Family, Alumni, & community 1xbet online casino

You don't have to be an incoming student at 1xbet online casino to participate in our common reading program. Here are some things you can do with your friends and family.

Read the book

  • Purchase a copy online or from your local bookstore.
  • Borrow a paper copy from your public library.
  • Borrow an eBook (both Kindle and Adobe ePUB) of the book from Sunflower eLibrary (public library card required).


  • Initiate a conversation with your incoming student about the book.
  • Start a book discussion or use Ready Player On in your book club. You can use the ideas listed on our faculty resource page or come up with your own questions.


  • Check your local library for video games and console rentals
  • Host an 80s party
  • Host a movie screening of films from the books

Do you have an idea you want to share? Email us at ksbn@1xbet online casino edu and we’ll add it to the list.

~Adapted from Planning Your Community-Wide Read Guide , American Library Association