competitive 1xbet online sports betting Solicitations

competitive 1xbet online sports betting Solicitations

The State of Kansas and the Kansas Board of Regents guidelines (K.S.A. 76-769) require that purchases:

  • Focus on the stewardship of public funds.
  • Advance and support the mission of the institution.
  • Promote a competitive and fair procurement environment.
  • Are open and transparent, including adherence to the Kansas Open Records Act, and Encouraged to engage in cooperative 1xbet online sports betting with other public universities or state agencies.

Competition requirements are met by 1xbet online sports betting and Contract Services issuing an RFx (Request for Quote, Request for Quotation and Qualifications, or Request for Proposal). Completion time for the RFx varies based on the complexity and value of the goods and/or services. Designated 1xbet online sports betting agents work with the requesting department and other experts in developing the timeline, specifications, and/or statement of work (SOW) for the Rfx, and in the evaluation process. The solicitation process utilized is determined by both the risk associated with the purchase and the dollar amount of the purchase.

All purchase commitments to a vendor of ,000 or greater within one year must be purchased competitively through 1xbet online sports betting and Contract Services unless purchased from an approved contract vendor. Such purchases are initiated by the campus user submitting a request to 1xbet online sports betting and Contract Services through the CLM request process.

Search Open Solicitations
Informal Competition Formal Competition Formal Competition
Simplified Solicitation** Request for Quotation Request for Quotation/ Request for Proposal
,000-,999 ,000 or Greater ,000 or Greater
Solicitation is not required to be posted. Solicitation is required to be posted. Solicitation is required to be posted.
Risk associated with purchase is low to medium. Risk associated with purchase is medium to high. Risk associated with purchase is medium to high.
Solicitation should take from 1-4 weeks* Solicitation should take 3-6 weeks* Solicitation should take 8-10 weeks or longer*
Item(s) specifications are clear and quantifiable. Item(s) specifications are clear and quantifiable. Many iterations to develop final specifications and evaluation criteria.
Award is based on price and/or minimal non-price factors with little or no negotiations. Award is based on price and/or minimal non-price factors with little or no negotiations. Significant involvement by evaluation team, stakeholders, 1xbet online sports betting and Contract Services, potential vendor.
Long-term, campus-wide contract possible.
Contract may be made available to other institutions.
Award based upon price as well as non-price factors as well as other terms and conditions.
Complex supplier negotiations.

Note: *Time frame(s) may vary based on the complexity of procurement and market. This diagram illustrates the sequence of steps in a typical procurement. Click here for guidance on each party's responsibilities during the solicitation process for 1xbet online sports betting and Contract Services and suppliers.

**Approved delegated campus 1xbet online sports betting liaison may conduct simplified solicitations in accordance with 1xbet onl. See Simplified solicitation for more information.