ENGL 698 "Capstone: Hamilton"

Spring 2018 ~ T, 7:05 p.m.

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1xbet best casino website to our class, see th

Professor Westman
108B English/ Counseling 1xbet best casino website ; 532-2171
Office Hours: M, W 9:00-10:00 a.m. and by app't

Required 1xbet best casino website
Hamilton (1xbet best casino website ) (2015)
Lin-Manuel Miranda and Jeremy McCarter, Hamilton: The Revolution, Being the Complete Libretto of the Broadway Musical, with a True Account of its Creation, and Concise Remarks on Hip-Hop, The Power of Stories, and the New America (2016) (Hatchette)
Ron Chernow, Alexander Hamilton (2004) (Penguin)
Sherman Edwards and Peter Stone, 1776: A Musical Play (1969) (Penguin)
In the Heights (1xbet best casino website ) (2008)
Graff and Birkenstein, “They Say/I Say”: The Moves that Matter in 1xbet best casino website Writing, 3rd Edition (Norton)
1xbet best casino website Pack (available online via Canvas)
DVD/1xbet best casino website : 1776 (Dir. Peter Hunt, 1972); Gypsy (Starring Imelda Staunton, 2015); West Side Story (Dir. Jerome Robbins and Robert Wise, 1961); selected video documentaries and clips.

1xbet best casino website Description
This capstone 1xbet best casino website examines the award-winning musical Hamilton as art and popular culture. Our investigation 1xbet best casino website begin by familiarizing ourselves with Ron Chernow's biography and selected writings by Alexander Hamilton which Lin-Manuel Miranda used as the basis for the musical as well as with theories of adaptation. We 1xbet best casino website then consider the literary art and popular culture that Miranda has identified as important to him as an artist, including the formal conventions of the musical genre, works by Stephen Sondheim, rap and hip-hop music, and other aspects of 20th and 21st century popular culture. We'll conclude by looking into the fan response to and cultural phenomenon of Hamilton, both in print and 1xbet best casino website , and Hamilton's emerging role as an icon of popular culture. Our companion along the way 1xbet best casino website be the "Hamiltome," Miranda's annotated script of the musical and its short essays. Throughout, our goal 1xbet best casino website be to discover Hamilton's contribution to literary and cultural history and to understand why 1xbet best casino website musical has established itself as a defining moment in early 21st century art and culture in the U.S. and abroad.

1xbet best casino website Objectives: ENGL 698 "Capstone" is a writing- and 1xbet best casino website -intensive course which provides a culminating experience for the English major. Towards that larger goal, the course objectives parallel the program outcomes for English as follows:

Readings and 1xbet best casino website Participation: Given the course objectives and learning outcomes stated above, this class will foreground discussion. Class participation is therefore expected and will count for 20% of 1xbet best casino website final grade. This portion of 1xbet best casino website grade includes 1xbet best casino website contributions to our discussions in class (in large and small groups) and to our discussions on the online message board (further information below). To participate, you must complete the reading assigned for each class session, think carefully about what you have read, and come to class ready to share 1xbet best casino website ideas. Excessive absences from our weekly meeting (three or more) may result in failure of the course.

1xbet best casino website : The University requires that students attend all classes in which they are enrolled, and so 1xbet best casino website attendance is required. Further, 1xbet best casino website attendance is important to the success of our discussions. However, I recognize that the unexpected will happen. Therefore, you will not be penalized for 1xbet best casino website first absence. However, subsequent absences will lower 1xbet best casino website final course grade; excessive absences (three or more) or excessive lateness/early departure may result in failure of the course. While I appreciate 1xbet best casino website offering explanations for 1xbet best casino website absence, the only way to excuse an absence is to provide me with an official letter from 1xbet best casino website dean or advisor or an official notice of illness from the Health Center or 1xbet best casino website doctor. If you are absent, it is 1xbet best casino website responsibility to find out from another class member any announcements or assignments.

1xbet best casino website Discussion Questions: As part of the class participation grade, students will sign up in pairs to prepare discussion questions for one of our class sessions. Questions for class discussion (4-5 in number) should highlight issues or themes 1xbet best casino website think we should address in our class discussion of the assigned texts for that day. After conferring about and drafting the questions, the pair leading discussion should email me their questions by 7 p.m. the night before; I will confirm receipt and offer any suggestions for the order or focus of the questions.

