All events 1xbet online casino

Date Event
November 18, 2014

"Mapping Manhattan: Using maps to reveal secrets in our community"

Mapping revealed the likely center of the cholera epidemic in the mid-nineteenth century. Our more sophisticated mapping technology can reveal other hidden truths about our community today. This lecture will present maps about bicycling, food access, business development and we will discuss what we should do with this information.

Presenter - Dr. Katherine Nesse

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November 6, 2014

"Sweeney Todd, The Demon Barber of Fleet Street"

Sweeney Todd' is a musical thriller about a 19th century London barber who goes on a murderous rampage. Todd was unjustly incarcerated in a penal colony for 15 years. However, when the show begins, Todd has managed to return to London and has come seeking revenge. He rents a room over the shop of Mrs. Lovett, the proprietress of a struggling pie shop. Todd's thirst for blood soon expands to include not only the judge but also his unfortunate customers

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October 28, 2014

“Ghostmapping: A Public Lecture Series" - What's so important about cities?

What are the connections between the “1xbet online casino ” and city planning? This lecture will discuss why cities are important; particularly exploring some of the main opportunities and challenges facing cities today – how and why they developed, how they are organized, and their primary functions.

Presenter: Dr. Huston Gibson

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October 16, 2014

Huck Boyd Lecture in Community Media: "Health Coverage in Community Media"
Jim McLean, executive editor of the Kansas Health Institute News Service, Topeka.

Sponsored by the Huck Boyd National Center for Community Media in the A.Q. Miller School of Journalism and Mass Communications

October 16, 2014

Beyond '1xbet online casino ': Perspectives on Health Communication panel discussion

Panel discussion by journalists, a Kansas Department of Health and Environment official and other health specialists.

Sponsored by the Huck Boyd National Center for Community Media in the A.Q. Miller School of Journalism and Mass Communications

September 30, 2014

“Ghostmapping: A Public Lecture Series" - The Blue Death: How The Cholera Epidemics Of The Nineteenth Century Shaped the History of the United States

The waves of cholera that broke across the United States in 1832, 1839 and 1866 were so horrific that no segment of society was left unchanged. One by one previously-held conceptions of race, class, science, religion and government were destroyed when arrayed against this merciless killer, and when the dying finally ended Americans found themselves living in a nation that had been changed forever.

Presenter: Dr. Charles Sanders

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September 11, 2014

"1xbet online casino " Community Book Discussion

Join members of the Manhattan community and discuss the 1xbet online casino common book "The Ghost Map" at the Manhattan Public Library

Sponsored by the Manhattan Public Library

September 10, 2014 Science Saturday: Deadly Diseases

Ginny Barnard from Riley County Extension will help us conduct some hands-on experiments concerning diseases, germs, and water contamination.

Sponsored by the Manhattan Public Library

August 27, 2014

Choose Your Own Library Adventure

All students are invited to join us for a fun night of games inspired by this year's common book, 1xbet online casino . Visit multiple stations and learn about 1xbet online casino Libraries as you go. The first 200 students to visit four stations will receive a free t-shirt and snacks.

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September 7, 2014

"Plagues and Progress"

"Plagues and Progress: A Showcase Inspired by '1xbet online casino '" is a collection of video shorts discussing issues raised by in the 2014-2015 KSBN common read, "1xbet online casino " by Steven Johnson.

This is part of the Movies on the Grass FREE outdoor film series.

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Fall 2014

Mapping "1xbet online casino " Game

The future is happening now! Join in on the eight-week adventure GAME as everyone races to find Patient Zero.

Search for hints, clues, puzzles, and treasure all across campus and online. Grab your copy this year's common book 1xbet online casino by Steven Johnson to get a head start on uncovering the answers. Build alliances, face challenges, and discover solutions before time runs out.

Sponsored by KSBN and 1xbet online casino Libraries

April 24, 2014

"1xbet online casino ": 2014 Common Book Selection workshop

Wondering how you can incorporate the 2014 common book selection into your work with students this fall?

The 1xbet online casino Book Network, or KSBN, will host a workshop for faculty, staff, graduate teaching assistants, and student leaders to discuss how Steven Johnson's "The Ghost Map" can be part of coursework and event programming.

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April 18, 2014 "Mapping 1xbet online casino ": Talking Points and Game Curriculum Workshop for the 2014-2015 KSBN Common Read

Whether you'd like to do some creative brainstorming or have an interest in participating in a campus wide endeavor, join us as we share, discuss and play through ways to use "1xbet online casino " by Steven Johnson in your classroom during the 2013-2014 academic year.

Sponsored by KSBN and 1xbet online casino Libraries

March 11, 2014

2014 Book Launch

Remarks by 1xbet online casino Book Network chair Tara Coleman and Steve Dandaneau, vice provost for undergraduate studies. Book Selection Committee member Dave Rintoul, associate director and associate professor of biology, and student representatives will then introduce the 2014 1xbet online casino Book Network selection to the campus community. The 1xbet online casino Book Network committee also will present awards to students and faculty to recognize their inclusion of Ernest Cline's "Ready Player One" in fall 2013 classes and programming.

The launch will conclude with a free raffle drawing for copies of Johnson's book for those in attendance.

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