2018 awards 1xbet online sports betting

This award celebrates the common experiences had at 1xbet online sports betting with the 2018 common book, The Hate U Give.

Individual 1xbet online sports betting | Group 1xbet online sports betting | Faculty/Staff 1xbet online sports betting | Past Winners

Individual Student 1xbet online sports betting
Number of awards: 1
Amount of 1xbet online sports betting : ,000
Eligibility: Any current 1xbet online sports betting student
Submission Deadline: Friday, December 7, 2018 by 11:59 pm

Share your experience with Angie Thomas’ The Hate U Give and earn a ,000 scholarship . Your experience can be shared through a non-fiction essay, creative writing, music, video, visual art, performance art, or some other medium. Indicate the basis for your experience, such as the book, a classroom discussion, or a KSBN-sponsored K-Stat, program, or assigned reading selection

Need inspiration? Try one of the questions below:

  • Starr says, “Brave doesn't mean you're not scared. It means you go on even though you're scared.” Have you ever had to be brave in this way? What made that experience challenging and rewarding?

  • In the book, Starr experiences tension with a friend over issues of race and eventually ends their friendship. What caused the riff in their relationship? When do you decide to end a relationship and when to lean in and work through crisis?

  • Starr’s parents argue over the idea of moving the family out of their neighborhood into a new community. What connections do you have to your community? What were your feelings about moving away to start a new community at 1xbet online sports betting ?

Apply: Applications closed

Student Group 1xbet online sports betting
Number of awards 1
Amount of 1xbet online sports betting : 0
Eligibility 1xbet online sports betting Kan registered student groups, 1xbet online sports betting learning communities, and 1xbet online sports betting residence
Submission Deadline: Friday, December 7, 2018 by 11:59 pm

Please share your group’s experience with The Hate U Give. You can share that experience through whatever medium you prefer. Entries should indicate in some specific way how your group interacted with The Hate U Give and/or with one of the events on campus, such as the a lecture, a classroom experience, or some other event or program.

For the group application process, please also provide a short (100-150 word) description of how your group would use the 0 1xbet online sports betting . (Note: The funds may not be donated to another group or organization, and the money must be spent by your group during the Spring 2019 semester.)

Apply: Applications closed

Faculty/Staff 1xbet online sports betting

Number of awards: 1
Eligibility: Current 1xbet online sports betting faculty and staff
Submission Deadline: Friday, December 7, 2018 by 11:59 pm

Faculty and staff are invited to submit their learning activities related to the 2018 common reading selection, The Hate U Give. Activities may include, but are not limited to, paper assignments, events, discussions, and programs. One outstanding activity will be selected based on:

  • Creative application of theme(s) from the book
  • Engagement of students in program, project, or activity
  • Demonstrated enthusiasm for enhancing the educational experience at 1xbet online sports betting
Apply: Applications closed

Past Winners

Faculty Winners

2018 - Kathrine Walker Schlageck

2017 - Julie Pentz

2016- Donald Saucier

2015 - Be Stoney

2014 -Charles Sanders

2013-Dan Ireton, Joelle Pitts, and Ben Ward

2012-Laura Donnelly

2011-L. Sue Williams

Student Winners

2018 - Bailey Nobrega

2017 - Cara Hopkins

2016- Mawi Sonna, Individual 1xbet online sports betting , and League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC), Group 1xbet online sports betting

2014-Muriel Eaton

2013-Brett Bachman

2012-Jamie Westphal

2011-Shana Gordon, Eric Hampton, Mathew McKernan, Kelly Novosel, and Emilio Quezada

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