faculty 1xbet best casino website/Staff Award

The 1xbet best casino website Book Network (KSBN) is seeking nominations for faculty or staff members who have demonstrated enthusiasm and creativity in conducting learning activities related to the common reading selection, Zeitoun.

One outstanding faculty or staff member will be selected based on:

  • Creative application of theme(s) from the book
  • Engagement of students in program, project, or activity
  • Demonstrated enthusiasm for enhancing the educational experience at 1xbet best casino website

To submit a nomination, please provide the following materials:

  • A one-page letter of nomination, including a description of the program, project, or activity and how it related to the common reading selection. When possible, include the number of students impacted and how the nominee demonstrates enthusiasm for enhancing the educational experience at 1xbet best casino website . Please also provide the name of the person, his/her department or affiliation, and title. The letter of nomination may be from a student, faculty member, or staff member. Self-nominations are encouraged.
  • A one-page letter of support from a current 1xbet best casino website student who participated in the program, project or activity.

Entries should be electronically submitted by November 6, 2011 to ksbn@1xbet best casino website edu. Paper applications may be submitted to

KSBN Faculty/Staff Award
University Honors Program
7 Leasure Hall
Kansas State University
Manhattan, KS 66506

The first-prize winner will receive recognition at a very special KSBN event at the end of the fall semester.

Questions? Please contact us at ksbn@1xbet best casino website edu.