2012 student 1xbet online sports betting Award

Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks book coverThe 1xbet online sports betting Book Network (KSBN) invites students to share their experience of Henrietta Lacks. What aspect of her story has made a lasting impact?

This experience can be shared through a non-fiction essay, creative writing, music, video, visual art, (filmed) performance art, or some other medium. Entries should indicate the basis for the experience, such as Rebecca Skloot’s book, the conversation with the Lacks family, a classroom discussion, or another event or program or reading selection.

The contest is open to all 1xbet online sports betting students. The winning submission will receive a 0 Varney’s book scholarship.

Entries must be submitted by December 16, 2012 to

KSBN Student Award
University Honors Program
7 Leasure Hall
Kansas State University
Manhattan, KS 66506

The winner will receive recognition at the launch of the 2013 book selection in Spring 2013.

Questions? Please contact us at ksbn@1xbet online sports betting edu.