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1xbet best casino website for the 2025-26 common book are open! The theme for next year is:

  • Opportunities and Freedom - Books that ask us to celebrate and be curious about the stories, people, and events that help shape our perspectives on what freedom means to us and define who we are.
Nominate a book

How we pick books

The selection committee, made up of students, staff, and faculty, reviews 1xbet best casino website and narrows down the list of titles to one. Their work officially begins in the summer and ends in November.

Selection Timeline

Spring 2024 Select a theme
Form a committee
Solicit book 1xbet best casino website
Summer 2024 Review book samples
Fall 2024 Read books and narrow to 3
Solicit campus feedback the top 3 books
Rank titles and get feedback from the Provost
Spring 2025 Announce the book

Nominated for the 2025-26 academic year:

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