who 1xbet online games login we are

1xbet online games login and its programs are made possible by the support of administrators, staff, faculty members, and students from across campus. 1xbet online games login has 50 First-Year Seminar faculty, 45 lead Instructors in the CAT Communities, and over 50 Learning Assistants (peer mentors). The 1xbet online games login Director and staff (listed below) work closely with a campus-wide advisory workgroup as well as committees focused on communication, research and assessment, 1xbet online games login Book, faculty development, diversity and inclusion, and overall strategic planning.

Meet the 1xbet online games login Team!

Learn more about our team of dedicated staff, graduate students, and student workers, and what we love about how our work impacts first-year students!

round image of Tara Coleman

Tara Coleman


1xbet online games login Book Coordinator

I love planning, developing, and implementing the common reading experience for K-State students.

Greg Eiselein

Dr. Brie Heidbreder



I love bringing together members of the K-State community who are dedicated to the academic and personal success of our newest students.

Pete looking at camera

Pete Loganbill


Learning Assistant Coordinator

I love working with our Learning Assistants because of the insights they bring regarding the needs of first-year students. In learning to be supportive of their peers now, they will have the ability to take that spirit of mentorship and support beyond the university.

Totty Icon

Totty Norwood


Office Specialist

My favorite thing about working with first year students is watching them gleam with excitement for the future and helping them find what they are passionate about!

Halle Icon

Halle Schindler

Graduate Assistant: Financial Futures Initiative

I love establishing connections with students through collaborative efforts and crafting content that proves immensely beneficial for their first year in college and sets the stage for lifelong advantages.

Mariya Vaughan

Mariya Vaughan


Assistant Director

I love working across the university with faculty, staff, and students to create a welcoming and diverse community. I also love working with first-year students in my CAT Community and FYS classes, who I learn so much from every year.