family 1xbet best casino website, Alumni, & Community

You don't have to be an incoming student at K-State to participate in our common reading program. Here are some things you can do with 1xbet best casino website friends and family.

Read the book

  • Purchase a copy online or from 1xbet best casino website local bookstore.
  • Borrow a paper copy from 1xbet best casino website public library.
  • Borrow an eBook (both Kindle and Adobe ePUB) or audio version of the book from Sunflower eLibrary (public library card required).


  • Initiate a conversation with 1xbet best casino website incoming student about the book.
  • Host a screening of Miss Evers' Boys or Cancer Cell Research: The Way of All Flesh followed up with a discussion.
  • Start a book discussion or use The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks in 1xbet best casino website book club. You can use the ideas listed on our faculty resource page or come up with 1xbet best casino website own questions.


  • Create a family health portrait or medical family tree and share it with 1xbet best casino website family. This can help identify if you have a risk for certain diseases and help you answer 1xbet best casino website doctor's medical history questions.
  • Invite a local historian or medical professional to facilitate a discussion of the historical and/or medical details found in the book.


  • Host a writing workshop that will show attendees how to research and write interesting family histories.
  • Invite elders in 1xbet best casino website community to talk about their experiences of living during that time.

Do you have an idea you want to share? Email us at ksbn@1xbet best casino website edu and we’ll add it to the list.

~Adapted from Planning 1xbet best casino website Community-Wide Read Guide , American Library Association