zeitoun 1xbet sports betting Student Contest

zeitounIn Zeitoun, Dave Eggers tells the story of one family's experience of Hurricane Katrina. Now it's your turn.

Tell a true story of an encounter with a natural disaster.

It can be your own experience or an account of someone else's experience. You can tell the story in writing (as a nonfiction prose memoir, like Eggers's book) or through music, video, visual art, (filmed) performance art, or some other medium of your choosing. The contest is open to all Kansas State University students.

Entries should be submitted by November 6th to

KSBN Student Contest
University Honors Program
7 Leasure Hall
Kansas State University
Manhattan, KS 66506

The first-prize winner will receive a 0.00 book scholarship and recognition at a very special KSBN event at the end of the fall semester.

Questions? Please contact us at ksbn@k-state.edu.