best casino website ' English, reading, math, science and writing.

Academic Advisor

A professional who provides guidance on course enrollment, academic progress and graduation. 1xbet best casino website typically meet with an advisor each semester before enrolling.

Advanced Placement (AP)

College-level courses taken while in high school. 1xbet best casino website may receive college credit based on their AP exam scores.

Alumni (Alumna/Alumnus)

People who have graduated from K-State. A female graduate is an alumna; a male or female graduate is an alumnus.

Associate Degree

Usually a two-year degree awarded to 1xbet best casino website who complete community or technical college requirements. With careful planning, the degree can match many requirements for a K-State four-year degree. The K-State Polytechnic campus offers associate degrees.


Not existing or happening at the same time (i.e. discussion boards or watching video lectures outside of class time)


An option that allows a student to participate in a 1xbet best casino website and learn the material without receiving a grade or credit.



A bachelor’s degree.

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)

A type of degree that includes modern language 1xbet best casino website .

Bachelor of Science (B.S.)

Most common type of bachelor’s degree. In some programs that offer B.A. and B.S. options, it is a degree that does not include the same modern language 1xbet best casino website requirements.

Bachelor's Degree

Degree awarded to 1xbet best casino website who graduate from a four-year college or university, and typically required before a master’s degree. You can a B.S. or B.A.

Berney Family Welcome Center

Located in the Old (aka Memorial) Stadium, which is across the street from the parking garage. Home of New Student Services and the Career Center.



An online system where 1xbet best casino website view course syllabi, documents, submit assignments, monitor grades and much more.

CAT Cash

A prepaid account connected to your Wildcat ID card that can be used for purchases only on the K-State campus.

CAT—(Connecting Across Topics) Communities

A group up to 22 first-year 1xbet best casino website who take two regular courses and a small one-hour connection course together.

Cats’ Cupboard

A pantry that provides free food, hygiene and cooking equipment for K-State 1xbet best casino website . Located in 009 Fairchild Hall.

Class Schedule

A list of courses in which a student is enrolled, along with when and where the classes meet. 1xbet best casino website access their class schedule through KSIS.


An academic subunit of the university concentrated around areas of study. K-State has nine colleges.

Community Coordinator (CC)

A professional who lives in the residence halls and oversees hall staff and day-to-day operations.

Cocurricular Activity

Any out-of-classroom event or opportunity that complements what 1xbet best casino website are learning in their courses.


The official title of the graduation ceremony. Two ceremonies are offered each year: one in May and the other in December.

Complete Withdrawal

An academic status when a student ends enrollment in 1xbet best casino website during a semester.

Comprehensive Exam

A term often used with final exams. A comprehensive final exam will be over all the material in the 1xbet best casino website .

Connections 1xbet best casino website

The one-hour class for a CAT community group that connects two larger 1xbet best casino website .

Counseling Services

An office that provides counseling services to 1xbet best casino website for various needs. The first four visits to Counseling Services each year are free for enrolled 1xbet best casino website .

1xbet best casino website Catalog

A list of the 1xbet best casino website offered by the university, organized by academic year.

1xbet best casino website Number

The number associated with a specific 1xbet best casino website , such as MATH 100 for College Algebra.

1xbet best casino website Reference Number

A five-digit number specific for a 1xbet best casino website and its sections. A specific section of MATH 100 might be 34567.


A formal ceremony that celebrates the entrance of 1xbet best casino website into K-State.


A 1xbet best casino website that must be taken at the same time as another 1xbet best casino website .

Cost of Attendance

The total expenses for a student to attend K-State, including tuition, books and supplies, housing, food and other necessities.

1xbet best casino website Load

The number of credits and/or 1xbet best casino website that a student takes during a semester.

1xbet best casino website Schedule

A listing of 1xbet best casino website offered by semester, college and department.

Credit Hour

The number of hours assigned to a 1xbet best casino website , which often reflects the approximate time spent in class per week. Many classes are three credit hours, which means they meet three times a week for 50 minutes, or two times a week for 75 minutes.

Cross-Listed 1xbet best casino website

The same 1xbet best casino website offered by two or more academic units and identified by the same 1xbet best casino website name, but with different 1xbet best casino website prefixes (Ex: Administration of Health Care Organizations is FNDH 720 and MPH 720).


