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Letter To 1xbet sports betting

In response to the report submitted last year by the Research Infrastructure Task Force and to the recent discussions of the Infrastructure Theme Group for K-State 2025, we have appointed a 1xbet sports betting Master Plan Update Task Force. This group will perform a focused review of our facility needs and identify the need and possible locations for new buildings. Ruth Dyer, senior vice provost for academic affairs, has agreed to serve as the chair. See the list of members of the Task Force.

The charge to this task force is to assess and document facility needs on the Manhattan 1xbet sports betting for the next 15 years. They will conduct surveys and interviews with colleges and other 1xbet sports betting units, and then determine the potential need for additional buildings. The task force will work with the Advisory Committee on 1xbet sports betting Planning and Development to review and update the 1xbet sports betting master plan to include potential new building sites and associated infrastructure.

We have asked each of the deans, the Division of Communications and Marketing, the Division of Facilities, the Office of Research, the K-State Alumni Association, K-State Athletics, and the KSU Foundation to identify resource personnel and contact point persons who will be available to answer questions from task force members and to provide services to assist the task force in its work.

The task force will be conducting listening sessions with the deans and other groups and units across 1xbet sports betting to gather information on various facility needs and the priority of each. So that everyone has the opportunity to provide input as part of this process, we have developed a website where the task force will post information. We will soon be inviting comments and suggestions.

The goal is for the task force to prepare and submit a report and recommendation to us by the middle of May 2012. We encourage you to become engaged in these discussions and to provide input via the website or through the various meetings and listening sessions that will be held. Please direct any questions you have to Dr. Dyer via the website.

- Kirk Schulz and April Mason