campus 1xbet online sports betting Business Payments

1xbet online sports betting Terminals

The FD130 Duo 1xbet online sports betting terminals (with optional PIN pad) are used across multiple departments and DSO's on campus. These terminals accept swipe, chip, contactless and manually keyed in transactions. Terminals require a dedicated phone line for security purposes.

Any staff member or student worker that will be using the 1xbet online sports betting terminal must complete the required PCI training before handling 1xbet online sports betting information and processing payments.

Order a Terminal

To order a 1xbet online sports betting terminal, complete the 1xbet online sports betting terminal order form and return the form to Typical turn around time from when the terminal is ordered to when the terminal is installed and ready for use is 2-3 weeks.

Mobile 1xbet online sports betting Terminals

CloverGo is a mobile 1xbet online sports betting terminal option available to departments and DSOs. CloverGo connects to a cell phone or tablet via Bluetooth. After downloading the corresponding CloverGo app on your device, payments can be accepted anywhere with cell service or Wi-Fi. These terminals can process swipe, chip and contactless payments.

Any staff or students that will be using the CloverGo device must complete the required PCI training before handing 1xbet online sports betting information and processing payments.

If you are interested in using a CloverGo device, please contact Treasury Management at

cashnet 1xbet online sports betting Storefronts and Checkout

A CashNet storefront allows for an online store to be set up that contains the different items you are selling. Customers select the items they want to purchase and pay via 1xbet online sports betting or ACH all in CashNet. View an example storefront.

CashNet checkouts can be used when an existing website that allows customers to select what they want to purchase is already in place and you just need a secure method for processing the actual payment. CashNet checkouts can also be used with 3rd party solutions that are able to integrate with CashNet.

Third party 1xbet online sports betting Vendors

In cases where the other available campus solutions do not meet the needs of a department, third party solutions may be considered. All third party solutions require IT Security and Treasury Management approval.

If you are interested in being able to take payments via 1xbet online sports betting or have questions about the options above, email for assistance.

For the complete list of policies and procedures in regards to doing business on campus, see 1xbet online of the KSU Policies and Procedures Manual.

DSOs can get additional information about doing business on campus by reading the Departmental Student Organizations Business Practice Guide from the Center for Student Involvement.