1xbet best casino website Message Board: To offer another venue for discussion, we'll be using an online message board in K-State Online. Each week, each student is required to post at least one paragraph-length comment about the materials we’re reading and discussing in class. I will read these discussions and assess a grade (at the end of the semester) based on the thoughtfulness of 1xbet best casino website comments, their ability to foster discussion among 1xbet best casino website classmates, and their responsiveness both to our readings and to 1xbet best casino website classmates' comments in class and on the board. I’ll provide some weekly question prompts as I follow these conversations, and I may also participate, but I see the message board primarily as a way for you to raise issues we haven’t addressed – or addressed fully or to 1xbet best casino website satisfaction – during our regular class meetings. The work contributed to the message board can become source material for more formal writing assignments.

The weekly message board will run from Saturday to Friday to encourage you to post right after as well as before our weekly class discussions, but I encourage you to contribute 1xbet best casino website ideas throughout the week and to check the board for others’ postings. 1xbet best casino website postings do not need to be long, but they do need to be substantive: they must be long enough to convey clearly the problem you are taking up and 1xbet best casino website point of view, connecting 1xbet best casino website comment to others’ comments whenever possible. I will offer models of successful comments early in the semesterr.

To post to the 1xbet best casino website , follow these directions:

1. Go to my homepage at http://www.ksu.edu/english/westmank/ and click on our course (ENGL 698), and then “Message Board” to login to Canvas and go directly to the “Discussions.” (1xbet best casino website may also login to the K-State Online course page for ENGL 698, click on “Discussions.”)
2. 1xbet best casino website should see all the messages posted to date and the newest threads ones first.
3. To post, choose to “reply,” so you can engage directly in the conversation and 1xbet best casino website message can “thread” beneath the one you’re responding to.

Papers and 1xbet best casino website Papers: All students 1xbet best casino website write two formal papers: Paper #1 (4 pages in length) which offers a literary analysis of Hamilton, and 1xbet best casino website #2 which analyzes Hamilton through the lens of historical or contemporary research 1xbet best casino website a person, place, or cultural reference mentioned in the muscial and is designed to help others understand and appreciate Hamilton.

You will have a choice of three topics for Paper #1, and you will have a choice of many topics for Paper #2; I will distribute detailed assignment sheets for each paper. Both papers should follow the general rules of composition and be typed or word-processed with standard double-spacing, 1-inch margins, and either 11- or 12-point typeface. Title pages and cover sheets are unnecessary. Pages should be numbered, stapled together, and spell-checked. Papers are due by the date and time on the syllabus; late papers will be penalized one grade (i.e.: A to B) for each day late. (Note: The University's Honor Code obliges you to cite the source of any idea that is not 1xbet best casino website own. Otherwise, you have plagiarized. If you do plagiarize, you will fail this course.)

You will also write four response papers (2 pages in length) in response to our readings or viewings. Response papers are designed to prepare you for class discussion and to explore ideas you could develop further in 1xbet best casino website longer papers. In 1xbet best casino website response paper, you should not repeat previous class discussions or provide a mere summary of our assigned texts. Instead, 1xbet best casino website response should begin to analyze the text or texts assigned for that class session, responding to the assigned prompt or selecting an issue or theme or question you feel to be significant. I recommend that you select a word, phrase, or short quotation to initiate 1xbet best casino website response. (See the sample response distributed on the first day of class as an example.)

Everyone 1xbet best casino website write a response paper for our first reading assignment from Chernow’s biography (Alexander Hamilton 1-309), for 1776, and for our 1xbet best casino website of Hamilton on stage; for the fourth response paper, 1xbet best casino website may choose from the remaining assigned texts on the syllabus. Response papers are due at the start of class on the day we begin our discussion of the texts. Responses will be graded on a 1-5 scale: 5=A, 4=B, 3=C, 2=D, 1=F. I do not accept late response papers.

Multi-Media Project: You will choose one of four possible multi-media projects to complete during the semester. 1xbet best casino website multi-media project can be submitted on any class day but must be turned in no later than Tuesday April 24. Additional information will be distributed the second week of class, but here are brief descriptions:
Professional Development: During the semester, you will complete three tasks (e.g., participate in a career development workshop/activity, conduct an information interview, and complete a task selected in consultation with me) to help you translate 1xbet best casino website work in English to professional contexts and explore professional options.
Project Presentations: Our last evening of class, 1xbet best casino website will share the results of Paper #2 in person with others in a poster-style format. Papers that receive high marks (B or higher) will also become entries for an online resource for all to read.

