1xbet online casino

KSBN will host a series of events focused on the 1xbet online casino . Students will have opportunities to discuss the 1xbet online casino inside and outside classes, to participate in a campus wide service learning activity, and to attend lectures and programs designed to stimulate thinking about the 1xbet online casino 's numerous important social issues.

Past 1xbet online casino

Date Location
Unintended Consequences, a contemporary dance piece
inspired by The Immortal Life of Henrietta 1xbet online casino , WinterDance 2012
11/29-12/1 Nichols Theatre
Speaking the Silences: Women and Race in Kansas History Tue 10/30
7:00 pm
Hemisphere Room, Hale Library
Bascom Lecture, HeLa cells and biomedical research:
The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
by Yvonne Reid.
Wed, 10/10
7:00 pm
Student Union Forum Hall
Ethics of Research Panel Tue 10/2
4:00 pm
Leadership Studies Town Hall
1xbet online casino family visit Thur 9/20
7:00 pm
K-State Student Union Ballroom
Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks 1xbet online casino Discussion Tue, 9/18
7:00 pm
Manhattan Public Library Auditorium
1xbet online casino Discussion Tues 8/2 Leadership Studies123 and

Kramer Dining Center 120

KSBN 1xbet online c Tue 3/13 K-State Student Union Courtyard

If you are interested in listing an event on this page, please email ksbn@k-state.edu.