Faculty resources 1xbet best casino website

Ways to use The Ghost Map in your class

​1xbet best casino website 's The Ghost Map Faculty Guide (pdf)

This guide was made specifically for 1xbet best casino website faculty by the KSBN and contains reading and discussion questions, suggested activities, resource lists, other titles of interest, a character list, and a glossary of terms.

The Ghost Map Workshop Notes (pdf)

Notes from The Ghost Map workshop held on April 24, 2014. The notes include more ideas on how to incorporate The Ghost Map into your classroom.

Additional resources

Library Resource Guide

Library Resource Guide

1xbet best casino website Librarians have created a guide to help with research related to the book. If you would like to have information tailored to your assignment or would like a librarian to visit your class, please contact Sara K. Kearns or Kate Otto.

How can I get a copy of the book?

If you are a faculty member at the Manhattan or Salina campus and plan to incorporate the book into a fall class, please contact us at ksbn@1xbet best casino website edu and let us know your name, campus address, the name of the course in which you plan to use the book, and a few details about how you might use the book with students this fall.