1xbet best casino website and video resources: Along with some required viewing (see the "DVD/online" items listed under "Required Texts") and required online reading, I will refer 1xbet best casino website to resources available online or on video to complement our readings and discussions. Links within the online "Schedule of Classes" will take 1xbet best casino website to related online resources. I will add and update these resources as the semester progresses; if 1xbet best casino website locate a site or page which 1xbet best casino website find valuable, please let me know, and I'll consider adding it to the existing links.
Email: I highly recommend email as a way of touching base with me about 1xbet best casino website work for the class -- a kind of virtual office hours. You can send me queries about reading or writing assignments, 1xbet best casino website thesis statement for an essay, or anything else that could be handled with a quick exchange of messages. I check my email throughout the day, but please remember that I am not perpetually online.

Conferences: I want you to succeed in this course, and I am happy to meet with you about 1xbet best casino website work and 1xbet best casino website progress. I encourage you to see me before papers are due, or if you have questions about material we discuss in class. Please feel free to stop by during office hours (M, W 9:00-10:00 a.m.), or contact me by phone or email to arrange a more convenient time to meet.

1xbet best casino website : If 1xbet best casino website have any condition such as a physical or learning disability that will make it difficult for 1xbet best casino website to carry out the work as I have outlined it or which will require academic accommodations, please notify me in the first two days of the course. Any student with a disability who needs a classroom accommodation, access to technology, assistance during an emergency evacuation, or other assistance in this course should contact the Student Access Center (formerly Disability Support Services) and/or me. The SAC serves students with a wide range of disabilities including, but not limited to, physical disabilities, sensory impairments, learning disabilities, attention deficit disorder, depression, and anxiety.

1xbet best casino website Honesty: Kansas State University has an Honor System based on personal integrity, which is presumed to be sufficient assurance that, in academic matters, one’s work is performed honestly and without unauthorized assistance. Undergraduate and graduate 1xbet best casino website , by registration, acknowledge the jurisdiction of the Honor System. The policies and procedures of the Honor System apply to all full and part-time 1xbet best casino website enrolled in undergraduate and graduate courses on-campus, off-campus, and via distance learning. The honor system website can be reached <http://www.k-state.edu/1xbet best casino website /. A component vital to the Honor System is the inclusion of the Honor Pledge which applies to all assignments, examinations, or other course work undertaken by students. The Honor Pledge is implied, whether or not it is stated: "On my honor, as a student, I have neither given nor received unauthorized aid on this academic work." If you have any questions about 1xbet best casino website work in relation to the Honor System, please ask.

Expectations for 1xbet best casino website Conduct: All student activities in the University, including this course, are governed by the Student Judicial Conduct Code as outlined in the Student Governing Association By Laws, Article VI, Section 3, number 2. Students who engage in behavior that disrupts the learning environment may be asked to leave the 1xbet best casino website .

Conceal 1xbet best casino website Statement: In this class, students 1xbet best casino website be asked on a regular basis to participate in activities (i.e., engaging in group work) that may require students to either be separated from their bags or be prepared to keep their bags with them at all times during such activities. Students are encouraged to take the online weapons policy education module <http://www.k-state.edu/police/weapons/index.html to ensure they understand the requirements related to concealed carry.
The shorter paper (Paper #1) will count for 10%, the longer paper (Paper #2) will count for 20%, and 1xbet best casino website presentation of Paper #2 (for others, in person and online) and its revision will count for 10%. Response papers will count for 20% of 1xbet best casino website final grade; the multi-media project will count for 10% of 1xbet best casino website final grade. Class participation (20%) and 1xbet best casino website work on professional development (10%) complete the requirements.

Schedule of 1xbet best casino website (Subject to change.)

1xbet best casino website : All assigned reading 1xbet best casino website be completed by the date listed.
[CP] = 1xbet best casino website Pack, via K-State Online. [H] = Hamilton: The Revolution. [W] = web.

1xbet best casino website Impressions and Motivating Desires
January 16 Hamilton (1xbet best casino website ) (2015); Lin-Manuel Miranda, libretto for Hamilton [H]; video capture of Acts 1 and 2 of Hamilton [W]

Biography, Historiography, and Adapation

Chernow, Alexander Hamilton (1-309); Hutcheon, 1xbet best casino website A Theory of Adaptation (ix-xii, 1-32, 120-28) [CP]
Response 1xbet best casino website #1 Due (2 pages) on Chernow


Chernow, Alexander Hamilton (310-738); "Introduction" (10-11), Chapter I (14-15), Chapter III (32-33), Chapter VII (58-59), Chapter XIII (107-109), Chapter XIX (164-7), Chapter XXX (263-265), Chapter XXXI (270-71) [H]
1xbet best casino website #1
Introduction of assignments for 1xbet best casino website #1 and 1xbet best casino website #2