The 1xbet best casino website required to earn a degree in a major.


Degree Audit Reporting System (DARS)

An online system that shows a student’s academic progress toward their K-State degree.

Dead Week

The week before finals week when no exams may be scheduled, except in specific courses. More formally known as Prep Week, when 1xbet best casino website prepare for final exams.


The leader of a college within the university.


Failure to repay a loan.


A plan allowed under certain conditions to delay payment on a loan.


The title awarded by K-State to a student who completes a curriculum and graduates; e.g., a bachelor’s degree.


A term for a loan whose payments are not received on time.

Doctorate, or Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)

The highest degree achievable. 1xbet best casino website usually receive a bachelor's degree and a master's degree before they earn their doctorate.


A unit within a college that brings together faculty in an academic discipline or area.

Department Head/Chair

The leader of a department.

Discussion Board

An online message board where 1xbet best casino website share their reflective responses and unique perspectives over a particular prompt, with feedback from other 1xbet best casino website and professors. You might encounter discussion boards via Canvas, Google Classroom, Blackboard, or TopHat.


During enrollment and the beginning of a semester, 1xbet best casino website may add and/or drop courses from their schedule.

Dual Degree/Major

Term for when a student is pursuing two degrees.


Education Abroad

The office that offers international educational experiences.


K-State username. This comes before in a K-State email address.


A 1xbet best casino website that a student chooses to take that may count toward degree requirements.


The process of selecting and enrolling in 1xbet best casino website through KSIS. Also referred to as registration.

Expected Family Contribution

A value from the FAFSA that represents the amount a student or family should be able to contribute toward their college costs.



Professors and instructors who teach and/or conduct research.


The Free Application for Federal Student Aid. The FAFSA must be completed each year in order to receive need-based aid from the government, such as the Pell Grant or work-study awards.


Federal Education Rights and Privacy Act. This law governs how colleges protect and share student information.

Financial Aid

Financial support that 1xbet best casino website receive for college expenses. Some financial aid, such as loans, must be repaid, while other forms, such as grants or scholarships, do not need to be paid back. Collectively all the financial aid that 1xbet best casino website are offered is known as their financial aid package.

Final Exam

An exam that typically is given during finals week, the last week of the semester.

First-Generation Student

A student whose neither parent nor guardian have earned a four-year degree.


An organization of men to build community. Some provide housing so that members can congregate and live together.


A first-year college student, or one who has earned fewer than 30 credit hours.

Full-Time Student

A student enrolled in at least 12 credit hours during the fall/spring and/or nine hours in the summer semesters.

First Year Seminar (FYS)

Small classes with up to 22 1xbet best casino website offered to first-year 1xbet best casino website .


General Education (Gen Ed) Classes

Course requirements that all 1xbet best casino website must complete to graduate. At K-State, these are called K-State 8 courses.

GPA — Grade Point Average

A measure of 1xbet best casino website performance. A GPA is obtained by dividing the number of grade points by the credit hours completed, where each credit hour of an A = 4 points, a B = 3 points, a C = 2 points, a D = 1 point, and an F = 0 points.

GPS — Guide to Personal Success

K-State First's mentoring program. First-year 1xbet best casino website are matched with a K-State professional to share experience and advice.

Graduate Student

A student who has graduated with a bachelor's degree and is pursuing a master's or doctoral degree.


A form of financial aid that does not need to be repaid.

Great Room

A notable historic room in Hale Library that has a number of murals.

GTA — Graduate Teaching Assistant

Graduate student who teaches or assists in teaching undergraduate 1xbet best casino website .



The Career Center's recruiting and career services platform.


A restriction in KSIS that limits a student's ability to enroll, receive a diploma and/or other actions until the hold is removed.

Housing and Dining Services

The department that manages the residence halls and dining centers on campus.

HRIS — Human Resources Information System

The online portal for those who have a campus job to access important job information, report hours, etc.


The fields of art, dance, drama, English, foreign languages, literature and music.


In-State Student

A K-State student who is a Kansas resident.


A faculty member who teaches.


A temporary professional experience typically in a student's career field or major. It can be paid or unpaid and can sometimes be taken for academic credit.


