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You 1xbet best casino website find policies for Fall 2020/Spring 2021 tuition, fees and refunds below. You may also view frequently asked questions about Fall 2020 tuition and 1xbet best casino website as they relate to course modality updates and more.

Fall 2020/Spring 2021 1xbet best casino website

There 1xbet best casino website be no tuition increase for Fall 2020 and Spring 2021, as the per credit hour tuition rates 1xbet best casino website remain the same as the Fall 2019/Spring 2020 tuition rates.

  • In-state and out-of-state base tuition rates 1xbet best casino website apply for in-person and blended/hybrid classes.
  • The base 1xbet best casino website rate for online courses remains the in-state per credit hour rate regardless of residency.

Fall 2020/Spring 2021 1xbet best casino website

  • The campus privilege fee and academic infrastructure fees 1xbet best casino website also remain flat, charged at the 2019-2020 rate. These fees 1xbet best casino website be charged for in-person and blended/hybrid courses consistent with past practice. The campus privilege fee 1xbet best casino website continue to be assessed on a per credit hour basis and capped at six credit hours of enrollment.
  • Online fees are being reduced from the Fall 2019/Spring 2020 rate. For the 2020-2021 academic year, a single online fee of per credit hour 1xbet best casino website be charged for all online courses, using the model we adopted for Summer 2020. This single online fee replaces the previous 3.79 (undergraduate) and 8.70 (graduate) Global Campus fee and any previously charged college online fees. K-State Polytechnic’s online fee 1xbet best casino website also adjust down from 3.75 (undergraduate) and 3.40 (graduate) to the single per credit hour online fee as well.
  • Differential college/departmental course fees 1xbet best casino website remain flat, charged at the 2019-2020 rate. These college fees 1xbet best casino website continue to be assessed for all teaching modalities: in-person, blended/hybrid, and online.
  • If there is a need to pivot to fully remote teaching due to the pandemic, there 1xbet best casino website be no online fee charged for in-person or blended/hybrid courses moved to fully remote.

Tuition and 1xbet best casino website Refunds

The decision by a student to begin the semester enrolled in face-to-face, blended/hybrid, and/or online courses 1xbet best casino website serve as acknowledgement of responsibility for full payment of tuition and relevant fees. No refunds 1xbet best casino website be issued if the need arises to temporarily teach or finish the semester remotely.

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In the event the university has to move to fully remote operations as a result of COVID-19 surges, we 1xbet best casino website likely need to drastically de-densify our campuses.

  • Residence halls may have to close, with special arrangements made for international students who cannot travel or for other students with special circumstances. Should such a scale-back of housing and dining services occur, students 1xbet best casino website receive prorated refunds from Housing and Dining Services.
  • Parking fee refunds for the Manhattan campus 1xbet best casino website also be provided as outlined on the Ordering a 1xbet sports betting Permit.