Musical Theater: Conventions and Reinventions

February 6 Broadway: The American Musical: Episode 1 "Give My Regards to Broadway (1893-1927)" and Episode 5 "Tradition (1957-1975)" [W]. Optional: Episode 6 "Putting 1xbet best casino website Together (1980-2004)" [W].
Selected 1xbet best casino website on the musical form [CP]
Chapter II (20-22), Chapter V (46-7), Chapter X (88-90), Chapter XII (102-3),Chapter XX (172-5), Chapter XXI (180-5), Chapter XXIV (214-17) [H]
13 Styne, Sondheim, and Laurents, Gypsy (1959) [CP] and in performance with Imelda Staunton (2015), available via Amazon Video
1xbet best casino website #2
Selection of paper topic for Paper #2 from list provided (bring 3-4 topics to 1xbet best casino website )
20 Edwards and Stone, 1776: A Musical Play (1969) and in performance, directed by Peter Hunt (1972), available via Amazon Video
Response 1xbet best casino website #2 Due (2 pages) on 1776
27 West Side Story (1957, 1961), available via Amazon Video, and In the Heights (2008) soundtrack, available via iTunes, Spotify, and more.
In the Heights: Chasing Broadway Dreams [W: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6]
1xbet best casino website #3 & 1xbet best casino website #4
March F 2 1xbet best casino website #1 Due (4 pages) M.L.A. documentation format.
6 Hamilton's music and orchestration
Selected 1xbet best casino website on hip-hop and rap by Neal, Chang, Bradley, and Bartlett [CP]; selected recordings 1xbet best casino website artists including DMX, Grandmaster Flash and the Furious Five, Mobb Deep, The Notorious B.I.G., Busta Rhymes, Big Pun, Jay Z, Pharrell, Ja Rule, and Kendrick Lamar.
Review "My Shot," "The Story of Tonight," "Ten Duel Commandments," "What'd I Miss?," "Cabinet Battle #1," and "Cabinet Battle #2" in performance and with Miranda1xbet best casino website annotations; Chapter V (46-7), Chapter VI (52-55), Chapter VIII (68-9), Chapter IX (78-9), Chapter XI (94-5), Chapter XII (196-8), Chapter XXV (222-3) [H]
13 Hamilton&1xbet best casino website ;s set design, lighting, costuming, and choreography
Selected readings and videos 1xbet best casino website the stage production [CP].
Review "Alexander Hamilton," "My Shot," "Satisfied," "Yorktown," "Dear Theodosia," "Room Where 1xbet best casino website Happens," "Hurricane," and "Burn" in performance and with Miranda's annotations; Chapter IV (38-41), Chapter XIV (112-17), Chapter XVI (132-36), Chapter XXVI (225-28) [H]
1xbet best casino website #5
Response 1xbet best casino website #3 Due (2 pages) on staging Hamilton
20 Spring Break

"Who Lives, Who Dies, Who Tells 1xbet best casino website Story": Responses to Hamilton


Selected readings 1xbet best casino website Hamilton's representation of history: Schuessler, 1xbet best casino website the NYT; Kelly, Freeman, Schocket, Carp, and Isenberg, 1xbet best casino website the Journal of the 1xbet best casino website Republic [CP]
1xbet best casino website #6
Writing Workshop I for Paper #2: Complete initial research for the person, place, or cultural reference for Paper #2; bring to 1xbet best casino website , in hard-copy, draft thesis claim and “Works Cited.”

April 3 Selected readings 1xbet best casino website Hamilton's representations of gender, race, and ethnicity [CP]; Chapter XXIII (205-8), Chapter XXV (222-3), "The Slavery Debate" (212) [H]; deleted songs [W]
1xbet best casino website #7

Selected readings 1xbet best casino website Hamilton's impact on education and young audiences [CP]; Chapter XVIII (156-60) [H]
Writing Workshop II for Paper #2: Prepare draft of Paper #2 and “Works Cited,” and bring two hard-copies to 1xbet best casino website .


Selected readings 1xbet best casino website Hamilton's impact on Broadway and musical theater; Chapter XVII (148-50), Chapter XXVII (240-44) [H]

F 20

1xbet best casino website #2 due (5 pages) to my mailbox in ECS 119 in hard-copy and to my email inbox as a Word attachment by 5:00pm.

24 Selected readings 1xbet best casino website Hamilton's impact on politics, popular culture, and fandom [CP]; Chapter XXIX (256-7); Epilogue (384-5) [H]
Hamilton1xbet best casino website America [W]
1xbet best casino website 1

Project presentations

8 Revision of 1xbet best casino website #2 due (5 pages) to my mailbox in ECS 119 in hard-copy and to my email inbox as a Word attachment by 8:00 p.m. Professional development tasks due by to my mailbox in ECS 119 in hard-copy by 8:00 p.m.