1xbet best casino website offered between semesters in January, May and August.


Individual and team sports for K-State 1xbet best casino website .



A third-year college student, or one who has earned at least 90 credit hours.


K-State Book Network (KSBN)

The university common read program. Every incoming first-year student receives the same book to read the summer before they start at K-State.

K-State First (KSF)

An office that coordinates classes and activities to support first-year student success.

KSIS — K-State Student Information System

The online system 1xbet best casino website access with their eID to enroll in classes, view their student bill, access their DARS report, see advisor's name, apply for graduation and complete other requirements.

K-State 8

K-State's general education program. 1xbet best casino website must take at least one course tagged in each of the eight areas.


LA — Learning Assistant

An undergraduate peer mentor who helps 1xbet best casino website in and out of their K-State First course.


Short for laboratory: a part of a 1xbet best casino website where a student completes hands-on activities. It is also a term used for spaces where some faculty conduct research.

Learning Management System

An online platform to access your 1xbet best casino website content such as CANVAS, Microsoft Teams, or others.

Lecture (Lec.)

A 1xbet best casino website where the teaching is done mostly through oral presentation.

Legacy Student

A student who is related to a person who graduated from K-State.

Liberal Arts

A term that refers to subjects such as humanities, social sciences, natural sciences and mathematics.


Financial aid that must be repaid. Student loans typically come from the government or from private banks.



The concentration of 1xbet best casino website required to earn a degree. For example, a biology major is pursuing a degree in biology and will take 1xbet best casino website oriented to that area of interest.


The process of a student being accepted to K-State and enrolling in classes.

Master's Degree

A graduate degree usually completed after the bachelor's degree; most commonly two years in length.

Meal Plan

The number of weekly meals purchased at campus dining centers. For example, a student might be on a 14 meals per week meal plan.


A student who receives support, guidance and advice from a mentor.


A fellow student or professional on, or off campus, who provides support, guidance and advice to a mentee.

Midterm exams (aka midterms)

Exams offered around the midpoint of a semester.


A concentration of 1xbet best casino website a student chooses to complete in addition to their major. Minors are at least 15 credit hours.


Natural Science

A term that refers to subjects such as astronomy, biology, chemistry, physics, botany, archaeology and geology, among other disciplines.


A socially acceptable way of communicating on the internet.


An out-of-state student.


1xbet best casino website who live off campus.

Nontraditional student

Most commonly describes a student starting college later in life rather than right after completing high school, or one who is a parent.


Office Hours

Specific times that faculty are available in their office to meet with 1xbet best casino website . 1xbet best casino website are encouraged to take advantage of these opportunities, usually no appointment is needed.

Old Stadium/Welcome Center

More officially known as the Berney Family Welcome Center.

Online Classes

1xbet best casino website taught primarily online, typically using Canvas, and not in a classroom on campus.

Out-of-State Student

A student who is not a resident of Kansas. Tuition for out-of-state 1xbet best casino website at K-State is higher than in-state 1xbet best casino website .


A semester enrollment of over 21 credit hours, which requires approval of the college's deans' office.


Part-Time Student

A student enrolled in fewer than 12 credit hours during a fall/spring semester, or fewer than nine credit hours during the summer semester.

Peer Mentor

A student who provides support, guidance and advice as a mentor to fellow student.

Pell Grant

Federal financial aid for undergraduate 1xbet best casino website with financial need; it does not have to be repaid.

Powercat Financial

Free financial counseling for enrolled K-State 1xbet best casino website . Topics include budgeting, credit use, student loans, saving, managing debt, transitioning to work after college, job offers and employment benefits, and identity theft.


A 1xbet best casino website that must be completed before taking another 1xbet best casino website . For example, Spanish I is a prerequisite for Spanish II.

Private University/College

A university that does not receive state funding. Manhattan Christian College, which is across the street from the Manhattan campus, is an example of a private college.


A faculty member who has a Ph.D. or other equivalent degree. A professor may advance from assistant to associate to full professor.

Public University

A university that receives state funding. Tuition is lower for 1xbet best casino website who are residents of that state than for out-of-state 1xbet best casino website . K-State is a public university.


Quick Cats

Five campus convenience stores that provide drinks, snacks and personal care items for purchase.


