family 1xbet online games login, Alumni, & Community

You don't have to be an incoming student at 1xbet online games login to participate in our common reading program. Here are some things you can do with your friends and family.

Read the book

  • Purchase a copy online or from 1xbet online games login local bookstore.

  • Borrow a paper copy from 1xbet online games login public library.


  • Watch the Tony Award-winning Broadway musical adaptation of the book, and then discuss the merit of the adaptation. Does it add or take away from the novel’s story?

  • Watch commentary or interviews of the author, actors, and others involved in the book and play’s production.


  • Initiate a conversation with 1xbet online games login incoming student about the book.

  • Start a book discussion or use The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time in 1xbet online games login book club. You use the ideas listed on our faculty resource page or come up with 1xbet online games login own questions.

  • Check out book reviews and critical essays to help spark well-rounded discussion.

Get Involved

  • Explore the other resources of this website, including recommended books, movies, and websites.

  • Attend the events help on the 1xbet online games login campus throughout the 2017-2018 school year.

  • Check out travel agencies in 1xbet online games login area and see how you can start a travel journey.

  • Volunteer and give back to 1xbet online games login community through service. Ask local charities and non-profit organizations how you can help.

Do you have an idea you want to share? Email us at ksbn@1xbet online games login edu and we’ll add it to the list.

~Adapted from Planning 1xbet online games login Community-Wide Read Guide , American Library Association