waiver 1xbet online casino of Solicitation

Waiver of Solicitation

When possible, utilize Kansas State Use vendors or established University-wide contracts for purchases. If the vendor is unavailable through those avenues and the 1xbet online casino is ,000 or greater, units should submit a request for a new solicitation through the Contract Lifecycle Management (CLM) system. If solicitations do not meet the criteria below, please submit a new 1xbet online casino request in the CLM. By selecting a waiver for the type of 1xbet online casino , the CLM request will prompt you to identify the appropriate exemption justification.

Exemption Requirements

The following justifications may grant your 1xbet online casino exemption from the competitive solicitation process.

  • Sole Source - Only one 1xbet online casino provides the commodity or service.
  • Public Emergency - Immediate need for life, safety or public health.
  • Research Emergency - Immediate need for vital preservation of research.
  • Highly Unique or Specialized Services (Technical, Scientific, Professional) - Provides expertise of a specialized nature not offered by other vendors.
  • Kansas Statue or Federal Legislation - Includes required to utilize MBE/WBE/DBE vendors.
  • Renewal/Amendment/Change Order - The current 1xbet online casino is best positioned (knowledge/familiarity) to perform the work. Engaging a new 1xbet online casino would cause project delays and/or introduce additional costs.
  • Used Equipment
  • Compatible or Propriety Hardware, Software or Equipment
  • Patented and/or Copyrighted Materials - Only available from the publisher
  • Animal and Animal Care Materials - Feed and/or bedding specialized in nature.
  • Membership/Subscription/Database Access - Only available from a single 1xbet online casino (does not include software or services)
  • University Affiliates
  • Government/Higher Education Entity
  • Lecturer/Speaker/Entertainer - If procuring a specific individual/group. Units must use the preapproved Lecturer/Speaker/Entertainer template. General speaking solicitations should go through the competitive solicitation process.

How to Request a Waiver of Solicitation

  • Submit a request through the CLM.
  • Include the following additional items:
    • If the 1xbet online casino is requesting KSU agree to any terms and conditions, agreements or contracts, request the 1xbet online casino to review and initial their acceptance of the Contractual Provisions Attachment (Form KSU-146a) PDF.
    • If there are no terms and conditions, agreements, or contracts provided by the 1xbet online casino , create and submit a KSU 1xbet online casino order or an approved departmental 1xbet online casino order. Many vendors require a 1xbet online casino order in addition to agreements and signed contracts. When a 1xbet online casino order is required, it should be completed and attached in the CLM.