A short assessment of knowledge given to 1xbet best casino website in courses.



A small 1xbet best casino website section often taken along with a lecture.


The process of being accepted back to the university after academic dismissal.


The process of being accepted back to a major in a college within the university, following academic dismissal.

Resident Assistant (RA)

A student, employed by Housing and Dining Services, to live in a campus residence hall or apartment and serve as a resource and role model to 1xbet best casino website .

Residential CAT Community

A program where first-year 1xbet best casino website live together in residence halls and take courses together.

Residence Halls

Buildings on campus where 1xbet best casino website live, eat and engage in activities together.


The university official who oversees enrollment, student grades and transcripts.


Commonly used to refer to in-state 1xbet best casino website .


Term that refers to 1xbet best casino website who live on campus in residence halls or apartments.



Penalties or other means used to provide incentives for compliance with rules and regulations.


A form of financial aid that does not need to be repaid.

Scholastic Honors

An award an undergraduate receives based on the GPA earned.

Secondary Major

A complementary major completed along with a primary major. It is similar to a minor but requires more hours to complete.


The time period during which 1xbet best casino website are offered. K-State offers 16-week fall and spring semesters, and a shorter summer semester.


A fourth-year college student, or one who has earned more than 90 credit hours.


A second-year college student, or one who has earned more than 30 and fewer than 60 credit hours.

Shopping Cart

An online shopping cart in KSIS, where 1xbet best casino website add courses in which they plan to enroll.

Social Science

The study of human society and the social relationships. Often used to refer to the following disciplines: American Ethnic studies, anthropology, economics, gender studies, geography, history, law, politics, psychology and sociology, among other disciplines.


An organization of women to build community. Some provide housing so that members can congregate and live together.

Student Life

Usually used to refer to the Office of Student Life, which provides services to support 1xbet best casino website academically and personally.

Subsidized Student Loan

A loan that is not charged interest and does not require payments while the student is in school.


A document that describes important information about a 1xbet best casino website . It may include items such as office hours, required books or other materials, assignments, due dates, grading scale, expectations, procedures and policies.


Happening at the same time.


Teaching Assistant (TA)

An undergraduate student who usually has completed the 1xbet best casino website and assists an instructor with a 1xbet best casino website . Duties may be similar to a graduate teaching assistant.


Another name for a semester.

The Rec

The recreation center for 1xbet best casino website , formally the Chester E. Peters Recreation Complex. It offers various exercise options free to 1xbet best casino website .

Traditional Student

Most commonly describes a student starting college right after completing high school and who is not a parent.


An official record of the 1xbet best casino website a student has taken, and the grades received at a college or university.

Transfer Credits

Credits from 1xbet best casino website completed outside K-State that are transferred in for academic credit.

Transfer Student

A college student who completed 1xbet best casino website at another college or university before enrolling at K-State.


A trained current student who assists other 1xbet best casino website in learning course material. K-State 1xbet best casino website have free access to tutors.



A student who is pursuing but has not yet received a bachelor's degree.

Unsubsidized Student Loan

A loan that is charged interest while the student is in school.




An option in KSIS when a course is full, where 1xbet best casino website can join a queue, or waitlist, to enroll in the course. If room in the course becomes available, the waitlist order is typically used to allow 1xbet best casino website to enroll. The automatic waitlist is active for the first week of the semester only.


K-State email provided by Outlook, accessible with an eID.

Week of Welcome (WOW)

The first week of the fall and spring semesters when K-State welcomes new and returning 1xbet best casino website .

Wildcat ID (WID) Number

A nine-digit number found on your Wildcat Card and in your eProfile.

Wildcat Card

Official K-State ID card obtained from the ID Center.


The process of ending enrollment in a course. 1xbet best casino website may withdraw from courses without penalty early in a semester. Withdrawing later results in a Withdraw, or W, designation being placed on the transcript to indicate that the class was begun but not finished. The W does not count toward the GPA calculation. For withdrawing from a course, see Complete Withdrawal.


Part-time work offered by the university as part of your financial aid package from the federal government.

Writing Center

A free service for all 1xbet best casino website to help them improve their writing.





A video communications website connecting people through video and audio conferencing, chat, and webinars.