1xbet online casino Contest

The K-State Book Network (KSBN), as proud sponsor of The Hunger Games, announces a new contest for the District of Kansas State University!

We are holding a 1xbet online casino contest for you and your fellow students. This will be a wonderful opportunity for you to express your creative side by developing a 1xbet online casino that will tie in with The Hunger Games.

The Contest

Create a “guerrilla style*” 1xbet online casino that shows your knowledge or understanding of the book. Be creative! Create a “behind the scenes” look at the games, underground news shorts about the life in some of the districts, a book trailer, or a 1xbet online casino blog of one of the contestants. The sky’s the limit!

*guerrilla style means creating something fast with low/no budget, simple props, and simple technology (cell phone, hand held 1xbet online casino camera, etc)

"Breaking news from the Capitol! The Gamemakers have updated the rules to this year's Hunger Games Tournament!" -- Caesar Flickermane

The Rules

  • 1xbet online casino must be 3 minutes or less in duration.
  • 1xbet online casino may be done individually or collaboratively.
  • The 1xbet online casino should demonstrate deep knowledge of the book.
  • Entrants should adhere to the YouTube Community Guidelines.
  • By entering your 1xbet online casino in this contest you grant K-State University and the Kansas State Book Network license to archive your work.

How to Enter

Upload your 1xbet online casino to YouTube and then email the link and your contact information to ksbn@k-state.edu.

At the same time, email ksbn@k-state.edu with the title of your 1xbet online casino , the name(s) of your group members, and contact information.

How to Win

The 1xbet online casino entries will be reviewed and evaluated by the Committee (made up of K-State faculty and staff). One winner will be announced on October 15, 2010 (sorry, there is no second place; after all, only one winner walks out of the contest arena in The Hunger Games).

The Prize

The winning 1xbet online casino will receive a 0 Cat Cash.